Disease-Toxicant Interactions in Manganese Exposed Huntington Disease Mice: Early Changes in Striatal Neuron Morphology and Dopamine Metabolism (original) (raw)
Figure 1
Striatal Mn elevated in both genotypes at 13 but only in WT at week 16.
A) Mn exposure paradigm. 12 week-old WT and YAC128 mice were exposed to MnCl2-4H2O (50 mg/kg s.c.) or vehicle (filled arrow) on days 0, 3, 6, and were sacrificed (open arrow) on experimental day 7 (13 weeks) or day 28 (16 weeks) for striatal Golgi impregnation or neurochemistry analysis. B) Striatal Mn levels, measured by ICP-MS, at week 13 (n = 7) are significantly higher in Mn exposed mice compared to their vehicle controls at week 13. There is a genotype×exposure interaction whereby significantly less Mn accumulated in the YAC128-Mn exposed group compared to WT-Mn exposed mice. C) At week 16 (n = 5), Mn levels dropped, but a exposure effect still remains with Mn levels significantly higher in WT mice. Average striatal Mn concentrations +/− SEM. Significant results of post-hoc t-tests: **p<0.01, ##p<0.005 and ***p<0.001.