PINP: A New Method of Tagging Neuronal Populations for Identification during In Vivo Electrophysiological Recording (original) (raw)

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Figure 3

Viral mediated retrograde labeling of neurons projecting to the primary auditory cortex.

(A) To tag neurons based on projection pattern, HSV1 expressing ChR2-YFP was injected into the right auditory cortex. Ten days later, coronal brain sections were made to assess infected cells (green); sections were counterstained with red fluorescent Nissl substance to stain neurons. (B) Coronal section showing the site of injection (asterisk) and ipsilateral secondary auditory cortex (above left box). Staining can also be seen in the auditory thalamus (middle box) and contralateral auditory cortex (right box). Retrogradely labeled areas include: (C) nearby ipsilateral secondary auditory cortex; (D) ipsilateral medial geniculate (auditory) thalamus; (E) neurons in layers 3 and 5 of the contralateral primary auditory cortex; (F) motor cortex; (G) somatosensory cortex; (H) visual cortex.

Figure 3
