Nilüfer Göle | EHESS-Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (original) (raw)
Books by Nilüfer Göle
CNRS Editions, 2022
Maïdan, Tahrir, Gezi, Occupy Walt Street, Nuit debout… Les mouvements des places qui ont émergé a... more Maïdan, Tahrir, Gezi, Occupy Walt Street, Nuit debout… Les mouvements des places qui ont émergé au cours des années 2010 dans différentes parties du monde ont rénové l’espace public et signalent une nouvelle manière de faire de la politique. À chaque fois, des individus de tout horizon se réunissent pour résister aux pouvoirs en place, proclamer leur présence sans mettre en avant de leader, partager des émotions, expérimenter « sur place » une nouvelle convivialité et célébrer leur diversité. Ces citoyens s’emparent des questions d’intérêt général afin de peser concrètement sur le bien commun. La démocratie semble réalisable, ici et maintenant.
Comment saisir la signification de ces mouvements ? Annoncent-ils véritablement une nouvelle ère politique ? Ou bien ne sont-ils que des épiphénomènes isolés ? Jusqu’ici, il se sont « naturellement » essoufflés, ou ont été étouffés par une violente répression. Ne représentent-ils qu’un rêve éphémère ? Rien n’est moins sûr. Les effets de certains perdurent même après leur extinction, comme dans le cas de Maïdan. Surtout, ils mettent en lumière une tendance de fond : la rencontre verticale désormais impossible entre une société hétérogène qui revendique un espace bien réel, et un pouvoir politique national renonçant à sa capacité d’action face aux problèmes d’ordre planétaire que sont la crise financière, la dévastation environnementale, l’expansion du terrorisme ou la pauvreté croissante.
L’aspiration portée par ces occupations de la place publique a encore de beaux jours devant elle.
Metis, 2015
Ocak 2015’te Paris’te girişilen cinayetler haklı olarak büyük bir tepki doğurdu ama aynı zamanda ... more Ocak 2015’te Paris’te girişilen cinayetler haklı olarak büyük bir tepki doğurdu ama aynı zamanda Müslümanların Avrupa’daki varlığına dair kamuoyunda yer alan önyargıları ve kafa karışıklığını da artırdı. Şimdi Avrupa’da en çok ihtiyaç duyulan şey, Müslümanların varlığını “zıt kategoriler” vasıtasıyla düşünmeyen bir sağduyu geliştirmek.
2009-2013 yıllarında Avrupa’nın 21 kentinde göçmen “sıradan Müslümanlar” ile onların Müslüman olmayan komşuları ve hemşerileri olan “kökten” Avrupalıları yüz yüze tartışma toplantılarında biraraya getiren saha araştırmasının sonuçlarını yorumluyor Nilüfer Göle. Araştırmanın amacı, sokakta kılınan namaz, minareler, camiler, Danimarka’da yayımlanmış karikatürler, kadınların başörtüsü ve çarşafı, şeriat, helal gıda ürünleri, bazı sanat yapıtları, Yahudiler ve Yahudilikle ilişkiler gibi konularda Avrupa kamu alanında ortaya çıkmış çeşitli tartışmalara verilen tepkileri soruşturmaktı.
Göle, tercih ettiği özgün araştırma yöntemi sayesinde pek çok basmakalıp düşünceyi sarsıyor ve bütün bu tartışmaların aslında alternatif bir kamusal kültürün ortaya çıkmasına paradoksal biçimde katkıda bulunduğunu gösteriyor: İslami hiphop’tan “helal jambon”a varıncaya dek günümüzün Avrupa Müslümanları, modern yaşam biçimlerini İslam’a uygun biçimde yapılandırıyorlar ve bu yapılandırma Avrupa’nın kültürel değerleriyle çelişkili değil. “Avrupa’nın ve İslam’ın iç içe girerek yarattığı bu kültürel melezlenmenin hem Cihatçı hem İslamofobik düşmanları var. Ancak umutlu olabiliriz. Bunların yarattığı kangrene karşı en etkin panzehir toplum inşasının potansiyelinde, farklılıklardan kolaj yapmak yerine onları halı gibi dokumakta yatıyor. Avrupa’nın istisnai özelliği yaratıcı özgürlüğünde, kendini Öteki ile her daim yeniden icat etme kapasitesinde aranmalıdır.”
Charlie’den Önce/ Sonra Toplum İnşası
Avrupalı Müslümanlar: Kolajdan Dokumaya
1 İslama "Girmek Yasak"
2 Sıradan Müslümanlar
3 İhtilaflı Namaz Mekânları
4 Suskun Minareler, Şeffaf Camiler
5 Kutsal, Sanat ve Şiddet
6 Örtünme ve Aktif Azınlıklar
7 Şeriatı Ne Yapmalı?
8 Helal Yaşam Tarzları
9 Yahudi İmleci
Müslümanların Avrupa Sahnesine Çıkışı
Wagenbach, 2016
Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den... more Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den Islam. Nilüfer Göle geht ihnen auf den Grund, indem sie mit den Menschen spricht, die diese Fragen angehen – von Köln bis Sarajevo, von Istanbul bis Paris.
Über den Islam wird viel gesprochen und publiziert, aber die anerkannte Soziologin Nilüfer Göle hat in diesem Buch erstmals das Thema aus einer gesamteuropäischen Perspektive und mit Fokus auf den Alltag der Menschen beleuchtet. Sie hat vier Jahre lang in Deutschland, Frankreich, England und anderen Ländern zahlreiche Menschen befragt, was den Islam in Europa ausmacht.
Gerade in Zeiten von Terror scheinen die Konfrontationslinien zwischen dem Islam und der europäischen Welt härter zu werden, aber dieser Eindruck trügt. Wie Nilüfer Göle zeigt, ist der Islam längst selbstverständlicher Bestandteil unseres – gemeinsamen – modernen Alltagslebens geworden. Es entstehen neue Identitäten und Formen des Zusammenlebens und natürlich auch neue Konflikte, wie etwa im Karikaturenstreit, die aber durchaus kreativ gelöst werden. In diesem Prozess erfindet sich Europa neu, eine Entwicklung, die kein Fundamentalist aufhalten kann.
Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016
Muzułmanie w Europie to książka powstała w wyniku badań socjologicznych przeprowadzonych w latach... more Muzułmanie w Europie to książka powstała w wyniku badań socjologicznych przeprowadzonych w latach 2009–2013 w dwudziestu jeden miastach europejskich ( w Paryżu, Kopenhadze, Bolonii, Oslo, Brukseli i Sarajewie). W każdym z tych miast pojawiły się kontrowersje związane z różnymi przejawami obecności muzułmanów w przestrzeni publicznej, takimi jak noszenie chusty przez kobiety, uliczne modlitwy, budowa meczetów, sklepy i bary halal czy też granica między wolnością słowa a ochroną uczuć religijnych. Autorka przedstawia historię i tło poszczególnych sporów, cytuje uczestników publicznej debaty: socjologów, publicystów, działaczy społecznych i polityków, świeckich i muzułmańskich intelektualistów. Oddaje też głos zwykłym muzułmanom i pokazuje, jak bardzo niejednorodne są to społeczności, jak zróżnicowane są ich opinie w poszczególnych kwestiach. Jej książka jest także świadectwem tego, jak w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat w Europie zmieniał się polityczny i społeczny klimat wokół islamu.
W każdym z opisywanych miast socjolożka Nilüfer Göle wraz ze swoją ekipą prowadzi wywiady wśród lokalnej społeczności, a potem organizuje spotkanie, w którym biorą udział reprezentanci obu stron konfliktu. To niekiedy pierwszy raz, kiedy uczestnicy sporu mają okazję wysłuchać swoich argumentów i spróbować się nawzajem zrozumieć.
Książka Nilüfer Göle to zatem nie tylko przekrojowa prezentacja kontrowersji związanych z obecnością muzułmanów w Europie, ale i zapis pionierskiego przedsięwzięcia, którego celem jest przekroczenie społecznych podziałów i budowa społeczeństwa opartego na szacunku.
Zed Books, 2017
For many in the West, Islam has become a byword for terrorism. From 9/11 to the Paris attacks, ou... more For many in the West, Islam has become a byword for terrorism. From 9/11 to the Paris attacks, our headlines are dominated by images of violence and extremism. Now, as the Western world struggles to cope with the refugee crisis, there is a growing obsession with the issue of Muslim integration. Those Muslims who fail to assimilate are branded the 'enemy within', with their communities said to provide a fertile breeding ground for jihadists. Such narratives, though, fail to take into account the actual lives of most Muslims living in the West, fixating instead on a minority of violent extremists.
In The Daily Lives of Muslims, Nilüfer Göle provides an urgently needed corrective to this distorted image of Islam. Engaging with Muslim communities in twenty-one cities across Europe where controversies over integration have arisen – from the banning of the veil in France to debates surrounding sharia law in the UK – the book brings the voices of this neglected majority into the debate. In doing so, Göle uncovers a sincere desire among many Muslims to participate in the public sphere, a desire which is too often stifled by Western insecurity and attempts to suppress the outward signs of religious difference.
Table of Contents
Introduction: European-Muslims - From Collage to Interweaving
1. Europe: No Entry for Islam?
2. Ordinary Muslims
3. Controversies Surrounding Muslim Prayer
4. Mute Minarets, Transparent Mosques
5. Art, Sacredness and Violence
6. Veiling and Active Minorities
7. What about Sharia?
8. Halal Lifestyles
9. Jewish Cursor
Conclusion: European Muslims Taking to the Stage
La Découverte, 2015
Après les tragiques attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris, les débats sur les rapports entre l'identi... more Après les tragiques attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris, les débats sur les rapports entre l'identité européenne et l'islam ont été inévitablement relancés. Au risque, avec l'émotion légitime provoquée par ces crimes, d'accroître les préjugés et la confusion quant à la perception de la présence musulmane en Europe. D'où l'intérêt et l'importance de la mise en perspective proposée dans ce livre.
