Saša Veljković | University of Belgrade, Faculty of Economics (original) (raw)
Papers by Saša Veljković
Marketing, 2021
The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of eco... more The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of economic entities as an integral part of society and a catalyst for positive changes. Researchers mainly focus their attention on large companies and sectors that significantly impact the local community and society. In that sense, this article addresses the Serbian banking sector. The authors analyzed the corporate social responsibility activities of 24 banks and their reporting practices. The analysis included a study of the content of publicly available documents and reports and news published on banks' websites and Facebook profiles. In addition, the authors explored stakeholders' perceptions of socially responsible banking activities. A survey of 30 banks stakeholder representatives showed: what are the critical issues in local communities; what are the respondents' attitudes about banks and the way they operate in Serbia; to what extent have stakeholders noticed the social...
Marketing, 2021
The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers... more The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers' awareness on this matter is still understudied. Aiming to bridge this gap, we conducted ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in a period of 12 months. The sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socio-economic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes toward labels in ge...
Marketing, 2017
Napomena: Rad je prezentovan na naučnoj konferenciji "Izazovi i problemi savremenog marketinga" o... more Napomena: Rad je prezentovan na naučnoj konferenciji "Izazovi i problemi savremenog marketinga" održanoj na Zlatiboru od 17. do 19. novembra 2017. godine i publikovan u zborniku radova čiji je izdavač časopis Marketing.
Ekonomski anali, 2016
The aims of this study are to determine which variables are common as brand management practices,... more The aims of this study are to determine which variables are common as brand management practices, how these variables affect a company?s business performance, and whether there are statistically significant differences between companies in the sample in terms of individual elements of the Brand Management Practice (BMP) model. The research took place in Serbia, and comprised 118 managers and specialists involved in marketing and brand management. After validating the proposed BMP model, we found a link between certain variables of the model and companies? business performance. There are statistically significant differences between companies in terms of individual elements of brand management practice, and we identify three clusters: brand-guided companies, emerging brand companies, and brand-agnostic companies. They differ from each other in terms of: brand-oriented approach, innovativeness, brand support activities, unique marketing offers, marketing channel relationships, brand p...
Ekonomika preduzeca, 2015
U radu se diskutuju pretpostavke uspešnog poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija u Srbiji i Crnoj G... more U radu se diskutuju pretpostavke uspešnog poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, u uslovima slabljenja njihove pozicije u kanalima marketinga i relativno slabe kupovne moći potrošača. Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja su utvrđivanje međuzavisnosti brend menadžmenta i razvoja partnerskih odnosa u kanalima marketinga i njihov uticaj na performanse brenda. U tu svrhu je konstruisan BCR model. Posebno je istražen uticaj odnosa u kanalima marketinga na uspešnost poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija. Istraživanje, koje je bilo osnova za analize prezentovane u ovom radu, sprovedeno je na uzorku od 121 menadžera u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. U radu je potvrđeno da tri nezavisne varijable BCR modela (posvećenost brend menadžmentu, odnosi u kanalima marketinga i brend miopija) imaju statistički značajan uticaj na performanse brenda. Takođe je dokazano da preduzeća koja su usvojila i implementirala partnerske odnose u kanalima marketinga na višem nivou od konkurencije, imaju bolje finansijske rezultate poslovanja. Implikacije za menadžere dobavljačkih i trgovinskih kompanija su posebno istaknute i diskutovane.
Notable business operations internationalization and changes in marketing channels have affected ... more Notable business operations internationalization and changes in marketing channels have affected the position of domestic suppliers and domestic brands. This is especially characteristic for the developing countries' markets, primarily with respect to consumer's goods markets, where, as a rule, marketing channels are more developed and brand is more prominent as a means of competitive advantage. Under competitive pressure, many companies have started to implement modern marketing approach in their business operations in order to adequately respond to the perceived tendencies. A research on suppliers' (producers and distributors) marketing practice was conducted using a sample of 93 companies focused on consumer goods market from Serbia and Montenegro. Marketing approach was observed from the aspect of the following dimensions: company's innovativeness, company's differentiation, brand positioning and protection, developing good relations in marketing channels, perceiving the price as the reflection of brand value, and balanced application of promotion instruments. The results showed that implementation of modern marketing practice leads to more successful business operations and better financial results. It was also determined that, depending on the origin of (the majority) company ownership, there is a statistically significant difference in implementation of modern marketing approach. Foreign companies more consistently implement modern marketing practice in business operations. With respect to differences in companies' market approach depending on the origin of the key brands no statistically significant differences were noted.
Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2015
The aim of this study is to examine consumers' perception of the products considering animal welf... more The aim of this study is to examine consumers' perception of the products considering animal welfare and to establish the factors which affect consumers' willingness to pay the premium price for the animal-friendly products. In addition, four consumers' profiles according to their attitudes towards farm animals' welfare are distinguished and their features are elaborated. The research has been undertaken in Belgrade, comprising 198 participants. The face-to-face interview technique has been adopted, while for the analysis of the results regression and cluster analyses have been performed. The findings suggest that food sector stakeholders should put more efforts in providing information and education to the consumers regarding the importance of animal welfare and that there is a significant market potential for the introduction of the label for animal-friendly products. The implications for policy makers are proposed and discussed too.
