PB1-F2 Proteins from H5N1 and 20th Century Pandemic Influenza Viruses Cause Immunopathology (original) (raw)
Figure 6
PB1-F2 derived peptides cause inflammation and lung pathology.
Groups of mice were exposed to a panel of peptides (100 mM final concentration, see Figure 1 for definitions) and euthanized 72 hours later. Lungs were removed, sufflated, sectioned, and stained with hematoxylin and eosin for histopathologic evaluation. Representative 40× sections are shown from mice exposed to peptides derived from the PB1-F2 protein of A) PR8, B) H1N1 1918, C) H2N2 1957, D) H5N1 2004, E) H3N2 1995, or F) no peptide control.