Dietary Levels of Pure Flavonoids Improve Spatial Memory Performance and Increase Hippocampal Brain-Derived Neurotrophic Factor (original) (raw)

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Figure 3

Effects of blueberry supplementation in BDNF mRNA levels in the hippocampus and cortex.

A) Dentate Gyrus (DG) (white bars) and Polymorphic Cell Layer (PCL) (grey bars) of the hippocampus, B) Cortex, C) CA1 D) CA3. Representative pictures of hippocampal and cortical sections showing BDNF mRNA expression from 1 animal from the control (C) group, one from the BB group (BB), one from the Anthocyanins group (A) and one from the Flavanols group (F) are presented. * Indicates a significant increase in BDNF mRNA levels in the anthocyanins group in comparison to control in DG, PCL, CA1 and CA3, P<0.05. No significant differences between the four diet groups were observed in the cerebral cortex. Optical density levels are shown as mean ± SEM derived from at least 6 animals per group. Representative Rnase treated sections are presented for each hippocampal region. The scale presented represents 100 µm.

Figure 3