Industrija, 2015
The aim of the article was to find nexus between brand orientation and financial performance in c... more The aim of the article was to find nexus between brand orientation and financial performance in companies doing business in Serbia. We surveyed general managers, marketing managers, and brand managers in order to examine their views on the brand orientation dimensions of their companies. We matched the survey results with financial performance of those companies (EBITDA margin) in order to find linkages between these variables. We got expected results in the sense that strong brand orientation and weaker brand barriers lead to better financial performance. Overall brand orientation is significantly positively correlated with EBITDA margin, and brand barriers are significantly negatively correlated with that measure. We analysed the brand orientation and brand barriers between groups of companies classified according to their size, internationalization, origin of company ownership, origin of brand, specific business area of key brands and type of goods sold. Interestingly, there are undoubted differences in brand orientation and brand barriers only between foreign and domestic companies. These differences could be seen as one of the main reasons of differences between their EBITDA margins. Also, we saw some differences in brand orientation in case of companies with international brands in relation to companies with domestic brands, but those differences are fewer and smaller. We did not find any other statistically significant difference. The significance of the paper is in emphasizing that development of brand orientation of domestic companies could lead to improvement of their profitability and competitiveness.
Ekonomika preduzeca, 2014
Iako je koncept gejmifikacije potekao iz sfere digitalnih medija, svoju primenu je našao i u obla... more Iako je koncept gejmifikacije potekao iz sfere digitalnih medija, svoju primenu je našao i u oblasti menadžmenta destinacija. Ovaj koncept, iako se prvi put pojavio pre šest godina, privukao je pažnju ograničenog broja autora, ali nijednog iz oblasti destinacijskog marketinga i menadžmenta, što ovaj rad svrstava u kategoriju pionirskih. Suštinski bitno za implementaciju gejmifikacije je razumeti osnove, ključne elemente, glavne tehnike, kao i biti kreativan u prilagođavanju koncepta uslovima konkretne industrije. Gejmifikaciju je neophodno razlikovati od samog čina igranja igre, koja je u prirodi nestrukturirana i kreirana za zabavu i razonodu. Gejmifikacija je marketing alat koji se koristi za razvoj odnosa sa potrošačima u okviru netipičnog i dinamičkog okruženja same igre. Analizirana studija slučaja pokazuje na koji način se teorijski utvrđeni principi implementiraju u praksi u realnim situacijama.
Marketing, 2012
UDK 658.8, Pregledni rad * Rad je na engleskom jeziku objavljen i predstavljen na Međunarodnoj na... more UDK 658.8, Pregledni rad * Rad je na engleskom jeziku objavljen i predstavljen na Međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji "Contemporary issues in economics, business and management-EBM" na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Kragujevcu, decembra 2012. godine.
Marketing, 2013
Ponašanje potrošača je želja za zadovoljenjem određenih potreba i motiva. Potrebe predstavljaju s... more Ponašanje potrošača je želja za zadovoljenjem određenih potreba i motiva. Potrebe predstavljaju sve ono što izaziva fizičko i emocionalno nezadovoljstvo i stvara unutrašnju tenziju u osobi. One su praktično neograničene, a zadovoljavanje potreba putem raznih proizvoda i usluga je osnovni uslov ljudskog opstanka. Ukoliko su zasnovane na realnoj kupovnoj moći tada se potrebe javljaju kao tražnja za određenim proizvodima i uslugama. Krajnji ishod može biti kupovina određenog brenda, za koji je potrošač uveren da će na najbolji način da doprinese zadovoljenju njegovih konkretnih potreba (želja). 1 Preduzeća se trude da izabrani proizvod/usluga (brend) bude baš njihov. Pritom se služe širokom lepezom marketinških tehnika da dođu do potrošača i zadrže ga. Uprkos činjenici da veliki broj preduzeća etički pristupa biznisu, postoje i ona preduzeća koja pokušavaju da iskoriste neinformisanost potrošača, slabu konkurenciju, obmanjujuću propagandu i druge vidove ponašanja koji dovode do kršenja prava potrošača. Usvajanje marketinške filozofije poslovanja i povećanje konkurencije, kao napredak u odnosu na proizvodnu i prodajnu poslovnu koncepciju koji su dugi niz godina dominirale, donekle su uticale na poboljšanje položaja potrošača. Bez obzira na evolucije u poslovnoj filozofiji, potrošač se nalazi u fokusu istraživanja i interesovanja naučnika i praktičara i to već dugi niz godina. Tako se, prema dva autora (Valentine & Gordon, 2000 2), istorijski razvoj viđenja potrošača, može posmatrati kroz nekoliko stadijuma: • marginalizovani potrošač, • statistički potrošač, • tajnoviti potrošač, • sofisticirani potrošač, • potrošač satelit, • multiplikovani potrošač, i • potrošač kao osoba u potrazi za identitetom. * Rad je rađen u sklopu naučnih projekata broj 179062 i 179065, Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.
TEME, 2022
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ambience factors which affect children's consump... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the ambience factors which affect children's consumption of school meals, in order to provide policy makers and school canteen managers with practical recommendations on how to improve children's food intake in the future. The study was conducted in four schools in Belgrade, over a period of two weeks, adopting the techniques of in-field observation and content analysis. Overall, forty visits to school restaurants were performed and 205 pictures were gathered on those occasions. The results show that all three investigated aspects (i.e. kitchenscape, tablescape and platescape) affect children's food consumption, as well as their willingness to eat specific food items. The avenues of further research as regards this topic are also addressed.
