Allosteric Transitions of Supramolecular Systems Explored by Network Models: Application to Chaperonin GroEL (original) (raw)

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Figure 7

The cis ring inter-subunit interactions during the transition T→R″, based on the intact GroEL structure calculation.

(A) Intersubunit interface near the intermediate domains (green) of two adjacent subunits in the cis ring. The backbones are shown in cartoon view and colored by domains: A (orange), I (green), and E (blue). Backbone atoms of three charged residues are shown by spheres. Positively and negatively charged residues are colored blue and red, respectively. (B) The inter-subunit hydrogen bond, E386-R197, in the T state of the cis ring (1GR5). (C) During the transition to state R″/R, residue E386 in the I domain moves towards K80 (blue sphere) in the E domain of the adjacent subunit, while R197 on the A domain moves away from E386. (D) The final configuration in the R″ state of the cis ring, represented by 1GRU. Residue E386 now forms a new hydrogen bond with K80.

Figure 7