De façon très accessible, Nilüfer Göle synthétise les résultats d'une enquête de terrain conduite de 2009 à 2013 auprès de "musulmans ordinaires " et de leurs concitoyens non musulmans dans vingt et une villes européennes. Son but était d'interroger les réactions aux controverses de l'heure : prières de rue, minarets " agressifs ", "caricatures danoises ", foulard ou burqa des femmes, invocation de la charia, consommation halal, rapport aux juifs et au judaïsme, etc. Elle apporte ainsi des réponses souvent inattendues à des questions simples : qu'en est-il réellement du vécu quotidien des musulmans d'Europe, jeunes nationaux "issus de l'immigration" ou convertis ? Comment vivent-ils les attaques " islamophobes" et concilient-ils prescriptions religieuses et adhésion aux normes sociales de sociétés laïques ? Quelle place la culture musulmane y occupe-t-elle désormais ?
Grâce à son dispositif d'enquête original, Nilüfer Göle bouscule bien des idées reçues et montre que les controverses ont paradoxalement contribué à l'émergence d'une culture publique alternative. Du hip-hop islamique au " jambon halal ", la nouvelle manière d'être musulman en Europe passe par une stylisation islamique des modes de vie modernes, en rien contradictoire avec les valeurs culturelles européennes. Un vrai message d'espoir, fondé sur l'enquête et non sur l'idéologie.
Prix Ambassador of the New Europe 2017 décerné par le Centre de la Solidarité Européenne
Prix Ambassador of the New Europe 2017 décerné par le Centre de la Solidarité Européenne
Duke University Press, 2015
In Islam and Secularity Nilüfer Göle takes on two pressing issues: the transforming relationship ... more In Islam and Secularity Nilüfer Göle takes on two pressing issues: the transforming relationship between Islam and Western secular modernity and the impact of the Muslim presence in Europe. Göle shows how the visibility of Islamic practice in the European public sphere unsettles narratives of Western secularism. As mutually constitutive, Islam and secularism permeate each other, the effects of which play out in embodied and aesthetic practices and are accompanied by fear, anxiety, and violence. In this timely book, Göle illuminates the recent rethinking of secularism and religion, of modernity and resistance to it, of the public significance of sexuality, and of the shifting terrain of identity in contemporary Europe.
Metis, 2012
"Seküler-dinsel ayrımına yaklaşım tarzlarımızda gerçekleşmekte olan değişim ve kaymaların zihins... more "Seküler-dinsel ayrımına yaklaşım tarzlarımızda gerçekleşmekte olan değişim ve kaymaların zihinsel bir haritasını çıkarmak giderek daha fazla önem kazanıyor. Sekülarizmin tek bir ideal modeli olmadığına dair artan bir farkındalık var. Seküler'in farklı tarihsel seyirler izleyen oluşumlarının farklı yerlerde farklı dinsel soykütükleri vardır kuşkusuz, ama bunlar Batı modernliği ve sömürgeciliğin hegemonik dayatmalarıyla yakından bağlantılıdır. Dolayısıyla, sekülarizm okumalarımızı ayrı ulusal oluşumlara doğru genişletmek yeterli olmamaktadır."
Nilüfer Göle, seküler-dinsel ayrımını benlik, devlet ve kamusal alan açısından inceliyor ve günümüzde çatışma ve uzlaşmalarla, iç içe girişlerle, yeniden yorumlamalarla ikiliğin her iki teriminin de kayda değer biçimde dönüştüğünü ileri sürüyor. Yakın dönemde seküler modernliğin ve ona ait iktidar alanlarının ciddi bir sorgulamayla karşılaştığını, bu sorgulama ve karşılaşmanın en belirgin biçimde ortaya çıktığı yerin Avrupa olduğunu, İslam'ın Avrupa'daki varlığının hem Avrupa'nın hem de Müslümanların kendi benlik temsillerini dönüştürdüğünü, Avrupa Birliği'nin siyasal ve kültürel geleceği açısından bir tür turnusol kâğıdı işlevi gördüğünü dile getiriyor.
Göle'nin farklı zamanlarda yazılmış yedi makalesini bir araya getiren bu kitabı, seküler modernliğin günümüzdeki güç kaybının nedenlerini ve aynı zamanda bunun sosyal ve beşeri bilimlerdeki yansımalarını anlamak için okunmalı.
1. Seküler-Dinsel Sınırlar: Benlik, Devlet ve Kamusal Alan
2. Seküler Modernliğin Sorgulanışı
3. Seküler İktidar Alanları: Medeniyet, Mekân ve Cinsellik
4. Laiklik ile Avrupa İslamı Arasındaki Müzakere
5. İslamın Görünürlüğü
6. Sanat, İslam ve Kamusal Kültür: Viyana'da "Türk Lokumu"
7. Avrupa'nın İslam ile İmtihanı: Hangi Gelecek?
Edicions Bellaterra, 2007
Cada vez de forma más acusada, el islam se está convirtiendo en un actor del escenario público eu... more Cada vez de forma más acusada, el islam se está convirtiendo en un actor del escenario público europeo, al que aporta valores, formas de vida y pautas culturales distintas; los países europeos, por su parte, «viven en su seno la experiencia del islam y se encuentran enfrentados a la cuestión de la convivencia».El impacto de la presencia musulmana ancla a ésta en el presente: su «anacronismo», en los términos de la autora, la más brillante y respetada socióloga turca, se enfrenta a la prueba de la modernidad según la define la Europa de acogida que, por otro lado, se arroga el monopolio de la definición de dicha modernidad, en una dialéctica que tiene una característica nueva: no se trata de un problema externo, sino interno a las sociedades europeas.Esta obra, con brillantez y agudeza, analiza los diversos aspectos de esa «interpenetración» entre islam y Europa: la globalización, la modernidad y el laicismo, el terrorismo, la cada vez más relevante cuestión de la ciudadanía, el compromiso público y los espacios de socialización, todo ello con especial hincapié en la cuestión de la mujer, para tratar de buscar en todos ellos los elementos de encuentro que hagan posible –y sobre todo eficaz y enriquecedora– una convivencia que ya es uno de los rasgos fundamentales de nuestro panorama actual.
Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 2008
Gibt es zwangsläufig Konflikt zwischen den Religionen? Ist der Westen wirklich in der Moderne und... more Gibt es zwangsläufig Konflikt zwischen den Religionen? Ist der Westen wirklich in der Moderne und der Islam in Glauben und Tradition verankert? Oder können Glaube und Moderne im Islam neu zusammenfinden, jenseits von Fundamentalismus und Terrorismus?
Ausgehend vom 11. September und der Verflechtung der Attentäter mit der westlichen Zivilisation zeigt Göle, wie falsch die Ansicht ist, der Westen stehe für die Moderne und der islamische Osten für Rückständigkeit. Nie zuvor waren sich die beiden Welten so nahe.
Nicht zuletzt zielt der islamistische Terrorismus auch darauf, ein religiöses Repertoire neu zu erfinden. Göle analysiert, wie die Religion uminterpretiert und politisiert wird durch einen islamischen Terrorismus, der auf verschiedene Öffentlichkeiten abzielt: auf nationale, religiöse und westliche.
Die Türkei – so ihre zentrale These – repräsentiert ein anderes Bild des Islam als das, was al-Qaida propagiert oder die Doktrin vom Konflikt der Kulturen behauptet. Sie könnte ein Modell zur Überwindung des Konflikts werden, ein Grenzgänger zwischen Islam und westlicher Welt.
Metis, 2009
"Basit bir saptamadan yola çıkıyor bu kitap: İslam bugün modern dünyanın çağdaşı haline geliyor. ... more "Basit bir saptamadan yola çıkıyor bu kitap: İslam bugün modern dünyanın çağdaşı haline geliyor. Yanı sıra modern dünyanın bilincini sorgulayan bir yüzleşme sürecini de beraberinde getiriyor. İslam'ın tarih sahnesine girişi her zaman barışçı yollardan gerçekleşmiyor; kendini Batı modeline benzetecek, onun içinde asimilasyonunu sağlayacak bir mantığı da izlemiyor. İslam ile modernitenin bu karşılaşması, karşılıklı olarak her ikisinin de dönüşümüne yol açarken modernliğin mevcut tanımlarını da iyice karıştırıyor.
"Bugün bu çatışmalı karşılaşma en iyi Avrupa'da gözlemleniyor: İslam gerek bireysel pratiklerde gerek kamuya açık tartışmalarda gündeme yerleşerek bir Avrupa meselesi haline geliyor. Hem İslam hem Avrupa daha önce bilmedikleri bir yakınlık ve eşzamanlılık içine girdiler. Bir iç içe giriş söz konusu. Biyo-politik bir anlamı da var bunun, çünkü bu iletişimsel karşılaşmada, cinsiyete dair ve aynı zamanda zorla, hatta şiddetle gerçekleşen bedensel bir yan var. Müslümanlar Avrupa'nın bağrında var olma imkânını zorluyorlar.
"Herkesi bir araya getirebilecek bir alanı, mekânı, projeyi hayal etmek gerekiyor. Ancak bunu yaparken artık eskiden olduğu gibi araya konacak bir mesafenin rahatlığının mevcut olmadığını akılda tutmak, böyle bir mesafeden medet ummadan yeniden düşünebilmek gerekiyor. Bugün artık Avrupa için söz konusu olan, İslami farklılığın tanınması ya da tanınmaması değil, tam tersine ikisi için ortak bir mekânı, kültürel havzayı yeniden düşünmeye, yeniden oluşturmaya ve çatışma üzerine kurulu diyaloğun dışına çıkmaya gücünün ve kabiliyetinin olup olmadığıdır. Kuşkusuz bu yaklaşım, en başta her iki tarafta da kimliklerin aşılmasını, 'saflık' ve 'bozulma' kaygılarından kurtulunmasını şart koşar."
