CXCL12 Chemokine Expression Suppresses Human Pancreatic Cancer Growth and Metastasis (original) (raw)
Figure 10
Autocrine CXCL12 delayed primary Autocrine CXCL12 delayed primary tumor growth and increased survival in an in vivo orthotopic pancreatic cancer model.
(A) Kaplan-Meier survival curves for GFP- and CXCL12-expressing cell groups. Three experimental CXCL12 PDAC injected mice were removed for non-study reasons (tick marks). (B) Percent change in bioluminescence from baseline-level measured at day 7 for both GFP and CXCL12 engrafted mice. Dotted lines represent individual mice. Solid lines are quadratic regression fitted curves of each group. Statistical comparison was done between both groups independent of time. (C–D) Representative bioluminescence images of mice from each groupat days 7, 49, and endpoint for GFP (98) or CXCL12 (106). (E) Tumor wet weight was significantly reduced in CXCL12-expressing tumors relative GFP-tumors. Representative photomicrographs are shown in lower panels. (F) CXCL12-producing tumors had significantly fewer Ki-67 positive cells compared to GFP-expressing tumors, as counted in a cross-section of each tumor normalized to the total cross-sectional area of each tumor. (G) Representative images of Ki-67immunostaining and rabbit isotype control (inset, Rab IgG) are shown.n = 8–10. (**) and (***) denote _P_≤0.01 and _P_≤0.001 respectively, between CXCL12-expressing and control xenografted mice.