Protein 3D Structure Computed from Evolutionary Sequence Variation (original) (raw)

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Figure 4

Accuracy of blinded 3D structure inference.

A. The overall performance of the de novo structure prediction reported here based on contacts inferred from evolutionary information (EICs), ranges from good to excellent for the 15 test proteins (on left: 3D structure type [α = α-helix-containing, β = β-strand-containing, 7tm-α = containing seven trans-membrane helices]; in parentheses: size of protein domain/number of residues used for Cα-RMSD error calculation; on bar: Uniprot database ID). Larger bars mean better performance, i.e., lower Cα-RMSD co-ordinate error. Left: performance for the top ranked structure for each target protein out of 400–560 (depending on the size of the protein, 20 structures per NC bin, NC in steps of 10, details in Appendix A3 and A6) candidate structures in blind prediction mode; right: performance of the best structure, in hindsight, out of 20 candidate structures generated, for 20 sets of constraints ranging from 10∶200, in steps of 10. This reflects what would be achievable with better ranking criteria or independent post-prediction validation of structure quality (Table 1; details of blind ranking scores in Web Appendix A5). Other well-accepted methods for error assessment, such as GDT-TS and TM score are useful for comparison purposes (Table S1, Web Appendix A6). B. Ranking score of each candidate structure (quantifying expected structure quality) versus Cα-RMSD error. Ideally, higher-ranking scores correspond to lower error. The distribution of the candidate structures (black dots) for Elav4, Ras and Trypsin shows, in retrospect, that the ranking criteria used here are relatively useful and help in anticipating which structures are likely to be best (plots for all tested proteins in Figure S5). In blind prediction mode, a list of predicted candidate 3D structure has to be ranked by objective and automated criteria, with a single top ranked structure or a set of top ranked structures nominated as preferred predictions.

Figure 4
