Neuropeptide Y Is Produced by Adipose Tissue Macrophages and Regulates Obesity-Induced Inflammation (original) (raw)

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Figure 7

Lack of NPY expression in hematopoietic cells increases M1 ATMs with diet-induced obesity.

Donor marrow from S129 wildtype and S129 Npy−/− mice were transplanted into lethally irradiated wild-type S129 mice. After reconstitution, both groups were placed on ND or HFD chow for 8 weeks (N = 5 in WT donor groups, N = 4 in KO donor groups). (A) Body Weight and (B) EWAT weight assessed at the end of the diet exposure. (C) Flow cytometry quantitation of ATMs (F4/80, CD11b) expressed as number for total per EWAT fat pad (D) ATM as percent of leukocytes in EWAT by flow cytometry. (E) Flow cytometry quantitation of F4/80+ CD11b+CD11c+ ATMs (M1) and F4/80+ CD11b+CD11c+ MHCII+ ATMs. (F) Npy expression in EWAT of BM chimeras by RT-PCR. (G) Tnfa EWAT gene expression by RT-PCR. (H) Fasting insulin levels from serum after 6 hour fast. *p<0.05, groups compared by two-way ANOVA and signficance values shown by individual t-tests.

Figure 7
