Single Nucleotide Polymorphisms of Human STING Can Affect Innate Immune Response to Cyclic Dinucleotides (original) (raw)

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Figure 2

Phylogeny of hSTING haplotypes in human populations.

A possible evolutionary history of the 12 major human STING haplotypes (ht-1 to ht-12) was inferred by the minimum evolution model implemented in MEGA5 with default settings [45]. Input sequences were the haplotype-specific nucleotides in the 76 SNP positions observed in the STING gene. The SNP positions are labeled above branches and numbered relative to the gene sequence and locations. In the latter, “I” denotes location in intron and “u” for the 5’UTR. SNPs in coding regions are labeled in the conventional “reference residue/amino acid position/alternative residue” style. Tree leaves are labeled according to the encoded protein isoforms as in Figure 1B.

Figure 2