—Nilüfer Göle
1 Öteki Avrupa
2 Terörist Enstantane
3 İstanbul Saldırıları ve İslami Sahne Düzeni
4 İslam ve Küreselleşme, Benzeşme mi, Ötekileşme mi?
5 Modernite, Tasnifler: Küresel ve Yerel
6 Ekstra-Moderniteler
7 Cumhuriyetçi Laiklik ve Kamusal İslam
8 Kadın ve Medeniyet Eşliği
9 Yurttaşlık ve Kamusal Siyaset
10 Tesettür, Damganın Tersyüz Edilişi ve Kadınların Kavgası
11 Türkiye: Rahatsız Edici Bir Avrupa Arzusu
12 Avrupa Kimliği ve Ötekileştirilen Türkiye
13 Avrupa "Saflığı" Kaygısından Kurtulmak
Marcus Weiner, 2011
Islam in Europe is a book full of striking images: the assassination of and the death threats aga... more Islam in Europe is a book full of striking images: the assassination of and the death threats against artists and intellectuals; violent demonstrations demanding Sharia [Koranic] law for Europe; acts of terrorism. Also detailed are European political initiatives and, in some cases, new laws that forbid the wearing of the burka in public spaces, the ban on minarets in Switzerland, and other efforts to keep Western culture “pure.” But there is another reality, as Nilüfer Göle describes it from her own life experience: Muslims who are politicians in European parliaments; scholars teaching in European universities; artists who use this creative intercultural exchange as a theme in their art.
More visible are the hundreds of thousands of students, workers, merchants, and professionals who participate in every aspect of public life without concealing their heritage. Göle sees the best hope for a modern and European Islam in the Muslim women who — in contrast to the men — demonstrate their commitment to their heritage by wearing head scarves while participating in modern Western life. In manifesting their professional and public experience in their own communities, they become the agents of change and modernism. Göle thus sees European Islam as “feminine,” in contrast to the male-dominated traditional Islam. As she said on PBS’ Frontline, “Modernity is … shaped, invented by values that were not the values of Muslim countries. That is one of the basic reasons for the separation between the modern world and the Muslim world, this either/or partition. If you are modern, you can’t be a Muslim. But now we are going beyond this division — you can be both Muslim and modern.”
This edition is translated from the French by Stephen Rendall.
Armando Editore, 2013
Esiste un conflitto tra le religioni? Tra le civiltà? E se esiste, può essere giustificato dall’a... more Esiste un conflitto tra le religioni? Tra le civiltà? E se esiste, può essere giustificato dall’antagonismo tra un Occidente ancorato alla modernità e alla laicità, e un Islam congelato nella fede e nella tradizione? A partire dagli attentati dell’11 settembre, il testo analizza la natura profonda dei loro autori e la complessità dei loro rapporti con l’Occidente. Invitando il lettore a fare un’opportuna distinzione tra Islam e islamismo, e mettendo l’accento sulla grande disomogeneità dell’Islam contemporaneo, l’Autrice analizza il problema prendendo ad esempio la Turchia dei nostri giorni.”.
Metis, 2000
"Cumhuriyet'in orta ve kentli sınıflara nüfuz etmesiyle birlikte muhafazakârlık ve milliyetçili... more "Cumhuriyet'in orta ve kentli sınıflara nüfuz etmesiyle birlikte muhafazakârlık ve milliyetçiliğin değişim geçirdiğini görüyoruz. Benzer bir biçimde, müslümanlar da modernlik ve laiklik ile karma desenler oluşturuyorlar. Her iki tarafın da melezlenmeye, aralarındaki farklılıkların azalmaya başladığı bu süreçte, yeni saflık arayışlarının, yeni sınır muhafızlarının ve yasak tanımlarının oluştuğuna da tanık oluyoruz. Melezlenmeye karşı tepki verenlerin 'küçük farklılıklardan' beslendiği unutulmamalıdır: Düşmanlıklar uzaktaki yabancıya değil, yanı başındakine, giderek kendisine komşu olan, hatta aynı alanı paylaşmakta olan, aynı dili konuşan (ama küçük bir farklılık da taşıyan) gruplara yöneltilir. 'Öteki', yabancı olan değil, fazla yakına gelerek saflığı bozma tehdidini yöneltendir. Nitekim melezlenme kavramının bu kadar negatif değer yüklü olması da, köklerin belirsizleşmesi, soyun bozulması gibi kaygılara yol açan bir saflık kaybını dile getirmesindendir. Ama melezlenme aynı zamanda birbirinden etkilenme, öğrenme ve karşılıklı bağımlılığı dile getirdiği ölçüde, birarada yaşayabilmenin koşulu ve sonucu olarak da ortaya çıkıyor. Melez Desenler saflık arayışları ve karmalaşma arasındaki bu tür gelgitler üzerine bir eskiz, yazı tarzıyla da karma bir deneme..." – Nilüfer Göle
Önsöz: Modernlik: Zaman, Bilinç ve Desen
Yeni Sosyal Hareketler ve İslamcılık
80 Sonrası Politik Kültür: Yükselen Değerler
Liberal Yanılgı
Eğitici Laiklik ve Yaşam Biçimleri
İslami Dokunulmazlar, Laikler ve Radikal Demokratlar
Müslüman Karşı Seçkinlerin Oluşumu
İslami Kimlik Arayışı
İstanbul'un İntikamı
Fotoğraf Kareleri İçinde İslami Modernlikler
Batı-dışı Modernlik: Kavram Üzerine
University of Michigan Press, 1996
This book by prominent Turkish scholar Nilüfer Göle examines the complex relationships among mode... more This book by prominent Turkish scholar Nilüfer Göle examines the complex relationships among modernity, religion, and gender relations in the Middle East. Her focus is on the factors that influence young women pursuing university educations in Turkey to adopt seemingly fundamentalist Islamist traditions, such as veiling, and the complex web of meanings attributed to these gender-separating practices. Veiling, a politicized practice that conceptually forces people to choose between the "modern" and the "backward," provides an insightful way of looking at the contemporary Islam-West conflict, shedding light on the recent rise of Islamist fundamentalism in many countries and providing insight into what is a more complex phenomenon than is commonly portrayed in accounts by Western journalists.
Göle's sociological approach, employing a number of personal interviews, allows for both a detailed case study of these young Turkish women who are turning to the tenets of fundamental Islamist gender codes, and for a broader critique of Eurocentrism and the academic literature regarding the construction of meaning. Both perspectives serve as a springboard for the launching of theoretical innovations into feminist, religious, cultural, and area studies.
The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling was originally published as Modern Mahrem by the Turkish publisher Metis and has been translated into French, German, and Spanish. Nilüfer Göle is Professor of Sociology, Bogaziçi University.
Babel Verlag, 1995
Der Schleier beziehungsweise das Kopftuch der jungen islamischen Frauen scheint die Frontlinie zw... more Der Schleier beziehungsweise das Kopftuch der jungen islamischen Frauen scheint die Frontlinie zwischen westlicher Moderne auf der einen und traditionellem Islam auf der anderen Seite zu symbolisieren.
Die renommierte türkische Soziologin Nilüfer Göle geht der Frage nach, wie Sexualität und Politik in der Türkei - dem islamischen Land, in dem Moderne und Laizismus am stärksten forciert wurden - über die Frauenfrage miteinander verknüpft sind und wie das Thema von den verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen - von westlich Orientierten und islamistisch Orientierten, von islamistischen Frauen und islamistischen Männern - diskutiert wurde und wird...
Poche/La Découverte, 1993
Modernité occidentale d'un côté, islam traditionnel de l'autre : dans les discours contemporains,... more Modernité occidentale d'un côté, islam traditionnel de l'autre : dans les discours contemporains, cette opposition est irréductible. Et le voile islamique qui couvre la femme musulmane apparaît comme le symbole le plus frappant de cette étrangeté absolue entre deux mondes. Vision réductrice, comme le montre Nilüfer Göle, qui apporte dans ce livre une contribution décisive à la compréhension des sociétés musulmanes contemporaines et des mouvements islamistes. Dans cette perspective, la Turquie était sans doute le meilleur terrain d'observation : c'est dans ce pays que la modernisation et la laïcisation de la société, depuis le XIXe siècle, ont été le plus poussées. Et c'est pourtant sur ce terrain de la modernité que surgissent, comme ailleurs dans le monde musulman, de puissants mouvements islamistes. Au cœur de ce paradoxe, le statut de la femme. Forte de ce constat, Nilüfer Göle a mené une longue enquête dans son pays, qui montre comment, derrière le voile, apparaît un nouveau profil de femme musulmane : éduquée, urbanisée et revendicative. Engagées politiquement et professionnellement, ces femmes quittent la sphère du privé et remettent en cause le fondement même de l'organisation sociale musulmane et la ségrégation entre les sexes. Derrière ce qui peut paraître un mouvement de protestation politique, on voit se dessiner la genèse d'élites islamiques qui cherchent à mettre fin à l'assimilation de l'être civilisé à l'être occidental.