Marketing, 2022
Savremena faza razvoja marketinga naglašava sve značajniju ulogu privrednih subjekata kao sastavn... more Savremena faza razvoja marketinga naglašava sve značajniju ulogu
privrednih subjekata kao sastavnog dela društva i katalizatora pozitivnih promena. Naročito se pažnja istraživača usmerava na velike kompanije, kao i na one iz sektora koji imaju veći uticaj na lokalnu zajednicu i društvo u celini. U tom smislu rad je fokusiran na bankarski sektor u Srbiji. Autori su analizirali aktivnosti banke na polju društvene odgovornosti i njihovu praksu izveštavanja o tome. Analiza je uključivala proučavanje sadržaja
javno dostupnih dokumenata i izveštaja, kao i vesti objavljenih na veb sajtovima i Fejsbuk profilima banaka. Osim toga, autori su istraživali percepciju stejkholdera o društveno odgovornim aktivnostima banaka. Intervjuisanje 30 predstavnika stejkholdera banaka, pokazalo je: koji su
ključni problemi u lokalnim zajednicama; kakvi su stavovi ispitanika o bankama i načinu na koji posluju u Srbiji; u kojoj meri su stejkholderi primetili aktivnosti društvenog marketinga poslovnih banaka; kakav
je stav stejkholdera po pitanju nagrađivanja banaka za društveno odgovorno ponašanje. Nakon prikaza i diskusije rezultata, date su ključne preporuke i pravci daljih istraživanja.
The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of economic entities as an integral part of society and a catalyst for positive changes. Researchers mainly focus their attention on large companies and sectors that significantly impact the local community and society. In that sense, this article addresses the Serbian banking sector. The authors analyzed the corporate social responsibility activities of 24 banks and their reporting practices. The analysis included a study of the content of publicly available documents and reports and news published on banks‘ websites and Facebook profiles. In addition, the authors explored stakeholders' perceptions of socially responsible banking activities. A survey of 30 banks stakeholder representatives showed: what are the critical issues in local communities; what are the respondents ‘attitudes about banks and the way they operate in Serbia; to what extent have stakeholders noticed the social marketing activities of commercial banks; what is the attitude of stakeholders regarding the issue of rewarding banks for socially responsible behavior. After reviewing and discussing the main findings, the authors provide key recommendations and possible directions for further research.
Journal of Rural Studies, 2022
While European consumers generally support the principles underpinning Food Quality Schemes (FQS)... more While European consumers generally support the principles underpinning Food Quality Schemes (FQS) sales of certified products remain modest. This phenomenon is known as 'attitude-behaviour gap' and considerable scholarly and policy efforts have been geared towards 'filling' or 'bridging' the gap. This study aims at casting new light on this 'discrepancy' between consumers' sayings and doings through a study of everyday food practices connected to FQS. We used a qualitative, multi-method research design comprising extensive ethnographic fieldwork data, gathered from 41 households across seven European countries, including interviews, walk-along tours, and food diaries, in order to understand consumers' perceptions of FQS in relation to their everyday food consumption practices. Building on convention theory and Thévenot's work, we showed that food practices can be understood through different 'regimes of engagement', namely different ways of thinking and behaving, following different logics corresponding to varying levels of knowledge and interest. We thus argue that the 'attitude-behaviour gap' should be reconceptualised as the coexistence of multiple regimes of engagement, namely a dynamic and always evolving process of adjustment through which consumers understand and engage with FQS in everyday food practices.
Marketing, 2021
Važnost tržišta organskih proizvoda stalno raste, ali njihova prepoznatljivost na domaćem tržištu... more Važnost tržišta organskih proizvoda stalno raste, ali njihova prepoznatljivost na domaćem tržištu još uvek nije dovoljno ispitanja. U cilju odgovora na ovo pitanje, sprovedeno je etnografsko istraživanje u periodu od 12 meseci u okviru 6 domaćinstava na 3 lokacije u Srbiji. Učesnici u uzorku bila su višečlana domaćinstva, koja su varirala po starosnoj, polnoj, geografskoj i socioekonomskoj strukturi. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala da je organska oznaka jedna od najčešće spominjanih reči u kontekstu oznaka hrane, kao i da se najčešće povezuje sa mlečnim, voćnim i mesnim proizvodima. Ispitanici su pokazali i visok stepen poverenja u organske oznake, što je analizirano korišćenjem NVivo softvera. U radu se diskutuje značaj postojanja svesti kod potrošača o označavanju organskih proizvoda i pozitivnih stavova
prema oznakama, kao i spremnosti da čitaju, veruju oznakama i plate višu cenu u odnosu na konvencionalne prehrambene proizvode i daju preporuke korisne za menadžere marketinških komunikacija, kao i dalja istraživanja.
The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers’ awareness on this matter is still understudied. Aiming to bridge this gap, we conducted ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in a period of 12 months. The
sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socio-economic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned
words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes
toward labels in general, their readiness to read the labels, trust in labels and pay a higher prices when comparing with the conventional food products. Finally, we provide managerial implication of our findings and recommendations for further research.
Izazovi savremenog marketinga 2019, 2019
Abstract: Organic has been considered as being among the most well-recognized categories of label... more Abstract: Organic has been considered as being among the most well-recognized categories of labeled high-quality food products. Ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in Serbia has been conducted in a 12 months period. The sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes toward labels in general, their readiness to read the labels, trust in labels and pay a higher prices when comparing with the conventional food products. Finnaly, we provide managerial implication of our findings and recommendations for further research.
