Dream_Journal (original) (raw)
Tue, Feb. 26th, 2013, 10:29 am
grayunderneath: The first touch
The car was full of people, we were on a road trip to some where. Frankie and her boyfriend cuddling in the back. I was riding shotgun in the front seat with two guys. I was leaning against the door, laughing. The sun began to set, and the festive mood changed to a restful feeling. I set back in the set and slowly let my head fall to the shoulder of the burly guy next to me. He slid his hand to my leg, and slowly began rubbing. The electricity flowed down from where my head rested on his shoulder all the way down to where his fingers caressed my leg. My thighs were on fire and my heart pounded. Ahhhh the first touch.
When I woke from this dream of course I was quite excited. What kept running through my head was that wonderful feeling when in my life I have touched a lover for the first time. That electric shock, that intense heat, that connetion like no other. I've been with my man for 5 years now, and our sex life is damn good but oh how I long to feel a first touch.
Sat, May. 26th, 2012, 11:00 am
grayunderneath: Just a whisper
The city was in ruins, and all that was standing were concrete towers. Dull living spaces that served a purpose. People went about their lives, trying to cope, but numb after war. Most kept to themselves, most were kind but not all. Still there were a few who preyed on other, because people would disappear and never return. Mostly young women, but a few men were missing. I decided to make it my goal to find out where they were going.
I spent a lot of time in the markets, and other common areas. I spent hours just watching people. Finally one afternoon, I witnessed a very handsome man great a woman. What ever he told her made her upset, but she got up and went with him any way. I followed to a close by tower home. Once I made it into the lobby they were gone. I didn't bother searching, becasuse there were too many floors and too many doors. So I just sat in the corner of the lobby. He finally emerged from the elevator, but I didn't follow I just kept my place. After dark he came back and went for the elevator. I gave him time to make it to his home and then I road the elevator up to floor 32. I walked through the long hallway, listening, I could hear crying and muffled screams at door 321. I stood there, waiting and the door opened and two men reached out and grabbed me. Each had a hold of a hand. They pushed me to my knees then each took a razor blade and sliced deep the tender skin of my arms and I began to bleed. I looked up at them, unafraid because I knew this was the path to follow so I could stop them from taking anyone else.
I dont remember being in pain and I dont remember dying. The next thing I remember is following one of the men in a dark hallway. I leaned in and whispered in his ear, "I'm still here." He jerked around to empty space then began running out the door. I followed him, easily gliding behind, right into the elevator. Once inside the lights flickered, and time stood still for him and again I whipsered, "I'm still here." Once the doors opened the ran out into the street in panic. I stopped and went back to room 321.
I found remains of a few dead. It was a sad scene and I began to cry. I cried because I knew they had been deceived, and died in great pain. Of all the deaths, at least I knew mine wasn't in vain. I gladly gave up my life so I could stop these evil men. I planned on whispering to them until they couldn't stand it any more. I would drive them mad until they commited suicide or killed each other. I didn't intend to reveal to the public who these men were, or where they did their dirty deeds. But what I would do for possible victims is speak softly in their ears, to scare them away, for as long as it took.
Fri, Apr. 20th, 2012, 04:22 pm
grayunderneath: Flying Lessons
It was such an effort on my part, and she seemed so ungrateful, she wasn't even trying. When they came to me and asked me to teach her, I thought it was a strange request, how could i teach someone to fly. No one ever taught me, and I had bruises to show. Besides why would I want to teach someone like her? Long ratty hair always in her face, mental instablility, and self absorbed attitude- that was her.
We began down on the dirt road, I closed my eyes, put my hand on her shoulder, and passed on energies. I began to rise, but she just stood there. I took her up in the rolling green hills, and still nothing happened. I explained to her the elation that must rise up inside to lift the body.
The outcome, well nothing worked. Maybe I'm to blame, or not. I don't think she was ready for such freedom, she was scaired. And until she is ready, no one can help.
I thought the powers that be would confront me, but I think this was not only a test for her, but for me.
The young lady in this dream is a client I work with.(it is always strange when I dream about clients) And often I hear her speak of wanting more, and I try and help her with her desires, goals, etc...to no avail. But this dream reminds that flying in dreams, or life, is such freedom and I should take more time with her so she can grow her wings. Sometime I become jaded and if dreams can help soften my heart than so be it.
Sun, Apr. 1st, 2012, 06:59 pm
devioustrouble: A bit of a strange dream...
I was taking a nap today and had a dream that it didn't get dark/nighttime until one am. It seemed to alarm me, but everyone else in my dream was all this is normal and ordered me to stop freaking out about it. I assume this dream might make some sense if I lived in an area such as Alaska where there's daylight during the PM hours during parts of the year, but I don't.
