Efficiency, Selectivity, and Robustness of Nucleocytoplasmic Transport (original) (raw)

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Figure 2

Transport through the NPC Is Modeled as Diffusion in an Energy Landscape

The NPC channel is represented by a potential well U(x), shown in black. The complexes enter the NPC at x = R at an average rate J. A fraction of the entrance flux, JM, goes through to the nucleus. The rest return to the cytoplasm at an average rate, J0. The exit of the complexes from the channel into the nucleus occurs either due to thermal activation, with the rate JL, or by activated release by RanGTP, with the rate Je. Steady state particle density inside the channel, ρ(x), is shown in blue. It differs from what would be expected from equilibrium statistical mechanics as the complexes do not accumulate at the minimum of the potential but rather their density decreases toward the exit.

Figure 2

doi: https://doi.org/10.1371/journal.pcbi.0030125.g002