Apstrakt: Proizvodi organskog porekla pripadaju jednoj od najprepoznatljivijih kategorija prehrambenih proizvoda sa oznakom visokog kvaliteta. Etnografsko istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu od 12 meseci u okviru 6 domaćinstava na 3 lokacije u Srbiji. Učesnici u uzorku bila su višečlana domaćinstva, koja su varirala po starosnoj, polnoj, geografskoj i socio-ekonomskoj strukturi. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala da je organska oznaka jedna od najčešće spominjanih reči u kontekstu oznaka hrane, kao i da se najčešće povezuje sa mlečnim, voćnim i mesnim proizvodima. Ispitanici su pokazali i visok stepen poverenja u organske oznake, što je analizirano korišćenjem NVivo softvera. U radu se diskutuje značaj postojanja svesti kod potrošača o označavanju organskih proizvoda i pozitivnih stavova prema oznakama, kao i spremnosti da čitaju, veruju oznakama i plate višu cenu u odnosu na konvencionalne prehrambene proizvode i daju preporuke korisne za menadžere marketinških komunikacija, kao i dalja istraživanja. Ključne reči: organski proizvodi, oznaka, etnografsko istraživanje, percepcija i stavovi potrošača, marketinške komunikacije
Ekonomske ideje i praksa, 2011
Types of brands in modern business are a significant source of value for consumers. When creating... more Types of brands in modern business are a significant source of value for consumers. When creating value, apart from the importance of corporate and company brands, the importance of brand areas and destinations are increasingly emphasized (cities, regions, states). Destination brands in particular have a significant impact of value for
tourists, moreover, affecting their attraction. Understanding the process of branding, dimensions and elements of destination branding is important to define ways in which brands affect increase in value. The purpose of research is to bring light to destination branding as a source of value and explain the comprehensive processes involved.
Brendovi u savremenim uslovima poslovanja predstavljaju značajan izvor vrednosti za potrošače. U kreiranju vrednosti, pored značaja brendova preduzeća i kompanija, sve više se ističe i značaj brendova područja i destinacija (gradovi, regije, države). Brendovi destinacija posebno imaju značajan uticaj na vrednost za turiste i utiču na njihovo privlačenje. Razumevanje procesa brendiranja, dimenzija i elemenata brendova destinacija bitno je za definisanje načina na koje brendovi utiču na povećanje vrednosti. Cilj rada je da ukaže na osnovne izvore vrednosti brendova destinacija i objasni proces njihovog brendiranja, a posebno iz perspektive kreiranja vrednosti za turiste.
Marketing prehrambenih proizvoda, 2014
SAŽETAK U radu su prezentovani osnovni rezltati sprovedenog kvalitativnog i kvantitavnog istraživ... more SAŽETAK U radu su prezentovani osnovni rezltati sprovedenog kvalitativnog i kvantitavnog istraživanja percepcije i stavova potrošača prema oznaka-ma na prehrambenim proizvodima, posebno prema oznakama kojima se ističe poštovanje dobrobiti farmskih životinja. Ova vrsta oznaka pred-stavljena je u okviru grupe oznaka kojima se garantuje kvalitet proizvoda i činjenica da je on proizveden u skladu sa poštovanjem etičkih normi. Prema toj vrsti oznaka srpski potrošači imaju umereno pozitivne stavove. Kao najveći problem ističe se nedovoljno poverenje lokalnih potrošača u istinitost tvrdnji, kao i u instititucije koje bi mogle ili trebalo da se nađu u ulozi njihovog garanta. Ipak, generalno posmatrano, lokalni potrošači koriste oznake i smatraju ih korisnim u procesu odlučivanja o kupovini. Ključne reči: oznake, dobrobit životnja, stavovi potrošača, marketing prehrambenih proizvoda 1. Uvod: označavanje prehrambenih proizvoda Kao značajna tema označavanje prehrambenih proizvoda već nekoliko decenija zaokuplja pažnju stručne javnosti i to sa barem
Marketing, 2021
The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of eco... more The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of economic entities as an integral part of society and a catalyst for positive changes. Researchers mainly focus their attention on large companies and sectors that significantly impact the local community and society. In that sense, this article addresses the Serbian banking sector. The authors analyzed the corporate social responsibility activities of 24 banks and their reporting practices. The analysis included a study of the content of publicly available documents and reports and news published on banks' websites and Facebook profiles. In addition, the authors explored stakeholders' perceptions of socially responsible banking activities. A survey of 30 banks stakeholder representatives showed: what are the critical issues in local communities; what are the respondents' attitudes about banks and the way they operate in Serbia; to what extent have stakeholders noticed the social...
Marketing, 2021
The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers... more The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers' awareness on this matter is still understudied. Aiming to bridge this gap, we conducted ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in a period of 12 months. The sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socio-economic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes toward labels in ge...
Marketing, 2017
Napomena: Rad je prezentovan na naučnoj konferenciji "Izazovi i problemi savremenog marketinga" o... more Napomena: Rad je prezentovan na naučnoj konferenciji "Izazovi i problemi savremenog marketinga" održanoj na Zlatiboru od 17. do 19. novembra 2017. godine i publikovan u zborniku radova čiji je izdavač časopis Marketing.
