Cheek tooth morphology and ancient mitochondrial DNA of late Pleistocene horses from the western interior of North America: Implications for the taxonomy of North American Late Pleistocene Equus (original) (raw)
Fig 9
Plot of the first two Canonical Variates resulting from CVA of 50 landmark coordinates of the double knot (metaconid-linguaflexid-metastylid complex) of the lower premolars (p3/p4).
Shown on the margins of the graph is the change in shape along each corresponding axis. The groups included in the analysis are: 1) large specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cl); 2) medium specimens from Cedral (Cm) as well as all teeth from San Josecito Cave (J), Mexico; 3) small specimens from Cedral, Mexico (Cs); 4) large specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “l” beside the specimen symbol; refer to Fig 1 for locality names); 5) medium specimens from different localities of the American Southwest (identified by a lower case “m” beside the specimen symbol; refer to Fig 1 for locality names); 6) small specimens from Villa Ahumada (Vs) and Highway 45 (Gs), Chihuahua, Mexico; 7) medium specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (N); 8) large specimens from Natural Trap Cave, Wyoming (Nl); 9) large specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (E) and Wally’s Beach (W), Alberta; 10) medium specimens from the Edmonton area gravel pits (Em), Alberta; and 11) all of the specimens digitized from Bluefish Caves, Yukon (B). A lower case “a” beside the specimen symbol indicates a tooth that yielded aDNA (these include EQ1 from Dry Cave, New Mexico, EQ4 from the Edmonton area gravel pits, EQ13 as well as EQ22 from Natural Trap Cave, EQ43 from Wally’s Beach, and EQ39, EQ48, and EQ50 from Bluefish Caves). An asterisk (*) beside the specimen symbol denotes a tooth associated (i.e., it belongs to the same individual) with a specimen from which aDNA was obtained (including teeth associated with EQ42, EQ51, and EQ53 from Bluefish Caves). Table B in S2 File lists all of the specimens included in this analysis.