Adaptation to High Ethanol Reveals Complex Evolutionary Pathways (original) (raw)

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Fig 7

Adaptive pathways are involved in cell cycle, DNA repair and protoporphyrinogen metabolism.

Shown is the sub-network that prioritizes putative adaptive mutations by applying PheNetic on all selected mutations, excluding those originating from the populations with a mutator phenotype i.e. reactor 2 and 6. The nodes in the network correspond to genes and/or their associated gene products. Node borders are colored according to the reactors containing the populations in which these genes were mutated. Nodes are colored according to gene function, for each gene the most enriched term is visualized (grey indicates no enrichment). Cell cycle related processes have been subdivided into DNA replication and interphase. The edge colors indicate different interaction types. Orange lines represent metabolic interactions, green lines represent protein-protein interactions, red lines represent protein-DNA interactions. Sub-networks extracted by separately analyzing the mutated genes observed in each of the different populations (reactors) are shown in S8S13 Figs.

Fig 7