Ekonomski anali, 2016
The aims of this study are to determine which variables are common as brand management practices,... more The aims of this study are to determine which variables are common as brand management practices, how these variables affect a company?s business performance, and whether there are statistically significant differences between companies in the sample in terms of individual elements of the Brand Management Practice (BMP) model. The research took place in Serbia, and comprised 118 managers and specialists involved in marketing and brand management. After validating the proposed BMP model, we found a link between certain variables of the model and companies? business performance. There are statistically significant differences between companies in terms of individual elements of brand management practice, and we identify three clusters: brand-guided companies, emerging brand companies, and brand-agnostic companies. They differ from each other in terms of: brand-oriented approach, innovativeness, brand support activities, unique marketing offers, marketing channel relationships, brand p...
Ekonomika preduzeca, 2015
U radu se diskutuju pretpostavke uspešnog poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija u Srbiji i Crnoj G... more U radu se diskutuju pretpostavke uspešnog poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori, u uslovima slabljenja njihove pozicije u kanalima marketinga i relativno slabe kupovne moći potrošača. Osnovni ciljevi istraživanja su utvrđivanje međuzavisnosti brend menadžmenta i razvoja partnerskih odnosa u kanalima marketinga i njihov uticaj na performanse brenda. U tu svrhu je konstruisan BCR model. Posebno je istražen uticaj odnosa u kanalima marketinga na uspešnost poslovanja dobavljačkih organizacija. Istraživanje, koje je bilo osnova za analize prezentovane u ovom radu, sprovedeno je na uzorku od 121 menadžera u Srbiji i Crnoj Gori. U radu je potvrđeno da tri nezavisne varijable BCR modela (posvećenost brend menadžmentu, odnosi u kanalima marketinga i brend miopija) imaju statistički značajan uticaj na performanse brenda. Takođe je dokazano da preduzeća koja su usvojila i implementirala partnerske odnose u kanalima marketinga na višem nivou od konkurencije, imaju bolje finansijske rezultate poslovanja. Implikacije za menadžere dobavljačkih i trgovinskih kompanija su posebno istaknute i diskutovane.
Notable business operations internationalization and changes in marketing channels have affected ... more Notable business operations internationalization and changes in marketing channels have affected the position of domestic suppliers and domestic brands. This is especially characteristic for the developing countries' markets, primarily with respect to consumer's goods markets, where, as a rule, marketing channels are more developed and brand is more prominent as a means of competitive advantage. Under competitive pressure, many companies have started to implement modern marketing approach in their business operations in order to adequately respond to the perceived tendencies. A research on suppliers' (producers and distributors) marketing practice was conducted using a sample of 93 companies focused on consumer goods market from Serbia and Montenegro. Marketing approach was observed from the aspect of the following dimensions: company's innovativeness, company's differentiation, brand positioning and protection, developing good relations in marketing channels, perceiving the price as the reflection of brand value, and balanced application of promotion instruments. The results showed that implementation of modern marketing practice leads to more successful business operations and better financial results. It was also determined that, depending on the origin of (the majority) company ownership, there is a statistically significant difference in implementation of modern marketing approach. Foreign companies more consistently implement modern marketing practice in business operations. With respect to differences in companies' market approach depending on the origin of the key brands no statistically significant differences were noted.
Ekonomika poljoprivrede, 2015
The aim of this study is to examine consumers' perception of the products considering animal welf... more The aim of this study is to examine consumers' perception of the products considering animal welfare and to establish the factors which affect consumers' willingness to pay the premium price for the animal-friendly products. In addition, four consumers' profiles according to their attitudes towards farm animals' welfare are distinguished and their features are elaborated. The research has been undertaken in Belgrade, comprising 198 participants. The face-to-face interview technique has been adopted, while for the analysis of the results regression and cluster analyses have been performed. The findings suggest that food sector stakeholders should put more efforts in providing information and education to the consumers regarding the importance of animal welfare and that there is a significant market potential for the introduction of the label for animal-friendly products. The implications for policy makers are proposed and discussed too.
Industrija, 2015
The aim of the article was to find nexus between brand orientation and financial performance in c... more The aim of the article was to find nexus between brand orientation and financial performance in companies doing business in Serbia. We surveyed general managers, marketing managers, and brand managers in order to examine their views on the brand orientation dimensions of their companies. We matched the survey results with financial performance of those companies (EBITDA margin) in order to find linkages between these variables. We got expected results in the sense that strong brand orientation and weaker brand barriers lead to better financial performance. Overall brand orientation is significantly positively correlated with EBITDA margin, and brand barriers are significantly negatively correlated with that measure. We analysed the brand orientation and brand barriers between groups of companies classified according to their size, internationalization, origin of company ownership, origin of brand, specific business area of key brands and type of goods sold. Interestingly, there are undoubted differences in brand orientation and brand barriers only between foreign and domestic companies. These differences could be seen as one of the main reasons of differences between their EBITDA margins. Also, we saw some differences in brand orientation in case of companies with international brands in relation to companies with domestic brands, but those differences are fewer and smaller. We did not find any other statistically significant difference. The significance of the paper is in emphasizing that development of brand orientation of domestic companies could lead to improvement of their profitability and competitiveness.
Ekonomika preduzeca, 2014
Iako je koncept gejmifikacije potekao iz sfere digitalnih medija, svoju primenu je našao i u obla... more Iako je koncept gejmifikacije potekao iz sfere digitalnih medija, svoju primenu je našao i u oblasti menadžmenta destinacija. Ovaj koncept, iako se prvi put pojavio pre šest godina, privukao je pažnju ograničenog broja autora, ali nijednog iz oblasti destinacijskog marketinga i menadžmenta, što ovaj rad svrstava u kategoriju pionirskih. Suštinski bitno za implementaciju gejmifikacije je razumeti osnove, ključne elemente, glavne tehnike, kao i biti kreativan u prilagođavanju koncepta uslovima konkretne industrije. Gejmifikaciju je neophodno razlikovati od samog čina igranja igre, koja je u prirodi nestrukturirana i kreirana za zabavu i razonodu. Gejmifikacija je marketing alat koji se koristi za razvoj odnosa sa potrošačima u okviru netipičnog i dinamičkog okruženja same igre. Analizirana studija slučaja pokazuje na koji način se teorijski utvrđeni principi implementiraju u praksi u realnim situacijama.
