Sensing Membrane Stresses by Protein Insertions (original) (raw)

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Figure 6

Treatment of experimental data on binding of ArfGAP1 ALPS motifs to liposomes of different sizes.

(A) The relative binding constant was numerically computed as a function of the liposome radius for laterally coupled monolayers bent by the action of an externally applied torque, and plotted as a function of the liposome radius R for the insertion cross-sectional radius , the insertion depth , and three different insertion lengths (, solid line; , dashed line; and , dotted line). (B) The same quantities as in (A) for a long insertion embedded to three different depths (, solid line; , dashed line; and , dotted line). (C) The optimal insertion length, L, as a function of the insertion embedding depth, d, that best fits the experimental results presented in Table 1 for both ArfGAP1 ALPS1 (red line) and ALPS2 (blue line). The shaded regions represent the range of ALPS lengths estimated for each motif based on structural data.

Figure 6
