Exercise overload (original) (raw)

October 8th, 2010

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10:58 pm - Exercise overloadUmm.So, those of you who know me well remember that I'm not sporty at _all_. I've generally been very sedentary, aside from the cross country skiing in Winter in Norway, and some cycling before I moved to Sydney (i.e. 6 years ago).It should therefore really surprise you to find that my exercise going forward is looking to be:Cycling to and from work daily (6.5km each way)Basketball on Tuesday lunchSoccer on Thursday lunch40 minute weights workout Monday, Wednesday and Friday lunchI've also committed to trying Capoeira again, and am going to end up doing something like a 30km cycle with anthropic_mind every couple of weeks.On the one hand, it's great that this company supports employees exercising so well (they actually contribute towards either a gym membership or private health insurance), and that the city's so well built for cycling.On the other hand, WTF is going on with me? And is it good? I have no idea. I may not be able to keep up the bball and soccer, my knees are likely to fuck up if I try.Also, I tried my first deadlift and bench press today. They were pretty good, but scary. Seems like with bad technique I could really injure myself if I end up doing much more weight, as compared to the weight machines I usually use, which are pretty hard to screw up I think.If anyone's interested, I was doing: 70kg deadlift, 40kg bench press. Also chinups, but I can only do 2 without assistance (I do weigh 92kg or so though, I either need to get a LOT stronger or lose a bit of weight).nadz0r knows the allure of sweet fucking guns. These are coming along nicely. Which is hilarious.Tags: me

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[User Picture] From:unicorn_29 Date:October 8th, 2010 06:00 pm (UTC) (Link)

That is really cool to be working for a company that encourages excercise!

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[User Picture] From:dorukai Date:October 8th, 2010 10:51 pm (UTC) (Link)

Yes! I was super impressed.

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[User Picture] From:nadz0r Date:October 9th, 2010 01:07 am (UTC) (Link)

WOOT! Even though you forgot the 0 in my name :) PSFG is my favourite project and i can't wait to boost up the project with summer coming. it makes such a difference when your company is onboard - my company gives us subsidised health insurance (like 80amonthformegacover,9080 a month for mega cover, 90% coverage of extras! 80amonthformegacover,90700 worth of extras! $300 optical!) and also pays for half our fees/uniforms for any sports teams.

OMG BASKETBALL!!! the king of sports! warm up, take heaps of fish oil and see a physio if you start hurting a bit to get the right exercises etc. there are some days when my joints feel a million years old though...but hot damn I love bball.

free weights will give you so much more benefits than using machines. stick at it and get someone to help on technique so you don't throw your whole back out! :)

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[User Picture] From:dorukai Date:October 9th, 2010 01:24 am (UTC) (Link)

*grumbles* Fixed :P

Wow, I thought MY company was committed, though I guess they also spend money on other stuff, games allowance, loads of free food at work (free bacon on Mondays, woo).

I loved basketball when I used to play, but fuck it was hell on my knees. Will see how I go.

I'm getting ample benefit from machines, though having to stabilise the free weights is an interesting additional bit of work. I'm going to try it out a bit more and see if I prefer it.

Man, I am hurting today! Worked my back pretty hard, I haven't felt this sort in ages.

But, my biceps are huuuge. Win.

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[User Picture] From:nadz0r Date:October 9th, 2010 08:42 am (UTC) (Link)

So jealous of guys, you guys put on muscle so much easier than girls. Not to say I have massive gunz but I work damn hard to put on the little muscle I do have. However, I'm going to start dropping my reps, watching my diet and now with a new range of cardio, I reckon I will be a-ok!

isn't it sad that joints are so vulnerable? i hate it when it's cold and everything just aches. ever since I did my ankle at bball, it's been hard getting confident on it again but I am working on it.

when i first moved to sydney, i did no sport except for going out. i am not sure how i lived that way now. sounds like you are well on your way to setting up a good pattern for life though!

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[User Picture] From:dorukai Date:October 10th, 2010 05:27 am (UTC) (Link)

I've gone from being reasonably strong and fit enough for cycling or cross country skiing, but pretty flabby, to having really prominent biceps and tremendously muscular thighs and calves in the space of 3 months.

I've never had obvious muscles before (except thighs, from cycling), so this is an enormous novelty for me. Heehee.

My back hurts today, but in kind of a good way - i.e. stretching sore muscles tooootally blisses me out these days. Mm.

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