Marketing, 2012
UDK 658.8, Pregledni rad * Rad je na engleskom jeziku objavljen i predstavljen na Međunarodnoj na... more UDK 658.8, Pregledni rad * Rad je na engleskom jeziku objavljen i predstavljen na Međunarodnoj naučnoj konferenciji "Contemporary issues in economics, business and management-EBM" na Ekonomskom fakultetu u Kragujevcu, decembra 2012. godine.
Marketing, 2013
Ponašanje potrošača je želja za zadovoljenjem određenih potreba i motiva. Potrebe predstavljaju s... more Ponašanje potrošača je želja za zadovoljenjem određenih potreba i motiva. Potrebe predstavljaju sve ono što izaziva fizičko i emocionalno nezadovoljstvo i stvara unutrašnju tenziju u osobi. One su praktično neograničene, a zadovoljavanje potreba putem raznih proizvoda i usluga je osnovni uslov ljudskog opstanka. Ukoliko su zasnovane na realnoj kupovnoj moći tada se potrebe javljaju kao tražnja za određenim proizvodima i uslugama. Krajnji ishod može biti kupovina određenog brenda, za koji je potrošač uveren da će na najbolji način da doprinese zadovoljenju njegovih konkretnih potreba (želja). 1 Preduzeća se trude da izabrani proizvod/usluga (brend) bude baš njihov. Pritom se služe širokom lepezom marketinških tehnika da dođu do potrošača i zadrže ga. Uprkos činjenici da veliki broj preduzeća etički pristupa biznisu, postoje i ona preduzeća koja pokušavaju da iskoriste neinformisanost potrošača, slabu konkurenciju, obmanjujuću propagandu i druge vidove ponašanja koji dovode do kršenja prava potrošača. Usvajanje marketinške filozofije poslovanja i povećanje konkurencije, kao napredak u odnosu na proizvodnu i prodajnu poslovnu koncepciju koji su dugi niz godina dominirale, donekle su uticale na poboljšanje položaja potrošača. Bez obzira na evolucije u poslovnoj filozofiji, potrošač se nalazi u fokusu istraživanja i interesovanja naučnika i praktičara i to već dugi niz godina. Tako se, prema dva autora (Valentine & Gordon, 2000 2), istorijski razvoj viđenja potrošača, može posmatrati kroz nekoliko stadijuma: • marginalizovani potrošač, • statistički potrošač, • tajnoviti potrošač, • sofisticirani potrošač, • potrošač satelit, • multiplikovani potrošač, i • potrošač kao osoba u potrazi za identitetom. * Rad je rađen u sklopu naučnih projekata broj 179062 i 179065, Ministarstva prosvete, nauke i tehnološkog razvoja Republike Srbije.
TEME, 2022
The purpose of this study was to investigate the ambience factors which affect children's consump... more The purpose of this study was to investigate the ambience factors which affect children's consumption of school meals, in order to provide policy makers and school canteen managers with practical recommendations on how to improve children's food intake in the future. The study was conducted in four schools in Belgrade, over a period of two weeks, adopting the techniques of in-field observation and content analysis. Overall, forty visits to school restaurants were performed and 205 pictures were gathered on those occasions. The results show that all three investigated aspects (i.e. kitchenscape, tablescape and platescape) affect children's food consumption, as well as their willingness to eat specific food items. The avenues of further research as regards this topic are also addressed.
Marketing, 2022
Savremena faza razvoja marketinga naglašava sve značajniju ulogu privrednih subjekata kao sastavn... more Savremena faza razvoja marketinga naglašava sve značajniju ulogu
privrednih subjekata kao sastavnog dela društva i katalizatora pozitivnih promena. Naročito se pažnja istraživača usmerava na velike kompanije, kao i na one iz sektora koji imaju veći uticaj na lokalnu zajednicu i društvo u celini. U tom smislu rad je fokusiran na bankarski sektor u Srbiji. Autori su analizirali aktivnosti banke na polju društvene odgovornosti i njihovu praksu izveštavanja o tome. Analiza je uključivala proučavanje sadržaja
javno dostupnih dokumenata i izveštaja, kao i vesti objavljenih na veb sajtovima i Fejsbuk profilima banaka. Osim toga, autori su istraživali percepciju stejkholdera o društveno odgovornim aktivnostima banaka. Intervjuisanje 30 predstavnika stejkholdera banaka, pokazalo je: koji su
ključni problemi u lokalnim zajednicama; kakvi su stavovi ispitanika o bankama i načinu na koji posluju u Srbiji; u kojoj meri su stejkholderi primetili aktivnosti društvenog marketinga poslovnih banaka; kakav
je stav stejkholdera po pitanju nagrađivanja banaka za društveno odgovorno ponašanje. Nakon prikaza i diskusije rezultata, date su ključne preporuke i pravci daljih istraživanja.
