Classical Macrophage Activation Up-Regulates Several Matrix Metalloproteinases through Mitogen Activated Protein Kinases and Nuclear Factor-κB (original) (raw)

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Figure 5

Activation of PI-3K and effects of LY294002.

M-CSF differentiated macrophages derived from unselected human CD16+/− monocytes (M0) were pre-treated for 45 min with 10 µM LY294002 and then some were classically activated with for 45 minutes LPS and IFNγ. (A) PI-3-kinase activity as phospho-AKT with and without LY294002 measured by western blotting. Values normalised to total AKT are means ± SD * p<0.05 compared to without inhibitor. (B) Steady-state mRNA levels of MMPs and other genes were measured after 18 hours of no stimulation (M0 conditions). (C) Steady-state mRNA levels of MMPs and other genes were measured after 18 hours of stimulation with LPS and IFNγ (M1 conditions). Panels B and C values are log weighted means and 95% confidence intervals * p<0.05 compared to without inhibitor (n = 7).

Figure 5