Thu, Apr. 21st, 2011, 06:44 pm
devious_trouble: Weird Dream is... Weird
So I had this dream last night that my left eye lost its pupil. Yep. It sort of faded out in a spiral like manner and the end part frayed out like a ribbon as it went, hurt like hell too I can actually remember the pain. Similar to a migraine, which maybe I had while I was asleep but when I woke up straight from the dream there wasn’t any pain at all…
But anyways back to the rest of the dream.
The crazy thing was I could still see out of my left eye perfectly, no issue with that was so ever and I was freaking out saying I need to go to the hospital but I kept getting told to just wait and see what happens since I could still see. Also randomly a guy friend of mine was in the dream and he really didn’t do anything but he’s also never been in my dreams before until this one.
Anyhow after an hour my pupil came back just sort of materializing back to normal and I woke up.
Anyone who wants to take a stab at this weirdness feel free because I have no clue what it means if anything, it could’ve just been a drug induced dream since I took a prescription pain killer before bed because my legs hurt like hell.
Mon, Mar. 14th, 2011, 09:30 pm
seraficradiance: Dreams - Hipster rant
I had an anti anti-hipster PSA dream this morning. It was surprising well-produced, I didn't think it was a dream until I woke up and realized it was impossible for that to exist anywhere but a dream. It was so well acted and lit and the script wasn't in my voice at all. It opened in a class room with a bunch of young people gathered around a table on which some clothing was scattered. There was a black guy and short [some ethnicity] girl that seemed to be the stars of the commercial and they told two girls to come up stand before the group. Then asked the group, "which one looks more like a hipster to you?" The group's answer was split and the short female host said "What, no [girl A] is totally what I think of when I think hipster." Then two more people stepped up and were asked to "choose the hipster item" (kinda like a hipster dali lama choosing the right toy from a past life) and this time the black guy was the one who said "What, I think [the other one] is totally what hipster's like.
Then all the kids stood together and basically said, "Don't let people tell you not to 'follow the group' and be a hipster because they themselves are just following a different group and being dicks to everyone who isn't like them. It's OK to follow a group, since everyone follows some group, just don't follow a group that acts like a bunch of assholes."
This dream was def spawned of my hatred of the current over and MIS-use of the word "hipster." The things that originally went into the defition were all traits that would be found in the definition of the word "douchebag" maybe 2-4 years ago. Then it got put into the word hipsterm which was one problem. But then a whole host of unrelated shit started to get added to the definition and now its just a word, basically 4chan and everyone who think they aren't a hipster uses for things they don't like.
For example, there was, apparently, a huge anti-Scott Pilgrim the movie, movement around here because it was "a hispster movie." My friends Josh and his GF Dayna said the same thing to me, and I was never so shocked and surprisd by something these wine-tasting event going, country club scouting, living-off their parents' money, YUPPIES ever said. Because since when, I wondered, did a movie about do-nothing college aged kids who are in a band become hipster? When did silly white boys in a band in their parent's house living move from being shitty garage bands to being "wannabe indie?" This amazing, entertaining, true to its audience (immature young adults, and gamers of many ages, and action movie fans) movie was pushed aside because some asshole on 4chan decided that anyone wearing skinny jeans and messy hair was a hipster, and a bunch of other assholes agreed.
The second dream I remember was me calling Sajeeb, from my room. My in-dream script let me know that this was something I'd done this alot, called him to talk about life like we did in SBU. the camera showed him in his place and he was taking a shower and he said "do you wanna come in here?" and so I literally went through the phone and ended up on the other end, in his bathroom with him. The shower was actually mine from my apt upstairs, the one with blue tiles. Umm then we had shower sex. I remember I made sure to dream the paint of penetration. Then I woke up for work, late.
This dream took the script from an event that happened a few weeks ago, when I visited Sajeeb in chicago. I was crashing because it was raining ICE and i couldnt get back to where i was staying by bus. I was prepping to sleep on the couch when he said "you can sleep here if you want", referring to in his bed with him. I watched enough coming of age gay films to let the fantasy run in my head that we'd end up cuddling or spooning or something. In fact I couldn't sleep much that night and just stared at him as he slept wondering when would be a good time to try and put my arm around him.
Thu, Dec. 9th, 2010, 10:55 am
So I can't remember the beginning of this dream, but I remember the middle and last.