The contemporary phase of marketing development emphasizes the increasingly important role of economic entities as an integral part of society and a catalyst for positive changes. Researchers mainly focus their attention on large companies and sectors that significantly impact the local community and society. In that sense, this article addresses the Serbian banking sector. The authors analyzed the corporate social responsibility activities of 24 banks and their reporting practices. The analysis included a study of the content of publicly available documents and reports and news published on banks‘ websites and Facebook profiles. In addition, the authors explored stakeholders' perceptions of socially responsible banking activities. A survey of 30 banks stakeholder representatives showed: what are the critical issues in local communities; what are the respondents ‘attitudes about banks and the way they operate in Serbia; to what extent have stakeholders noticed the social marketing activities of commercial banks; what is the attitude of stakeholders regarding the issue of rewarding banks for socially responsible behavior. After reviewing and discussing the main findings, the authors provide key recommendations and possible directions for further research.
Journal of Rural Studies, 2022
While European consumers generally support the principles underpinning Food Quality Schemes (FQS)... more While European consumers generally support the principles underpinning Food Quality Schemes (FQS) sales of certified products remain modest. This phenomenon is known as 'attitude-behaviour gap' and considerable scholarly and policy efforts have been geared towards 'filling' or 'bridging' the gap. This study aims at casting new light on this 'discrepancy' between consumers' sayings and doings through a study of everyday food practices connected to FQS. We used a qualitative, multi-method research design comprising extensive ethnographic fieldwork data, gathered from 41 households across seven European countries, including interviews, walk-along tours, and food diaries, in order to understand consumers' perceptions of FQS in relation to their everyday food consumption practices. Building on convention theory and Thévenot's work, we showed that food practices can be understood through different 'regimes of engagement', namely different ways of thinking and behaving, following different logics corresponding to varying levels of knowledge and interest. We thus argue that the 'attitude-behaviour gap' should be reconceptualised as the coexistence of multiple regimes of engagement, namely a dynamic and always evolving process of adjustment through which consumers understand and engage with FQS in everyday food practices.
Marketing, 2021
Važnost tržišta organskih proizvoda stalno raste, ali njihova prepoznatljivost na domaćem tržištu... more Važnost tržišta organskih proizvoda stalno raste, ali njihova prepoznatljivost na domaćem tržištu još uvek nije dovoljno ispitanja. U cilju odgovora na ovo pitanje, sprovedeno je etnografsko istraživanje u periodu od 12 meseci u okviru 6 domaćinstava na 3 lokacije u Srbiji. Učesnici u uzorku bila su višečlana domaćinstva, koja su varirala po starosnoj, polnoj, geografskoj i socioekonomskoj strukturi. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala da je organska oznaka jedna od najčešće spominjanih reči u kontekstu oznaka hrane, kao i da se najčešće povezuje sa mlečnim, voćnim i mesnim proizvodima. Ispitanici su pokazali i visok stepen poverenja u organske oznake, što je analizirano korišćenjem NVivo softvera. U radu se diskutuje značaj postojanja svesti kod potrošača o označavanju organskih proizvoda i pozitivnih stavova
prema oznakama, kao i spremnosti da čitaju, veruju oznakama i plate višu cenu u odnosu na konvencionalne prehrambene proizvode i daju preporuke korisne za menadžere marketinških komunikacija, kao i dalja istraživanja.
The relevance of the market of the organic products is constantly on the rise, however, consumers’ awareness on this matter is still understudied. Aiming to bridge this gap, we conducted ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in a period of 12 months. The
sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socio-economic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned
words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes
toward labels in general, their readiness to read the labels, trust in labels and pay a higher prices when comparing with the conventional food products. Finally, we provide managerial implication of our findings and recommendations for further research.
Izazovi savremenog marketinga 2019, 2019
Abstract: Organic has been considered as being among the most well-recognized categories of label... more Abstract: Organic has been considered as being among the most well-recognized categories of labeled high-quality food products. Ethnographic research within 6 households in three different locations in Serbia has been conducted in a 12 months period. The sample units have been selected as multi-person households in accordance with previously set criteria, including age, gender, geographic and socioeconomic characteristics. Qualitative analysis as well as quantitative content analysis using NVivo software package have shown that organic has been among the most frequently mentioned words in the context of food labels, and it has been mostly taken into consideration when speaking about diary, fruit and meat products. The informants have shown high level of trust in organic labels. In line with that, we further discuss the importance of customer awareness with regard to labeling organic food products as well as positive attitudes toward labels in general, their readiness to read the labels, trust in labels and pay a higher prices when comparing with the conventional food products. Finnaly, we provide managerial implication of our findings and recommendations for further research.
