In Vitro Analysis of Integrated Global High-Resolution DNA Methylation Profiling with Genomic Imbalance and Gene Expression in Osteosarcoma (original) (raw)

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Figure 8

Validation of array-CGH abnormality calls by metaphase FISH.

A: the copy number abnormality calls identified by array-CGH analysis are shown on the left side of the chromosome 8 ideogram (850-band resolution) for each cell lines. The log2 ratios of a-CGH enrichment detected by genomic segmentation algorithm are represented by a spectrum from green (−3) to red (+3). Arrows indicate the chromosomal localization of the FISH probes. Metaphases from MG-63 (B), and U-2 OS (C), were co-hybridized with the following probes: chromosome 8 centromere (pale blue), RP11-440N18 (8q24.21) (red) and RP11-349C2 (8q24.3) (green).

Figure 8
