dresdeneffect - Profile (original) (raw)
on 5 May 2010 (#27445961)
A private Dresden Files/Mass Effect Musebox
We've moved!
You can now find The Dresden Effect at Dreamwidth.org under the username "dresdeneffect".
16th century showtunes, advice, ancient grimoires, ashley williams, biotics, bioware, blowing up collectors, blowing up geth, bob the skull, cerberus, commander shepard, consulting, ebenezar mccoy, electronic arts, finding lost items, foo dogs, garrus vakarian, grunt, guns, jack/subject zero, jacob taylor, jim butcher, kaiden alenko, kasumi goto, legion, liara t'soni, mass effect, mass effect 2, miranda lawson, mordin solus, mouse, normandy sr-1, normandy sr-2, paranormal investigations, perverted skulls, quarians, reapers, samara, spaceships, special tactics and reconnaissance, spectres, systems alliance, tali, tali'zorah vas neema, technology, thane krios, the blackstaff, the citadel council, the dresden files, the illusive man, the migrant fleet, the white council, torfan, urdnot wrex, west highlands dogasaurus-es, zaeed masani
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