Metis, 1991
Modernliği, ekonomik gelişme, siyasal iktidar biçimleri, kentleşme gibi sosyo-politik olgularla ... more Modernliği, ekonomik gelişme, siyasal iktidar biçimleri, kentleşme gibi sosyo-politik olgularla algılamaya alışkınız. Türk deneyimi ise modernizmin özel yaşamlar, mahrem alan üzerindeki dönüştürücü gücünü göstermesi bakımından emsalsizdir. Bu bağlamda Modern Mahrem Türk modernleşmesi tarihine, mahrem cephesinden bakmaktadır. Bu kitaptaki alternatif okuma, modernizm ve kadın-erkek ilişkileri arasındaki "kara kıtayı" gün ışığına çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. – Nilüfer Göle
Metis, 1986
"Sosyal bilimcilerin seçtikleri konular, içinde yaşadıkları toplumsal tarihten ve buna gösterdikl... more "Sosyal bilimcilerin seçtikleri konular, içinde yaşadıkları toplumsal tarihten ve buna gösterdikleri kişisel duyarlılıklardan bağımsız değildir. C. Wright Mills'in kavramsallaştırmasıyla 'sosyolojik tasavvur', toplumsal konularla kişisel tarih arasında bir köprü kurabilme sanatıdır. Başka bir deyişle, bireysel duyarlılıklarımızla toplumsal rahatsızlıklarımızı ilintilendirdiğimiz ölçüde yaşadığımız tarihe nüfuz etmeye çalışırız...
Bugünden geriye doğru yeniden değerlendirdiğimde, Mühendisler ve İdeoloji'nin, bireysel entelektüel oluşumum ile toplumsal tarih arasındaki kâh kesişme kâh çekişme noktaları üzerine kurulu olduğunun daha fazla farkına varıyorum. Mühendisleri anlamak sanki toplumsal dönüşümün haritasını çizmenin ipuçlarını veriyordu. Türkiye'de modernleşme hareketlerini şekillendiren pozitivist geleneğin ağırlığı; solcu düşüncenin toplumsal mühendisliğe öykünmesi; liberal siyasetin mühendis pragmatizmiyle siyasete damgasını vurması; İslamcı hareketin içinde yer alan mühendis kadroları; yani yakın tarihimizin tüm önemli kırılmalarına mühendis optiğinden bakmanın bize toplumsal hayatımıza ilişkin yeni bir okuma, yeni bir perspektif kazandıracağını söyleyebiliriz. Mühendisler ve İdeoloji, özellikle pozitivizmin modernleşme tarihimizdeki yerini ve 1970-1980 arasında şekillenen sol ideoloji ve toplumsal mühendislik arasındaki ilişkileri inceliyor." – Nilüfer Göle
CNRS Editions, 2022
Maïdan, Tahrir, Gezi, Occupy Walt Street, Nuit debout… Les mouvements des places qui ont émergé a... more Maïdan, Tahrir, Gezi, Occupy Walt Street, Nuit debout… Les mouvements des places qui ont émergé au cours des années 2010 dans différentes parties du monde ont rénové l’espace public et signalent une nouvelle manière de faire de la politique. À chaque fois, des individus de tout horizon se réunissent pour résister aux pouvoirs en place, proclamer leur présence sans mettre en avant de leader, partager des émotions, expérimenter « sur place » une nouvelle convivialité et célébrer leur diversité. Ces citoyens s’emparent des questions d’intérêt général afin de peser concrètement sur le bien commun. La démocratie semble réalisable, ici et maintenant.
Comment saisir la signification de ces mouvements ? Annoncent-ils véritablement une nouvelle ère politique ? Ou bien ne sont-ils que des épiphénomènes isolés ? Jusqu’ici, il se sont « naturellement » essoufflés, ou ont été étouffés par une violente répression. Ne représentent-ils qu’un rêve éphémère ? Rien n’est moins sûr. Les effets de certains perdurent même après leur extinction, comme dans le cas de Maïdan. Surtout, ils mettent en lumière une tendance de fond : la rencontre verticale désormais impossible entre une société hétérogène qui revendique un espace bien réel, et un pouvoir politique national renonçant à sa capacité d’action face aux problèmes d’ordre planétaire que sont la crise financière, la dévastation environnementale, l’expansion du terrorisme ou la pauvreté croissante.
L’aspiration portée par ces occupations de la place publique a encore de beaux jours devant elle.
Metis, 2015
Ocak 2015’te Paris’te girişilen cinayetler haklı olarak büyük bir tepki doğurdu ama aynı zamanda ... more Ocak 2015’te Paris’te girişilen cinayetler haklı olarak büyük bir tepki doğurdu ama aynı zamanda Müslümanların Avrupa’daki varlığına dair kamuoyunda yer alan önyargıları ve kafa karışıklığını da artırdı. Şimdi Avrupa’da en çok ihtiyaç duyulan şey, Müslümanların varlığını “zıt kategoriler” vasıtasıyla düşünmeyen bir sağduyu geliştirmek.
2009-2013 yıllarında Avrupa’nın 21 kentinde göçmen “sıradan Müslümanlar” ile onların Müslüman olmayan komşuları ve hemşerileri olan “kökten” Avrupalıları yüz yüze tartışma toplantılarında biraraya getiren saha araştırmasının sonuçlarını yorumluyor Nilüfer Göle. Araştırmanın amacı, sokakta kılınan namaz, minareler, camiler, Danimarka’da yayımlanmış karikatürler, kadınların başörtüsü ve çarşafı, şeriat, helal gıda ürünleri, bazı sanat yapıtları, Yahudiler ve Yahudilikle ilişkiler gibi konularda Avrupa kamu alanında ortaya çıkmış çeşitli tartışmalara verilen tepkileri soruşturmaktı.
Göle, tercih ettiği özgün araştırma yöntemi sayesinde pek çok basmakalıp düşünceyi sarsıyor ve bütün bu tartışmaların aslında alternatif bir kamusal kültürün ortaya çıkmasına paradoksal biçimde katkıda bulunduğunu gösteriyor: İslami hiphop’tan “helal jambon”a varıncaya dek günümüzün Avrupa Müslümanları, modern yaşam biçimlerini İslam’a uygun biçimde yapılandırıyorlar ve bu yapılandırma Avrupa’nın kültürel değerleriyle çelişkili değil. “Avrupa’nın ve İslam’ın iç içe girerek yarattığı bu kültürel melezlenmenin hem Cihatçı hem İslamofobik düşmanları var. Ancak umutlu olabiliriz. Bunların yarattığı kangrene karşı en etkin panzehir toplum inşasının potansiyelinde, farklılıklardan kolaj yapmak yerine onları halı gibi dokumakta yatıyor. Avrupa’nın istisnai özelliği yaratıcı özgürlüğünde, kendini Öteki ile her daim yeniden icat etme kapasitesinde aranmalıdır.”
Charlie’den Önce/ Sonra Toplum İnşası
Avrupalı Müslümanlar: Kolajdan Dokumaya
1 İslama "Girmek Yasak"
2 Sıradan Müslümanlar
3 İhtilaflı Namaz Mekânları
4 Suskun Minareler, Şeffaf Camiler
5 Kutsal, Sanat ve Şiddet
6 Örtünme ve Aktif Azınlıklar
7 Şeriatı Ne Yapmalı?
8 Helal Yaşam Tarzları
9 Yahudi İmleci
Müslümanların Avrupa Sahnesine Çıkışı
Wagenbach, 2016
Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den... more Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den Islam. Nilüfer Göle geht ihnen auf den Grund, indem sie mit den Menschen spricht, die diese Fragen angehen – von Köln bis Sarajevo, von Istanbul bis Paris.
Über den Islam wird viel gesprochen und publiziert, aber die anerkannte Soziologin Nilüfer Göle hat in diesem Buch erstmals das Thema aus einer gesamteuropäischen Perspektive und mit Fokus auf den Alltag der Menschen beleuchtet. Sie hat vier Jahre lang in Deutschland, Frankreich, England und anderen Ländern zahlreiche Menschen befragt, was den Islam in Europa ausmacht.
Gerade in Zeiten von Terror scheinen die Konfrontationslinien zwischen dem Islam und der europäischen Welt härter zu werden, aber dieser Eindruck trügt. Wie Nilüfer Göle zeigt, ist der Islam längst selbstverständlicher Bestandteil unseres – gemeinsamen – modernen Alltagslebens geworden. Es entstehen neue Identitäten und Formen des Zusammenlebens und natürlich auch neue Konflikte, wie etwa im Karikaturenstreit, die aber durchaus kreativ gelöst werden. In diesem Prozess erfindet sich Europa neu, eine Entwicklung, die kein Fundamentalist aufhalten kann.
Wydawnictwo Karakter, 2016
Muzułmanie w Europie to książka powstała w wyniku badań socjologicznych przeprowadzonych w latach... more Muzułmanie w Europie to książka powstała w wyniku badań socjologicznych przeprowadzonych w latach 2009–2013 w dwudziestu jeden miastach europejskich ( w Paryżu, Kopenhadze, Bolonii, Oslo, Brukseli i Sarajewie). W każdym z tych miast pojawiły się kontrowersje związane z różnymi przejawami obecności muzułmanów w przestrzeni publicznej, takimi jak noszenie chusty przez kobiety, uliczne modlitwy, budowa meczetów, sklepy i bary halal czy też granica między wolnością słowa a ochroną uczuć religijnych. Autorka przedstawia historię i tło poszczególnych sporów, cytuje uczestników publicznej debaty: socjologów, publicystów, działaczy społecznych i polityków, świeckich i muzułmańskich intelektualistów. Oddaje też głos zwykłym muzułmanom i pokazuje, jak bardzo niejednorodne są to społeczności, jak zróżnicowane są ich opinie w poszczególnych kwestiach. Jej książka jest także świadectwem tego, jak w ciągu ostatnich kilku lat w Europie zmieniał się polityczny i społeczny klimat wokół islamu.
W każdym z opisywanych miast socjolożka Nilüfer Göle wraz ze swoją ekipą prowadzi wywiady wśród lokalnej społeczności, a potem organizuje spotkanie, w którym biorą udział reprezentanci obu stron konfliktu. To niekiedy pierwszy raz, kiedy uczestnicy sporu mają okazję wysłuchać swoich argumentów i spróbować się nawzajem zrozumieć.
