Independent Origins of Cultivated Coconut (Cocos nucifera L.) in the Old World Tropics (original) (raw)

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Figure 2

Geographical distributions of Indo-Atlantic and Pacific coconut subpopulations.

Subpopulation designations correspond to assignments at Q≥80% membership in Structure analyses at K = 5. ‘I’ and ‘P’ prefixes in the legend indicate ‘Indo-Atlantic’ and ‘Pacific’ population assignments at K = 2 assumed populations (≥80% membership; see Fig. 1). Lines indicate proposed coconut dispersal routes by humans. Pie chart labels correspond to the following countries (ISO abbreviations) and sample sizes: A = IND, LKA, SEY (114); B = BEN, CIV, CMR, GHA (29); C = JAM, MEX (Atlantic) (13); D = BRA (72); E = KEN, MOZ, TZA (116); F = MAD, COM (65); G = Dwarf (54); H = CHN, KHM, MYS, THD, VNM (66); I = IDN (25); J = PHL (46); K = PAN (105); L = MEX (Pacific) (43); M = PNG (141); N = KIT, MHL, TUV (43); O = NCL, SLB, VUT (360); P = COK, FJI, PYF (30). Inset: subpopulation compositions for Madagascar, Comoros, and Seychelles. Pie chart composition is selected to reflect geographical population structure and does not correspond directly to GPC/CIRAD designations in Table 1.

Figure 2
