Stochastic Expression of the Interferon-β Gene (original) (raw)

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Figure 7

Endogenous variation in the concentrations of components of the RIG-I signaling pathway.

(A and B) Protein distributions in untreated primary MEFs determined by flow cytometry. a.u., arbitrary units. (C) Mouse ISG15 gene expression in MEFs 6 h after IFNβ treatment, detected by ISH using a digoxigenin-labeled ISG15 probe. (D) A model depicting stochastic IFN gene expression. There is a population of ten cells with varying numbers of limiting factors in each cell. Each small, colored circle represents one of the limiting factors, and six limiting factors are shown. Short black lines represent viral inducer. Only two cells in the population have enough of the viral inducer and all six factors to trigger transcription of the IFNβ gene. Iso-Ctrl, isotype control.

Figure 7