Książka Nilüfer Göle to zatem nie tylko przekrojowa prezentacja kontrowersji związanych z obecnością muzułmanów w Europie, ale i zapis pionierskiego przedsięwzięcia, którego celem jest przekroczenie społecznych podziałów i budowa społeczeństwa opartego na szacunku.
Zed Books, 2017
For many in the West, Islam has become a byword for terrorism. From 9/11 to the Paris attacks, ou... more For many in the West, Islam has become a byword for terrorism. From 9/11 to the Paris attacks, our headlines are dominated by images of violence and extremism. Now, as the Western world struggles to cope with the refugee crisis, there is a growing obsession with the issue of Muslim integration. Those Muslims who fail to assimilate are branded the 'enemy within', with their communities said to provide a fertile breeding ground for jihadists. Such narratives, though, fail to take into account the actual lives of most Muslims living in the West, fixating instead on a minority of violent extremists.
In The Daily Lives of Muslims, Nilüfer Göle provides an urgently needed corrective to this distorted image of Islam. Engaging with Muslim communities in twenty-one cities across Europe where controversies over integration have arisen – from the banning of the veil in France to debates surrounding sharia law in the UK – the book brings the voices of this neglected majority into the debate. In doing so, Göle uncovers a sincere desire among many Muslims to participate in the public sphere, a desire which is too often stifled by Western insecurity and attempts to suppress the outward signs of religious difference.
Table of Contents
Introduction: European-Muslims - From Collage to Interweaving
1. Europe: No Entry for Islam?
2. Ordinary Muslims
3. Controversies Surrounding Muslim Prayer
4. Mute Minarets, Transparent Mosques
5. Art, Sacredness and Violence
6. Veiling and Active Minorities
7. What about Sharia?
8. Halal Lifestyles
9. Jewish Cursor
Conclusion: European Muslims Taking to the Stage
La Découverte, 2015
Après les tragiques attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris, les débats sur les rapports entre l'identi... more Après les tragiques attentats de janvier 2015 à Paris, les débats sur les rapports entre l'identité européenne et l'islam ont été inévitablement relancés. Au risque, avec l'émotion légitime provoquée par ces crimes, d'accroître les préjugés et la confusion quant à la perception de la présence musulmane en Europe. D'où l'intérêt et l'importance de la mise en perspective proposée dans ce livre.
De façon très accessible, Nilüfer Göle synthétise les résultats d'une enquête de terrain conduite de 2009 à 2013 auprès de "musulmans ordinaires " et de leurs concitoyens non musulmans dans vingt et une villes européennes. Son but était d'interroger les réactions aux controverses de l'heure : prières de rue, minarets " agressifs ", "caricatures danoises ", foulard ou burqa des femmes, invocation de la charia, consommation halal, rapport aux juifs et au judaïsme, etc. Elle apporte ainsi des réponses souvent inattendues à des questions simples : qu'en est-il réellement du vécu quotidien des musulmans d'Europe, jeunes nationaux "issus de l'immigration" ou convertis ? Comment vivent-ils les attaques " islamophobes" et concilient-ils prescriptions religieuses et adhésion aux normes sociales de sociétés laïques ? Quelle place la culture musulmane y occupe-t-elle désormais ?
Grâce à son dispositif d'enquête original, Nilüfer Göle bouscule bien des idées reçues et montre que les controverses ont paradoxalement contribué à l'émergence d'une culture publique alternative. Du hip-hop islamique au " jambon halal ", la nouvelle manière d'être musulman en Europe passe par une stylisation islamique des modes de vie modernes, en rien contradictoire avec les valeurs culturelles européennes. Un vrai message d'espoir, fondé sur l'enquête et non sur l'idéologie.
Prix Ambassador of the New Europe 2017 décerné par le Centre de la Solidarité Européenne
Prix Ambassador of the New Europe 2017 décerné par le Centre de la Solidarité Européenne
Duke University Press, 2015
In Islam and Secularity Nilüfer Göle takes on two pressing issues: the transforming relationship ... more In Islam and Secularity Nilüfer Göle takes on two pressing issues: the transforming relationship between Islam and Western secular modernity and the impact of the Muslim presence in Europe. Göle shows how the visibility of Islamic practice in the European public sphere unsettles narratives of Western secularism. As mutually constitutive, Islam and secularism permeate each other, the effects of which play out in embodied and aesthetic practices and are accompanied by fear, anxiety, and violence. In this timely book, Göle illuminates the recent rethinking of secularism and religion, of modernity and resistance to it, of the public significance of sexuality, and of the shifting terrain of identity in contemporary Europe.
Metis, 2012
"Seküler-dinsel ayrımına yaklaşım tarzlarımızda gerçekleşmekte olan değişim ve kaymaların zihins... more "Seküler-dinsel ayrımına yaklaşım tarzlarımızda gerçekleşmekte olan değişim ve kaymaların zihinsel bir haritasını çıkarmak giderek daha fazla önem kazanıyor. Sekülarizmin tek bir ideal modeli olmadığına dair artan bir farkındalık var. Seküler'in farklı tarihsel seyirler izleyen oluşumlarının farklı yerlerde farklı dinsel soykütükleri vardır kuşkusuz, ama bunlar Batı modernliği ve sömürgeciliğin hegemonik dayatmalarıyla yakından bağlantılıdır. Dolayısıyla, sekülarizm okumalarımızı ayrı ulusal oluşumlara doğru genişletmek yeterli olmamaktadır."
Nilüfer Göle, seküler-dinsel ayrımını benlik, devlet ve kamusal alan açısından inceliyor ve günümüzde çatışma ve uzlaşmalarla, iç içe girişlerle, yeniden yorumlamalarla ikiliğin her iki teriminin de kayda değer biçimde dönüştüğünü ileri sürüyor. Yakın dönemde seküler modernliğin ve ona ait iktidar alanlarının ciddi bir sorgulamayla karşılaştığını, bu sorgulama ve karşılaşmanın en belirgin biçimde ortaya çıktığı yerin Avrupa olduğunu, İslam'ın Avrupa'daki varlığının hem Avrupa'nın hem de Müslümanların kendi benlik temsillerini dönüştürdüğünü, Avrupa Birliği'nin siyasal ve kültürel geleceği açısından bir tür turnusol kâğıdı işlevi gördüğünü dile getiriyor.
Göle'nin farklı zamanlarda yazılmış yedi makalesini bir araya getiren bu kitabı, seküler modernliğin günümüzdeki güç kaybının nedenlerini ve aynı zamanda bunun sosyal ve beşeri bilimlerdeki yansımalarını anlamak için okunmalı.
1. Seküler-Dinsel Sınırlar: Benlik, Devlet ve Kamusal Alan
2. Seküler Modernliğin Sorgulanışı
3. Seküler İktidar Alanları: Medeniyet, Mekân ve Cinsellik
4. Laiklik ile Avrupa İslamı Arasındaki Müzakere
5. İslamın Görünürlüğü
6. Sanat, İslam ve Kamusal Kültür: Viyana'da "Türk Lokumu"
7. Avrupa'nın İslam ile İmtihanı: Hangi Gelecek?
Edicions Bellaterra, 2007
Cada vez de forma más acusada, el islam se está convirtiendo en un actor del escenario público eu... more Cada vez de forma más acusada, el islam se está convirtiendo en un actor del escenario público europeo, al que aporta valores, formas de vida y pautas culturales distintas; los países europeos, por su parte, «viven en su seno la experiencia del islam y se encuentran enfrentados a la cuestión de la convivencia».El impacto de la presencia musulmana ancla a ésta en el presente: su «anacronismo», en los términos de la autora, la más brillante y respetada socióloga turca, se enfrenta a la prueba de la modernidad según la define la Europa de acogida que, por otro lado, se arroga el monopolio de la definición de dicha modernidad, en una dialéctica que tiene una característica nueva: no se trata de un problema externo, sino interno a las sociedades europeas.Esta obra, con brillantez y agudeza, analiza los diversos aspectos de esa «interpenetración» entre islam y Europa: la globalización, la modernidad y el laicismo, el terrorismo, la cada vez más relevante cuestión de la ciudadanía, el compromiso público y los espacios de socialización, todo ello con especial hincapié en la cuestión de la mujer, para tratar de buscar en todos ellos los elementos de encuentro que hagan posible –y sobre todo eficaz y enriquecedora– una convivencia que ya es uno de los rasgos fundamentales de nuestro panorama actual.
Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 2008
Gibt es zwangsläufig Konflikt zwischen den Religionen? Ist der Westen wirklich in der Moderne und... more Gibt es zwangsläufig Konflikt zwischen den Religionen? Ist der Westen wirklich in der Moderne und der Islam in Glauben und Tradition verankert? Oder können Glaube und Moderne im Islam neu zusammenfinden, jenseits von Fundamentalismus und Terrorismus?
Ausgehend vom 11. September und der Verflechtung der Attentäter mit der westlichen Zivilisation zeigt Göle, wie falsch die Ansicht ist, der Westen stehe für die Moderne und der islamische Osten für Rückständigkeit. Nie zuvor waren sich die beiden Welten so nahe.
Nicht zuletzt zielt der islamistische Terrorismus auch darauf, ein religiöses Repertoire neu zu erfinden. Göle analysiert, wie die Religion uminterpretiert und politisiert wird durch einen islamischen Terrorismus, der auf verschiedene Öffentlichkeiten abzielt: auf nationale, religiöse und westliche.
Die Türkei – so ihre zentrale These – repräsentiert ein anderes Bild des Islam als das, was al-Qaida propagiert oder die Doktrin vom Konflikt der Kulturen behauptet. Sie könnte ein Modell zur Überwindung des Konflikts werden, ein Grenzgänger zwischen Islam und westlicher Welt.
