LINE-1 Hypomethylation in Cancer Is Highly Variable and Inversely Correlated with Microsatellite Instability (original) (raw)
Figure 3
Methylated CpG Island Amplication (MCA)/CpG island microarray for repetitive DNA sequences. A) Relative abundance of hypermethylated and hypomethylated repeats for each CIMP/MSI group. A higher number of hypermethylated compared to hypomethylated repeats was observed for the CIMP+/MSI+group, and a gradual change in representation of hypermethylated and hypomethylated repeats was seen for the CIMP+/MSI-and CIMP-/MSI-groups, resulting in an overrepresentation of hypomethylated repeats in microsatellite stable groups. B) Validation of microarray results for LINE repeats. Note that CIMP/MSI groups with higher demethylation, as determined by bisulfite-pyrosequencing of LINE-1, presented also a higher number of hypomethylated LINE repeats by microarray analysis, as represented by a lower hyper/hypomethylation ratio. C) Unsupervised hierarchical clustering was applied to methylation data from a set of 770 repetitive DNA sequences across sixteen colorectal tumors paired with their normal appearing mucosa DNA. The colorectal tumors dendrogram is shown, and the sample ID for each case is included in the right. The terminal branches are color coded to represent the CIMP/MSI status of the tumor sample (red, CIMP+/MSI+; blue, CIMP+/MSI-; green, CIMP-/MSI-). Overall, samples of the same CIMP/MSI group clustered together, reinforcing the different methylation fate for repetitive DNA sequences methylation in each group. LINE, long interspersed nuclear elements; SINE, short interspersed nuclear elements, LTR, long terminal repeats; DNA repeats; Satellite repeats.