SARS-CoV Pathogenesis Is Regulated by a STAT1 Dependent but a Type I, II and III Interferon Receptor Independent Mechanism (original) (raw)

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Figure 4

Protein and gene expression analysis of cytokines.

A–D. A cytometric bead array was used to quantify the protein levels of cytokines in lung homogenates after infection with the Urbani virus. Lung samples were homogenized and protein levels of (A) TNFα, (B) IFNγ, (C) MCP1 and (D) IL6 were quantified. E–F. Real-time PCR analysis was performed on RNA from infected mouse lungs. Mice were harvested at days 2, 5 and 9 post-infection and lung RNA isolated by Trizol. cDNA was made from 1ug of RNA of each and used in real-time analysis and the results for 3 mice per group were combined. Fold increase over mock-infected lungs of each cytokine is graphed for (E) TNFα, (F) IFNγ, (G) MCP1 and (H) IL6.

Figure 4