Metis, 2009
"Basit bir saptamadan yola çıkıyor bu kitap: İslam bugün modern dünyanın çağdaşı haline geliyor. ... more "Basit bir saptamadan yola çıkıyor bu kitap: İslam bugün modern dünyanın çağdaşı haline geliyor. Yanı sıra modern dünyanın bilincini sorgulayan bir yüzleşme sürecini de beraberinde getiriyor. İslam'ın tarih sahnesine girişi her zaman barışçı yollardan gerçekleşmiyor; kendini Batı modeline benzetecek, onun içinde asimilasyonunu sağlayacak bir mantığı da izlemiyor. İslam ile modernitenin bu karşılaşması, karşılıklı olarak her ikisinin de dönüşümüne yol açarken modernliğin mevcut tanımlarını da iyice karıştırıyor.
"Bugün bu çatışmalı karşılaşma en iyi Avrupa'da gözlemleniyor: İslam gerek bireysel pratiklerde gerek kamuya açık tartışmalarda gündeme yerleşerek bir Avrupa meselesi haline geliyor. Hem İslam hem Avrupa daha önce bilmedikleri bir yakınlık ve eşzamanlılık içine girdiler. Bir iç içe giriş söz konusu. Biyo-politik bir anlamı da var bunun, çünkü bu iletişimsel karşılaşmada, cinsiyete dair ve aynı zamanda zorla, hatta şiddetle gerçekleşen bedensel bir yan var. Müslümanlar Avrupa'nın bağrında var olma imkânını zorluyorlar.
"Herkesi bir araya getirebilecek bir alanı, mekânı, projeyi hayal etmek gerekiyor. Ancak bunu yaparken artık eskiden olduğu gibi araya konacak bir mesafenin rahatlığının mevcut olmadığını akılda tutmak, böyle bir mesafeden medet ummadan yeniden düşünebilmek gerekiyor. Bugün artık Avrupa için söz konusu olan, İslami farklılığın tanınması ya da tanınmaması değil, tam tersine ikisi için ortak bir mekânı, kültürel havzayı yeniden düşünmeye, yeniden oluşturmaya ve çatışma üzerine kurulu diyaloğun dışına çıkmaya gücünün ve kabiliyetinin olup olmadığıdır. Kuşkusuz bu yaklaşım, en başta her iki tarafta da kimliklerin aşılmasını, 'saflık' ve 'bozulma' kaygılarından kurtulunmasını şart koşar."
—Nilüfer Göle
1 Öteki Avrupa
2 Terörist Enstantane
3 İstanbul Saldırıları ve İslami Sahne Düzeni
4 İslam ve Küreselleşme, Benzeşme mi, Ötekileşme mi?
5 Modernite, Tasnifler: Küresel ve Yerel
6 Ekstra-Moderniteler
7 Cumhuriyetçi Laiklik ve Kamusal İslam
8 Kadın ve Medeniyet Eşliği
9 Yurttaşlık ve Kamusal Siyaset
10 Tesettür, Damganın Tersyüz Edilişi ve Kadınların Kavgası
11 Türkiye: Rahatsız Edici Bir Avrupa Arzusu
12 Avrupa Kimliği ve Ötekileştirilen Türkiye
13 Avrupa "Saflığı" Kaygısından Kurtulmak
Marcus Weiner, 2011
Islam in Europe is a book full of striking images: the assassination of and the death threats aga... more Islam in Europe is a book full of striking images: the assassination of and the death threats against artists and intellectuals; violent demonstrations demanding Sharia [Koranic] law for Europe; acts of terrorism. Also detailed are European political initiatives and, in some cases, new laws that forbid the wearing of the burka in public spaces, the ban on minarets in Switzerland, and other efforts to keep Western culture “pure.” But there is another reality, as Nilüfer Göle describes it from her own life experience: Muslims who are politicians in European parliaments; scholars teaching in European universities; artists who use this creative intercultural exchange as a theme in their art.
More visible are the hundreds of thousands of students, workers, merchants, and professionals who participate in every aspect of public life without concealing their heritage. Göle sees the best hope for a modern and European Islam in the Muslim women who — in contrast to the men — demonstrate their commitment to their heritage by wearing head scarves while participating in modern Western life. In manifesting their professional and public experience in their own communities, they become the agents of change and modernism. Göle thus sees European Islam as “feminine,” in contrast to the male-dominated traditional Islam. As she said on PBS’ Frontline, “Modernity is … shaped, invented by values that were not the values of Muslim countries. That is one of the basic reasons for the separation between the modern world and the Muslim world, this either/or partition. If you are modern, you can’t be a Muslim. But now we are going beyond this division — you can be both Muslim and modern.”
This edition is translated from the French by Stephen Rendall.
Armando Editore, 2013
Esiste un conflitto tra le religioni? Tra le civiltà? E se esiste, può essere giustificato dall’a... more Esiste un conflitto tra le religioni? Tra le civiltà? E se esiste, può essere giustificato dall’antagonismo tra un Occidente ancorato alla modernità e alla laicità, e un Islam congelato nella fede e nella tradizione? A partire dagli attentati dell’11 settembre, il testo analizza la natura profonda dei loro autori e la complessità dei loro rapporti con l’Occidente. Invitando il lettore a fare un’opportuna distinzione tra Islam e islamismo, e mettendo l’accento sulla grande disomogeneità dell’Islam contemporaneo, l’Autrice analizza il problema prendendo ad esempio la Turchia dei nostri giorni.”.
Metis, 2000
"Cumhuriyet'in orta ve kentli sınıflara nüfuz etmesiyle birlikte muhafazakârlık ve milliyetçili... more "Cumhuriyet'in orta ve kentli sınıflara nüfuz etmesiyle birlikte muhafazakârlık ve milliyetçiliğin değişim geçirdiğini görüyoruz. Benzer bir biçimde, müslümanlar da modernlik ve laiklik ile karma desenler oluşturuyorlar. Her iki tarafın da melezlenmeye, aralarındaki farklılıkların azalmaya başladığı bu süreçte, yeni saflık arayışlarının, yeni sınır muhafızlarının ve yasak tanımlarının oluştuğuna da tanık oluyoruz. Melezlenmeye karşı tepki verenlerin 'küçük farklılıklardan' beslendiği unutulmamalıdır: Düşmanlıklar uzaktaki yabancıya değil, yanı başındakine, giderek kendisine komşu olan, hatta aynı alanı paylaşmakta olan, aynı dili konuşan (ama küçük bir farklılık da taşıyan) gruplara yöneltilir. 'Öteki', yabancı olan değil, fazla yakına gelerek saflığı bozma tehdidini yöneltendir. Nitekim melezlenme kavramının bu kadar negatif değer yüklü olması da, köklerin belirsizleşmesi, soyun bozulması gibi kaygılara yol açan bir saflık kaybını dile getirmesindendir. Ama melezlenme aynı zamanda birbirinden etkilenme, öğrenme ve karşılıklı bağımlılığı dile getirdiği ölçüde, birarada yaşayabilmenin koşulu ve sonucu olarak da ortaya çıkıyor. Melez Desenler saflık arayışları ve karmalaşma arasındaki bu tür gelgitler üzerine bir eskiz, yazı tarzıyla da karma bir deneme..." – Nilüfer Göle
Önsöz: Modernlik: Zaman, Bilinç ve Desen
Yeni Sosyal Hareketler ve İslamcılık
80 Sonrası Politik Kültür: Yükselen Değerler
Liberal Yanılgı
Eğitici Laiklik ve Yaşam Biçimleri
İslami Dokunulmazlar, Laikler ve Radikal Demokratlar
Müslüman Karşı Seçkinlerin Oluşumu
İslami Kimlik Arayışı
İstanbul'un İntikamı
Fotoğraf Kareleri İçinde İslami Modernlikler
Batı-dışı Modernlik: Kavram Üzerine
University of Michigan Press, 1996
This book by prominent Turkish scholar Nilüfer Göle examines the complex relationships among mode... more This book by prominent Turkish scholar Nilüfer Göle examines the complex relationships among modernity, religion, and gender relations in the Middle East. Her focus is on the factors that influence young women pursuing university educations in Turkey to adopt seemingly fundamentalist Islamist traditions, such as veiling, and the complex web of meanings attributed to these gender-separating practices. Veiling, a politicized practice that conceptually forces people to choose between the "modern" and the "backward," provides an insightful way of looking at the contemporary Islam-West conflict, shedding light on the recent rise of Islamist fundamentalism in many countries and providing insight into what is a more complex phenomenon than is commonly portrayed in accounts by Western journalists.
Göle's sociological approach, employing a number of personal interviews, allows for both a detailed case study of these young Turkish women who are turning to the tenets of fundamental Islamist gender codes, and for a broader critique of Eurocentrism and the academic literature regarding the construction of meaning. Both perspectives serve as a springboard for the launching of theoretical innovations into feminist, religious, cultural, and area studies.
The Forbidden Modern: Civilization and Veiling was originally published as Modern Mahrem by the Turkish publisher Metis and has been translated into French, German, and Spanish. Nilüfer Göle is Professor of Sociology, Bogaziçi University.
Babel Verlag, 1995
Der Schleier beziehungsweise das Kopftuch der jungen islamischen Frauen scheint die Frontlinie zw... more Der Schleier beziehungsweise das Kopftuch der jungen islamischen Frauen scheint die Frontlinie zwischen westlicher Moderne auf der einen und traditionellem Islam auf der anderen Seite zu symbolisieren.
Die renommierte türkische Soziologin Nilüfer Göle geht der Frage nach, wie Sexualität und Politik in der Türkei - dem islamischen Land, in dem Moderne und Laizismus am stärksten forciert wurden - über die Frauenfrage miteinander verknüpft sind und wie das Thema von den verschiedenen gesellschaftlichen Gruppen - von westlich Orientierten und islamistisch Orientierten, von islamistischen Frauen und islamistischen Männern - diskutiert wurde und wird...
