SNOSite: Exploiting Maximal Dependence Decomposition to Identify Cysteine S-Nitrosylation with Substrate Site Specificity (original) (raw)
Figure 5
The top twenty physicochemical properties of S-nitrosylation sites ranked by the average value of F-score measurement in 21-mer window.
KRIW710101, side chain interaction parameter [48]; OOBM850105, optimized side chain interaction parameter [49]; FINA910104, helix termination parameter at position j+1 [50]; FAUJ880111, positive charge [51]; GUYH850104, apparent partition energies calculated from Janin index [52]; KIDA850101, hydrophobicity-related index [53]; GUYH850101, partition energy [52]; JANJ780101, average accessible surface area [54]; ROSM880102, side chain hydropathy [55]; CHOC760102, residue accessible surface area in folded protein [56]; FASG890101, hydrophobicity index [57]; RACS820103, average relative fractional occurrence in AL(i) [58]; KARP850103, flexibility parameter for two rigid neighbors [59]; OOBM770101, average non-bonded energy per atom [60]; LEVM760101, hydrophobic parameter [61]; MEIH800102, average reduced distance for side chain [62]; GUYH850105, apparent partition energies calculated from Chothia index [52]; KRIW790102, fraction of site occupied by water [63]; PUNT030101, knowledge-based membrane-propensity scale from 1D_Helix in MPtopo databases [64]; WEBA780101, RF value in high salt chromatography [65].