Apstrakt: Proizvodi organskog porekla pripadaju jednoj od najprepoznatljivijih kategorija prehrambenih proizvoda sa oznakom visokog kvaliteta. Etnografsko istraživanje je sprovedeno u periodu od 12 meseci u okviru 6 domaćinstava na 3 lokacije u Srbiji. Učesnici u uzorku bila su višečlana domaćinstva, koja su varirala po starosnoj, polnoj, geografskoj i socio-ekonomskoj strukturi. Kvalitativna analiza je pokazala da je organska oznaka jedna od najčešće spominjanih reči u kontekstu oznaka hrane, kao i da se najčešće povezuje sa mlečnim, voćnim i mesnim proizvodima. Ispitanici su pokazali i visok stepen poverenja u organske oznake, što je analizirano korišćenjem NVivo softvera. U radu se diskutuje značaj postojanja svesti kod potrošača o označavanju organskih proizvoda i pozitivnih stavova prema oznakama, kao i spremnosti da čitaju, veruju oznakama i plate višu cenu u odnosu na konvencionalne prehrambene proizvode i daju preporuke korisne za menadžere marketinških komunikacija, kao i dalja istraživanja. Ključne reči: organski proizvodi, oznaka, etnografsko istraživanje, percepcija i stavovi potrošača, marketinške komunikacije
Ekonomske ideje i praksa, 2011
Types of brands in modern business are a significant source of value for consumers. When creating... more Types of brands in modern business are a significant source of value for consumers. When creating value, apart from the importance of corporate and company brands, the importance of brand areas and destinations are increasingly emphasized (cities, regions, states). Destination brands in particular have a significant impact of value for
tourists, moreover, affecting their attraction. Understanding the process of branding, dimensions and elements of destination branding is important to define ways in which brands affect increase in value. The purpose of research is to bring light to destination branding as a source of value and explain the comprehensive processes involved.
Brendovi u savremenim uslovima poslovanja predstavljaju značajan izvor vrednosti za potrošače. U kreiranju vrednosti, pored značaja brendova preduzeća i kompanija, sve više se ističe i značaj brendova područja i destinacija (gradovi, regije, države). Brendovi destinacija posebno imaju značajan uticaj na vrednost za turiste i utiču na njihovo privlačenje. Razumevanje procesa brendiranja, dimenzija i elemenata brendova destinacija bitno je za definisanje načina na koje brendovi utiču na povećanje vrednosti. Cilj rada je da ukaže na osnovne izvore vrednosti brendova destinacija i objasni proces njihovog brendiranja, a posebno iz perspektive kreiranja vrednosti za turiste.
Marketing prehrambenih proizvoda, 2014
SAŽETAK U radu su prezentovani osnovni rezltati sprovedenog kvalitativnog i kvantitavnog istraživ... more SAŽETAK U radu su prezentovani osnovni rezltati sprovedenog kvalitativnog i kvantitavnog istraživanja percepcije i stavova potrošača prema oznaka-ma na prehrambenim proizvodima, posebno prema oznakama kojima se ističe poštovanje dobrobiti farmskih životinja. Ova vrsta oznaka pred-stavljena je u okviru grupe oznaka kojima se garantuje kvalitet proizvoda i činjenica da je on proizveden u skladu sa poštovanjem etičkih normi. Prema toj vrsti oznaka srpski potrošači imaju umereno pozitivne stavove. Kao najveći problem ističe se nedovoljno poverenje lokalnih potrošača u istinitost tvrdnji, kao i u instititucije koje bi mogle ili trebalo da se nađu u ulozi njihovog garanta. Ipak, generalno posmatrano, lokalni potrošači koriste oznake i smatraju ih korisnim u procesu odlučivanja o kupovini. Ključne reči: oznake, dobrobit životnja, stavovi potrošača, marketing prehrambenih proizvoda 1. Uvod: označavanje prehrambenih proizvoda Kao značajna tema označavanje prehrambenih proizvoda već nekoliko decenija zaokuplja pažnju stručne javnosti i to sa barem
Proceedings of 10th SCF International Conference on “The Institutional, Economic and the Social Impacts of Globalization and Liberalization”, 2020
A large number of global, regional and local companies operate in the Serbian market. By means of... more A large number of global, regional and local companies operate in the Serbian market. By means of a survey conducted on the sample of 253 businesses, the authors investigate differences in marketing capabilities (marketing mix capabilities), market performance and the monitoring practice of global, regional and local companies operating in Serbia. The research reveals that the best market performance is achieved by the global companies, followed by the regional and local ones. Although the global companies are found to have the highest level of all marketing mix capabilities, followed by the regional ones, a statistically significant difference is found in only two from the mix: integrated marketing communications and sales. A number of significant differences are observed in defining marketing objectives and the frequency of market performance monitoring. The global companies, i.e. their subsidiaries in Serbia, set a larger number of marketing goals and monitor performance more often than the regional or local businesses. The authors offer suggestions to the companies of all three types on how to improve their market position and performance in a developing market such as Serbia.
Medium-sized Firms and Economic Growth, 2005
Since the end of 2000 foreign investment in Serbia has started to gain importance, beginning with... more Since the end of 2000 foreign investment in Serbia has started to gain importance, beginning with the various donations and aid. Actual direct investment has started after in 2001 a new law on privatization had been adopted. In addition to privatization, an interest for the so-called greenfield investments has been noted. Slovenia has been, measured by number of projects, one of the leading countries that have invested in Serbia (in 2001 it has been the first even measured by its share of capital – 80% of all foreign direct investments or EUR 128 million; Slovenian company Kolinska is returning to the markets of Serbia and Montenegro (SMO) as a part of this process. The company has actually never left this market and has been conducting business through a small distribution company in the years of crisis. Now Kolinska’s presence has been significantly strengthened by the acquisition of one of the leading companies filling mineral water, called Palanački Kiseljak from Smederevska Palanka, a town about 60 km from Belgrade. In this article we will present the basic characteristics of the market in Serbia and Montenegro and basic data of the company associated with Kolinska’s strategic plans in this market. The article is organized in three parts. The first presents some general data on the SM
market, the second describes the international and domestic market for mineral water, while the third presents the privatization process of Palanački Kiseljak and elements of its restructuring after privatization, together with Kolinska’s business strategy in the Serbian market. Finally, some conclusions are given.