Exclusion in (?) the Discourse. Discursive Exclusion and the Latest Sociological Research on Discourses (original) (raw)





social exclusion, discursive exclusion, discourse analysis, discourse analysis "after structuralism", dispositif analysis, sociology of knowledge approach to discourse analysis


Social exclusion has become a key concept in European social sciences in the last decade. However, the concept has evoked several important criticisms which have cast doubts on its usefulness. The aim of this article is to present discursive exclusion as a conceptualisation of exclusion which can withstand the theoretical demands of sociological-analytical notions. Also, the text offers methodological advice for empirical research on the processes of exclusion. I will present three emerging research perspectives: discourse analysis "after structuralism," dispositif analysis, and sociology of knowledge approaches to discourse analysis. I explore their specific potential for sociologically understanding of social exclusion. I will show that each of these perspectives puts foreword particular aspects while losing sight of others. I will discuss the possibilities of combining these approaches.

URN: http://nbn-resolving.de/urn:nbn:de:0114-fqs1302199


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Author Biography

Benno Herzog, Universidad de Valencia

Dr. Benno HERZOG ist Dozent für soziologische Theorie und Methoden der qualitativen Sozialforschung an der Universität Valencia (Spanien) und Direktor des Bereichs Sozialforschung der UISYS (Unidad de Información e Investigación Social y Sanitaria). Seine Arbeitsschwerpunkte sind: Migration & Rassismus, Diskursanalyse & Diskurstheorie und kritische Theorie & Theorien der Anerkennung.

How to Cite

Herzog, B. (2013). Exclusion in (?) the Discourse. Discursive Exclusion and the Latest Sociological Research on Discourses. Forum Qualitative Sozialforschung Forum: Qualitative Social Research, 14(2). https://doi.org/10.17169/fqs-14.2.1910



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