Blockade of TRPM7 Channel Activity and Cell Death by Inhibitors of 5-Lipoxygenase (original) (raw)

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Figure 2

The effects of 5-LOX inhibitors on TRPM7 channel activity.

Application of the 5-LOX inhibitors AA861 (A), MK886 (C), and NDGA (E) to 293-TRPM7 expressing cells decreased the heterologously expressed TRPM7 current amplitude over time (+100 mV). Representative traces showing the TRPM7 current-voltage relationship before and after application of AA861 (B), MK886 (D), and NDGA (F). In contrast, the 5-LOX inhibitor, zileuton, did not alter the TRPM7 current amplitude over time (G) or its current-voltage relationship (H). The above experiments were performed a minimum of 10 times with similar results.

Figure 2