Poche/La Découverte, 1993
Modernité occidentale d'un côté, islam traditionnel de l'autre : dans les discours contemporains,... more Modernité occidentale d'un côté, islam traditionnel de l'autre : dans les discours contemporains, cette opposition est irréductible. Et le voile islamique qui couvre la femme musulmane apparaît comme le symbole le plus frappant de cette étrangeté absolue entre deux mondes. Vision réductrice, comme le montre Nilüfer Göle, qui apporte dans ce livre une contribution décisive à la compréhension des sociétés musulmanes contemporaines et des mouvements islamistes. Dans cette perspective, la Turquie était sans doute le meilleur terrain d'observation : c'est dans ce pays que la modernisation et la laïcisation de la société, depuis le XIXe siècle, ont été le plus poussées. Et c'est pourtant sur ce terrain de la modernité que surgissent, comme ailleurs dans le monde musulman, de puissants mouvements islamistes. Au cœur de ce paradoxe, le statut de la femme. Forte de ce constat, Nilüfer Göle a mené une longue enquête dans son pays, qui montre comment, derrière le voile, apparaît un nouveau profil de femme musulmane : éduquée, urbanisée et revendicative. Engagées politiquement et professionnellement, ces femmes quittent la sphère du privé et remettent en cause le fondement même de l'organisation sociale musulmane et la ségrégation entre les sexes. Derrière ce qui peut paraître un mouvement de protestation politique, on voit se dessiner la genèse d'élites islamiques qui cherchent à mettre fin à l'assimilation de l'être civilisé à l'être occidental.
Metis, 1991
Modernliği, ekonomik gelişme, siyasal iktidar biçimleri, kentleşme gibi sosyo-politik olgularla ... more Modernliği, ekonomik gelişme, siyasal iktidar biçimleri, kentleşme gibi sosyo-politik olgularla algılamaya alışkınız. Türk deneyimi ise modernizmin özel yaşamlar, mahrem alan üzerindeki dönüştürücü gücünü göstermesi bakımından emsalsizdir. Bu bağlamda Modern Mahrem Türk modernleşmesi tarihine, mahrem cephesinden bakmaktadır. Bu kitaptaki alternatif okuma, modernizm ve kadın-erkek ilişkileri arasındaki "kara kıtayı" gün ışığına çıkarmayı amaçlamaktadır. – Nilüfer Göle
Metis, 1986
"Sosyal bilimcilerin seçtikleri konular, içinde yaşadıkları toplumsal tarihten ve buna gösterdikl... more "Sosyal bilimcilerin seçtikleri konular, içinde yaşadıkları toplumsal tarihten ve buna gösterdikleri kişisel duyarlılıklardan bağımsız değildir. C. Wright Mills'in kavramsallaştırmasıyla 'sosyolojik tasavvur', toplumsal konularla kişisel tarih arasında bir köprü kurabilme sanatıdır. Başka bir deyişle, bireysel duyarlılıklarımızla toplumsal rahatsızlıklarımızı ilintilendirdiğimiz ölçüde yaşadığımız tarihe nüfuz etmeye çalışırız...
Bugünden geriye doğru yeniden değerlendirdiğimde, Mühendisler ve İdeoloji'nin, bireysel entelektüel oluşumum ile toplumsal tarih arasındaki kâh kesişme kâh çekişme noktaları üzerine kurulu olduğunun daha fazla farkına varıyorum. Mühendisleri anlamak sanki toplumsal dönüşümün haritasını çizmenin ipuçlarını veriyordu. Türkiye'de modernleşme hareketlerini şekillendiren pozitivist geleneğin ağırlığı; solcu düşüncenin toplumsal mühendisliğe öykünmesi; liberal siyasetin mühendis pragmatizmiyle siyasete damgasını vurması; İslamcı hareketin içinde yer alan mühendis kadroları; yani yakın tarihimizin tüm önemli kırılmalarına mühendis optiğinden bakmanın bize toplumsal hayatımıza ilişkin yeni bir okuma, yeni bir perspektif kazandıracağını söyleyebiliriz. Mühendisler ve İdeoloji, özellikle pozitivizmin modernleşme tarihimizdeki yerini ve 1970-1980 arasında şekillenen sol ideoloji ve toplumsal mühendislik arasındaki ilişkileri inceliyor." – Nilüfer Göle
Routledge, 2022
This volume takes a global view of the emergence of public protest movements over the last decade... more This volume takes a global view of the emergence of public protest movements over the last decade, asking whether such movements contribute to the globalization of civil society. Through a variety of studies, organised around the themes of public agency, public norms, public memory and public art, it considers the tendency of political contestations to move beyond national boundaries and create transnational connections. Departing from the approaches of social movements perspectives, it focuses on public space as a site of social "mixity" and opens up a new field for the study of politics and cultural controversies. An analysis of the paradigmatic change in the way in which society is made and politics is conducted, this study of the new enactment of citizenship in public space will appeal to scholars of sociology, anthropology, geography and politics with interests in protest movements and contentious politics, citizenship and the public sphere, and globalization.
Nilüfer Göle
Part I: Public Agency as a New Form of Protest
1. Public Space Democracy, Assembly and Creativity
Nilüfer Göle
2. What Theory for the New Protest Movements?
Boyan Znepolski
3. Embedding the Prefigurations of Gezi Protests: The Rhizomatic Spread of New Subjectivities and Politicized Identities
Baran Alp Uncu
4. Çarşı in the Gezi Park Protests in Istanbul: New Forms of Public Agency in a Square Movement
Gökçe Tuncel
5. Protest Repertoires During Ukraine's Euromaidan: Historical Traditions, Memory Politics and New Public Agency
Tom Junes
6. Transmuting Civic Horizontality of 15M into Civil Verticality in Spain: Collective Presences and Representative Governance
Pablo Ouziel
Part II: Public Culture and Norm Conflicts
7. Manaf Halbouni’s Monument Installation in Dresden (2017): Contesting Memories and the Politics of Art
Sarah Dornhof
8. The Case of MF Husain in Democratic India: Art, Politics and Offence
Peter Ronald Desouza
9. Da’wa Through Conviviality and Arts in Molenbeek: Beer, Coffee and the Frictions of the Public.
Nadia Fadil and Maryam Kolly
10. The Case of AKM Building in Istanbul: Public Sphere Under (Re)Construction
Zeynep Ugur
Part III: Public Memory, Monuments and Art Forms
11. Sites, Selfies, and Contemporary Transnational Commemoration
Mechtild Widrich
12. The Armenian Cultural Heritage and Architecture in Turkey: The Emergence of Plural Memories in the Public Space
Nazli Temir
13. Martyr Iconography in Post-War Iran: When Public Memorialization Leads to Grieving Obstruction
Parand Danesh
14. Contemporary Artists on the Traces of the Mausoleum of Georgi Dimitrov in Sofia: Memory Debates and Public Space
Ina Belcheva
Part IV: Public Transgressions and Artistic Interventions
15. Art for Demos
Erdag Aksel
16. Aesthetic Struggles in Algiers (1988–2018)
Mustapha Benfodil
17. Mutterzunge, the Silence in the Park
Misal Adnan Yildiz
18. From Maydan-Kiev to University of Salah Adin in Iraq
Emeric Lhuisset
19. How Visual Artwork Publicise Forgotten Memories?
Ali Akay
Editions Halfa, 2015
L’Islam a acquis une visibilité dans les sphères publiques européennes tant au travers de nouveau... more L’Islam a acquis une visibilité dans les sphères publiques européennes tant au travers de nouveaux symboles que de nouvelles figures publiques, masculines et féminines, religieuses et séculières. L’entrée de l’islam dans la sphère publique suscite des débats autour de la construction des mosquées, de la finance islamique, des lieux de piété, de loisirs, de l’art et des lieux de sépulture. Dans cet ouvrage, les auteurs explorent les notions de visibilité/invisibilité de l’islam européen. En mettant l’islam, l’Europe et l’espace public au cœur de leurs propos, les contributeurs empruntent les outils théoriques, les notions clés et la méthodologie de la sociologie de Nilüfer Göle. La notion d’espace public se révèle être heuristiquement féconde pour en-quêter les modes d’« apparition » des musulmans dans la vie publique en Europe, dans différents domaines de vie, allant de l’esthétique à l’intime, en passant par la consommation, la culture, le droit et le savoir.
Bilgi University Press, 2006
The relations between Islam and the Western world are usually examined at the macro level of poli... more The relations between Islam and the Western world are usually examined at the macro level of political regimes, terrorism, or cultural-religious differences. This book, however, privileges the analysis of micro-processes by focusing on emerging Muslim profiles and practices in public life. Different trajectories of Muslim actors who refer to religion in shaping their personal identities and public behavior are studied in three different publics, namely, secularist Turkey, post-Islamic Iran, and Europe. The authors argue that the participation of Muslim actors in public life does not represent a linear, conflict-free evolution towards modern conceptions of self and public; rather, it calls for a closer examination of new political and cultural issues raised by public claims of Muslim actors that in turn challenge the Eurocentric definitions of private-public spheres and religious-secular oppositions. Bringing researchers of Islam together with others from outside this particular field, the book poses questions regarding the definitions of self, religion, difference, and the public in such a manner that it should appeal not only to specialists of Islam but to those interested in the social scientific analysis in general as well.
Metis, 2000
Bir atölye çalışması olan İslamın Yeni Kamusal Yüzleri, İslam'ın son yıllarda kamusal alanda kaza... more Bir atölye çalışması olan İslamın Yeni Kamusal Yüzleri, İslam'ın son yıllarda kamusal alanda kazandığı görünürlüğün getirdiği yeni ve farklı yüzleri, söylemi, yaşam biçimlerini konu alıyor. İslamın siyasal eylemi ve anonim kitle görüntüsü giderek değişiyor: Televizyon, konser salonları, plajlar, festivaller ve gönüllü kuruluşlar vb. yeni mekânlara giren, seslerini korodan ayrıştıran, tek tek yüz hatlarını görmeye başladığımız, bireyselleşen bir İslami dinamikle karşı karşıyayız. Yazarlar, farklı araştırma konularıyla işte bu bireyselleşen ve farklılaşan yüzleri okumaya çalışıyorlar.
