TrpA1 Regulates Thermal Nociception in Drosophila (original) (raw)

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Figure 1

Development of an avoidance assay to noxious heat in adult Drosophila.

(A) Temperature-response profiles to identify acutely noxious temperatures for adult Drosophila. Experimental setup is depicted (left panel) and mean dose-response values are presented (right panel). (B) painless mutants (pain1) are impaired at avoiding noxious temperatures above 42°C compared to wild-type Canton S controls . wild type (Canton S) and pain1 avoidance responses are presented. Data are presented as mean +/− SEM. * P<0.05, ** P<0.01 by Student's t test. Data are presented as mean +/− SEM. (**C**) Time course of high temperature (46°C) thermal avoidance responses for 3 common _Drosophila_ laboratory strains reveals robust avoidance responses in all strains tested. In all indicated experiments, n>20 progeny per group. (D) Schematic for high-throughput heat nociception using adult Drosophila. The final setup used for assaying heat nociception in Drosophila is depicted. Flies are placed into the experimental chamber and the chamber sealed with scotch tape. Flies are rested for at least 30 minutes in the dark, and the chambers then floated on a 46°C water bath for 4 minutes. Immobilized flies are counted as “incapacitated”. Moreover, total fly numbers are recorded to calculate the values for percent avoidance.

Figure 1
