drag_kings - Profile (original) (raw)

on 6 March 2002 (#487691)

What is drag_kings?
A LiveJournal community for all gender-bending fruits in suits and their perving lurking fans.

How do I join this community? How do I post to the community? Help!
drag_kings is an open community, which means any LJ user can join and post. Please note that posts and comments may be removed without notice (see guidelines below).

Click here, to join (you must be logged in). For more detailed support (how to post to the community, etc), check out the LiveJournal Community FAQ.

Okay, I've joined... what can I talk about?
If it is related to drag kings - anything! We like introductory posts... tell us what you like/dislike/how long you've been shoving socks down your trousers, etc. Feel free to share your drag photos, experiences, poetry/prose, events/gigs, advice, and whatever else you feel is relevant.

Is this a ratings community?
No, but we love to see your drag photos, and give feedback and tips where possible :)


• As a courtesy to people on slower connections (and/or at work), please use the tag for multiple or large images/video.

• This is a community, not your personal LJ - it would be appreciated if you could keep your posts on-topic.

• Shameless plugging of drag king websites (personal/commerical/etc) is encouraged.

• Unless related to drag kings (ie. animal activist communities are not considered relevant, equality and gender issue communities are), please advertise your communities in community_promo.

• Inappropriate posts will be deleted without notice, rude comments will also be deleted and the user will be banned.

Useful Links:

Related LJ communities
MadKats - an excellent site featuring many photos & links, and useful information


$3 Bill (Vancouver, BC, Canada) Alexander Dagrate (MI, USA) All The Kings Men (Boston, MA, USA) Ashton Kane (MI, USA)

Chameleons Southwest Florida's Premier Drag King and Kitten Troupe (FL, USA)

The Chicago Kings (Chicago, IL, USA) Christian Terrian (Boston, MA, USA)

DC Kings (Washington, DC, USA)

Devlin Side (Boston, MA, USA) Diesel Do Me Charm City Boy and DC King (Baltimore, MD, USA) DKP (Philadelphia, PA, USA) Drag King Rebellion (Lansing, MI, USA) Drag King Vancouver (Vancouver, BC, Canada) The Drama Kings (Fort Lauderdale, FL, USA) DX PDX (Portland, OR, USA) Jeff DeMac DramaKing (Miami, FL, USA) Jerusalem Drag Kings (Israel) The JVille Kings (Jacksonville, FL, USA)

Kalib Sage (MI, USA)

Kings 'N Things (Austin, TX, USA)

The Lost Boys (Flint, MI, USA)

Miltown Kings (Milwaukee, WI, USA)

Kings of Vancouver (Vancouver, BC, Canada)

King Victoria (Melbourne, VIC, Australia)

Michael Christian (MI, USA)

New Orleans Carnival Kings (New Orleans, LA, USA)

Royal Renegades of Columbus Ohio (Columbus, OH, USA) The Royal Renegades of Philadelphia & NYC (PA & NY, USA)

Sexy Galexy (Sydney, NSW, Australia)

Toronto Drag (Toronto, ON, Canada) The Transformers (Oakland, CA, USA) U.B. Mackin's Castle (San Francisco, CA, USA)

» More links as you submit them!

If you have any queries/complaints/suggestions, please contact one of the maintainers.

8008135, androgynes, androgyny, appearance, asexuality, bi-curious, bisexuality, bois, boys, butch, butches, cheekbones, clubs, communities, cross-dressers, cross-dressing, diversity, drag, drag kings, drag queens, drag shows, dykes, equal rights, equality, exhibitionism, expression, f2m, facial hair, faghags, fags, females, femininity, femme, femmes, ftm, gay, gay pride, gay rights, gays, gender, gender bending, gender blending, gender equality, gender fucking, gender identity, gender neutral, gender outlaws, gender queers, gender studies, gender switch, gender terrorism, gender theory, girls, girls in ties, glbt, grrls, heterosexuality, homosexuality, hormones, identity, intersexuality, lesbian, lesbians, m2f, males, mardi gras, masculinity, men, mtf, music, nongendered, omnisexual, pansexual, pansexuality, performance, performing, perving, polygendered, pride, pubs, queer, queer rights, rock, separatism, sex, sexual identity, sexual orientation, sexuality, stories, suits, ties, transexuals, transgender, transgendered, transsexual, transsexuality, transsexuals, transvestites, ungendered, women