Apparently I've got two guys who are in love with me and I'm going to marry one of them, but this one is never in the dream. The other guy is a vampire and we happen to run into each other outside this store in my town, we talk and he asks me to marry him and I say yes and we kiss (why is it dream kisses feel so damned real to me?). The dream shifts to some point later at night and I'm with my Mom and two other people and I suddenly have this revelation that I'm supposed to be getting married today BUT I'm suposed to be getting married to both of them... somehow. I end up freaking out and not knowing what to do basically and then I wake up.
Yeah, weird dream is weird.
Sat, Sep. 11th, 2010, 06:53 am
grayunderneath: Will I succeed
Just because I made a mistake and stepped into another place, another world, I was drawn there by a spirit that has come to me in my dreams for years, and because of that others were drawn in also, against their will, or should I say, tricked. Tricked and now trapped, with me to blame. A group of about 20 people, one being my best friend, my man. The darkness of the place, changes people, not only their looks, but their lifes essence. He is withdrawn, confused and desperate and his appearance is just wrong, and everytime i look at him I feel guilt. Room to room we all go, trying to find a way out or at least a haven, but the long corridor only leads us to unsafe, undesirable places, and the hunters get closer and closer. I go ahead, step into a room when the screaming begins, we are caught. I climb upon the top of what looks to be an old gypsy wagon, trying to hide, but it does no good. Everyone is captured, and the way of transporting them is the damn wagon that I'm hiding on. Two hunters come to me, they are gruesome creatures, with little understanding. They bind my hands behind my back, but the rope just falls away. They try again, but the rope wont stay tied. They try and lay hands on me but something protects me so they jump down of the wagon. I sit up, lean over and see many of my people inside the wagon but also see some tired to the outside. I jump down, looking for one person, the person that i love. He is tied to the back. I pull of a cloth that is covering his head, and reach to pull the gag out of his mouth. He resists first, then realizes it is me. Next to him is a red head woman and they are both soaking wet. They put up a fight and this is what it got them. I look at my man and say, "I will get us out of here." He leans towards the woman and says, I want her safe first. I realize that he is no longer mine, and I will do the best to fulfill his wish.
The wagon moves on, I return to sitting on top. We pass people, some crying out, some in silence. This world is dark and stinks and yet I know we have not made it to the worst place, the final destination. What will I say, what will I plead when we get there? I don't know. I think of the ropes that would not stay bound on my wrist and I reach out my spirit to that protector for guidance and then I wait, as we ride on and on.
Sat, Sep. 11th, 2010, 06:19 am
grayunderneath: Agrika made herself known
For years she has been coming to me in a my sleep- caressing my skin, probing my thoughts, loving me, and living off of me in her way. Never could i pin point if the experience was real- or if she was just a extension of one of my dreams. But last night that all changed, last night Agrika let me into her world, just on the other side of my bed room wall.
Almost asleep, I was laying on the edge of bed, when she arrived. A touch on my cheek, something stirring there in the dark but then my cat jumped on the bed, my cat who lives outside, my cat who also sinced her presence. Agrika pulled away, back into the shadows, but things weren't over. I could feel more of her than ever and my spirit jumped up, stood at the door and called her name, "Agrika, Agrika, i know you can here me, show yourself", I said, and she did. The wall bedhind my bed moved back, as if shrinking and a she stood there, and I went to her. Brown, thick, untamed hair, fair skin, and layers of flowing material to cover her small frame, but as soon as i got close enough I realized all that was hiding her true self. I could'nt see what was underneath, I could feel it and it made me sick at my stomach, yet still I was drawn to her.
I followed her around room to room, a maze of hallways connected them. I cant really remember what or who was in the rooms, because Agrika had a hold of my mind. I lusted after only her, and I longed for her touch, on my face, on lips, between my legs and she desired the same from me.
Time came and she sent me back to my own world. I cried and she cried but she let me know that this wouldn't be the last time she let me in.
Mon, Aug. 30th, 2010, 08:07 pm
my shoes are worn out, I don't have much energy left
i've been running and hiding for how long I dont know
today I'm in a cinder block building- painted walls, vacant- or so i think
I slow to look around then i step in broken glass and that brings them
i hide behind an old couch, they come in and i step on glass again, they know i'm near
their rotting, inhuman bodies sit down, as if to taunt me, waiting for me to make a move.
through the door in a rush come humans and I jump up to meet them- we grab a huge bar
and crush the "turned" into the couch
...."have you thought this through?", he ask, "what if they have turned?"
"I dont know or care if they have turned I have to go for them, go find my children, and my grandbabies.", i say. I will figure out what to do if and when I find them.
"how do you plan on getting out?" he ask. "you have to wait till night, no matter what", he says.
Time is of essence- something inside of me tells me so. Time to fly to those who need me