Network Class Superposition Analyses (original) (raw)

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Figure 1

Point Attractor Distribution Correlations.

This plot compares the distribution of point attractor number as calculated based on versus sampled. Each point, with base-10 logarithmic scales, is , the calculated probability () of some number () of point attractors based on from a particular dynamic , and , the sampled frequency () of that number of point attractors in networks that support ; or, succinctly: . The plot shows that the -based distribution is tightly correlated with the sample down to about the level, and then skews low. The plot is annotated with other information: both axes include rug plots to indicate point density, red horizontal lines indicating the 1 to 25 counts out the sample size (the region with visible notable “lines” of sample data), a blue 1-to-1 line for exact correlation, and dashed grey lines indicating the 20%, median, and 80% slices in the spread.

Figure 1
