Microvesicles Derived from Mesenchymal Stem Cells Enhance Survival in a Lethal Model of Acute Kidney Injury (original) (raw)
Figure 4
Renal cell apoptosis and proliferation in cisplatin-AKI mice untreated or treated with different regiments of MVs.
A) Quantification of Tunel-positive cells/high power field (hpf) at different time points. Data are expressed as mean ±SD of 8 different mice for each experimental condition. ANOVA with Dunnet’s multicomparison test was performed: * p<0.05 siMVs or miMVs vs CIS; ** p<0.05 miMVs vs siMVs. Representative micrographs of Tunel staining of renal sections of cisplatin mice given vehicle alone (day 4) and of cisplatin mice treated with different regiments of MVs at different time points (4, 14 and 21 days). Original magnification: ×400. B) Quantification of PCNA positive cells/hpf and of BrdU positive cells/hpf at different time points. BrdU was injected intraperitoneally for 2 successive days before mice being killed. Data are expressed as mean ±SD of 8 different mice for each experimental condition. ANOVA with Dunnet’s multicomparison test was performed: * p<0.05 siMVs versus CIS. Abbreviations: Ctrl = healthy mice; CIS = cisplatin treated mice injected with vehicle alone; MV = cisplatin treated mice with single injection of MVs.