Konusunun ve araştırıcı, meraklı bakışının ötesinde bir önem taşıyor bu kitap: Bir öğretmenle öğrencilerinin birlikte gerçekleştirdikleri bir ürün. Bu niteliğiyle bir ilk. Sosyal bilimler alanında üniversitelerdeki mevcut öğreten/öğrenen ilişkisine alternatif, yaratıcı ve ürün vermeye yönelik bir öneri... Birlikte çalışmak konusunda, akademik dünyanın hayal gücünü kışkırtacağı düşüncesiyle yayımlıyoruz bu kitabı.
Giriş, Nilüfer Göle
Modernist Kamusal Alan ve İslamcı Ahlak, Nilüfer Göle
İslamcı Bir Sivil Toplum Örgütü: Gökkuşağı İstanbul Kadın Platformu, Kenan Çayır
Feminizm, İslam ve Kamusal Alan, Defne Suman
İslami Radyolar ve Türbanlı Spikerler, Umut Azak
Laikliğin Dönüşümü: Liseli Gençler, Türban ve Atatürk Rozeti, Buket Türkmen
Kutsal ile Kamusal: Fethullah Gülen Cemaat Hareketi, Uğur Kömeçoğlu
Yaşar Nuri Öztürk ve Yeniden Öğrenilen İslam, A. A. Esra Özcan
İslam'ın Bronzlaşan Yüzü: Caprice Hotel Örnek Olayı, Mücahit Bilici
Modernliğin "Yeşil" Eleştirileri: Ekoloji ve İslamcılık, Oğuz Erdur
Routledge, 2013
The public visibility of Islam is becoming increasingly controversial throughout European countri... more The public visibility of Islam is becoming increasingly controversial throughout European countries. With case studies drawn from France, Germany, Italy, Spain and the UK, this book examines a range of public issues, including mosque construction, ritual slaughter, Sharia councils and burqa bans, addressing the question of ’Islamic difference’ in public life outside the confines of established normative discourses that privilege freedom of religion, minority rights or multiculturalism. Acknowledging the creative role of dissent, it explores the manner in which public controversies unsettle the religious-secular divide and reshape European norms in the domains of aesthetics, individual freedom, animal rights and law. Developing an innovative conceptual framework and elaborating the notion of controversy as a methodological tool, Islam and Public Controversy in Europe draws our attention to the processes of interaction, confrontation and mutual transformation, thereby opening up a new horizon for rethinking difference and pluralism in Europe. As such, it will appeal to scholars across the social sciences with interests in religion, integration, cultural difference and the public sphere.
European Journal of Turkish Studies Social Sciences on Contemporary Turkey 35 | 2022 Post-Kemalism and its discontents
In this article, I explore debates on Kemalism and Post-Kemalism, not just as a nexus of ideas, b... more In this article, I explore debates on Kemalism and Post-Kemalism, not just as a nexus of ideas, but primarily as lived experiences. Lived experience (Erlebnis) intertwines biography and history, connecting personal subjectivities with collective experiences. Treating Kemalism and Post-Kemalism as lived experiences implies interconnections between personal and collective encounters, represented through language. After introducing Atatürkism and Kemalism, I discuss the Post-Kemalist moment in Turkey. While refraining from strictly labeling my work as "post-Kemalist," my involvement, as the author of "Modern Mahrem," becomes imperative. I defend the thesis that critiques of Kemalism, by challenging taboos and advocating dialogical voices, shape an inclusive public space in contemporary Turkey. This essay highlights blind spots in the Post-Kemalist debate, focusing on Muslim-secular dynamics, underrepresented voices, and Turkey's EU membership repercussions.
Dijalog - Časopis za filozofiju i društvenu teoriju, Issue no1-2, 2001, p. 209-215
Globalizacija i multikulturalnost pojavljuju se kao osnovne smjernice našeg post-industrijskog dr... more Globalizacija i multikulturalnost pojavljuju se kao osnovne smjernice našeg post-industrijskog društva. S jedne strane, modernitet postaje sve više i više ujedinjujuća snaga, koja ne poznaje granice, i uvlači se, putem mondijalizirane trgovine i komunikacije, u same oblike života. On sada posjeduje snažniju ujedinjujuću i mondijalijsku moć nego što je to bilo u njegovoj industrijskoj fazi. Trgovinska logika i hedonistički moral određuju njegove vlastite zakone tržišta, a ličnosti mame na vrednosne ljestvice mondijalizma. Ali, s druge strane, uočava se također izrastanje suprotnih pojava, etničkih i religioznih. Politički teren sve više osvaja, nasuprot brisanju razlika koje čini modernitet, poziv na identitet, na multikulturalizam.
Transit, Issue no 26, 2003, pp. 156-165
Die Rolle der Religion bei der Integration Europas stellt sich mir als Islamwissenschaftlerin mit... more Die Rolle der Religion bei der Integration Europas stellt sich mir als Islamwissenschaftlerin mit türkischem Hintergrund anders dar als den meisten anderen Beiträgern zu diesem Thema. Erstens und vor allem ist für uns die gesellschaftliche Rolle der Religion im allgemeinen und des Islam im besonderen gewöhnlich negativ besetzt und erscheint als Integrationshemmnis. Zweitens wird eine Person türkischer Herkunft das Problem auf ganz spezifische Weise angehen. Wie Sie wissen, waren die türkischen Modernisten nach der Gründung der türkischen Republik im Jahre 1923 kompromisslos säkularistisch und sind es bis heute geblieben. Für jene Türken, die sich den Werten der europäischen Modeme verpflichtet fühlen, bedeuten deshalb die Vereinigung Europas und die Bildung einer europäischen Identität die Vollendung eines Säkularisierungsprojekts. Aus diesem besonderen historischen und kulturellen Blickwinkel wirkt es verblüffend, wenn die Religion als integrativer Faktor bei der Bildung einer Gemeinschaft europäischer Bürger in Betracht gezogen wird. Andererseits ist es aber eine interessante Herausforderung, die Rolle der Religion bei der Schaffung eines europäischen Bewusstseins nicht nur aus der vorherrschenden Perspektive der christlichen Tradition, sondern auch im Blick auf die Präsenz des Islam neu zu überdenken.
Indian Seminar review, n°743, July 2021, pp. 29-34
Birikim, no°384, April 2021, p. 40-47
Kavramların kendilerine ait bir yaşam serüveni vardır, belli tarihsel anlarda ortaya çıkar, kültü... more Kavramların kendilerine ait bir yaşam serüveni vardır, belli tarihsel anlarda ortaya çıkar, kültürel havzalara göre farklı anlam katmanlarına sahip olur, düşünürlerin, toplumsal aktörlerin dilinde dolaşıma girer, ortak yaşam kurallarını sorgular ve nihayetinde kanunları değiştirebilirler. Kimi zaman ise işlevselliklerini yitirir, zihnimizden, dilimizden silinip, yok olurlar. Ne var ki, kavramların yaşam serüvenleri her zaman doğal bir eleme ya da evrim sürecine tabi değildir. Özellikle sistemi sorgulayan kavramlar pek arzulanmaz, iktidarların yasaklarına takıldığı gibi, çoğunluğun nezdinde de kolay kabul görmez. Kavramlar toplumsal mücadelelerin bir parçasıdırlar, toplumu oluşturan aktörler arasındaki güç ve iktidar ilişkilerinin süregelmesinde ya da dönüştürülmesinde önemli bir rol oynarlar. Kavramları toplumsal güç dengelerini belirleyen, ya da değiştiren bir kaldıraç olarak düşünebiliriz.
Socio n° 3, Chercheurs à barre, septembre 2014
Seminar Magazine Special Issue, 649, p. 51-54, September 2013
Philosophy and Social Criticism, vol° 39, n°4-5, pp. 333-339, 2013
Documentos CIDOB Serie: Dinámicas interculturales Número 9. , 2007
Documentos CIDOB, Dinámicas interculturales 1. N.d T. En francés en el original. ¿Qué futuro depa... more Documentos CIDOB, Dinámicas interculturales 1. N.d T. En francés en el original. ¿Qué futuro depara el encuentro de Europa con el islam?
Cosmopolitiques, no°6, 2004
Instantanés terroristes à Istanbul et nouvelle scénographie de l'islamisme Le terrorisme fonction... more Instantanés terroristes à Istanbul et nouvelle scénographie de l'islamisme Le terrorisme fonctionne aussi à l'image-choc qui tend à nous sidèrer, par sa mise en scène comme par ses effets catastrophiques. Le s attaques contre la Turquie laïque, musulmane et pro-européenne dé finissent un ennemi : les passeurs, ceux qui peuvent prétendre composer un monde d'échanges entre cultures et entre religions.
Confluences Méditerranée, 2000
Le cas turc nous offre une terrain privilégié pour analyser les rapports de force entre les acteu... more Le cas turc nous offre une terrain privilégié pour analyser les rapports de force entre les acteurs laïques et islamistes. Tout d'abord, la Turquie à cause de son passé non-colonial, a une tradition très forte et continue des élites dirigeantes, qui ont visé depuis le XIXe siècle la réforme de la société turque dans le sens de la laïcité et de la modernité occidentales. Et aujourd'hui on peut dire que ce projet a réussi à s'implanter dans la société civile, dans l'imaginaire social de beaucoup de Turcs. Mais en même temps il a été défié, à plusieurs reprises, par l'islam politique.
New Perspectives on Turkey, 1998
We thought “isms” were dead after our disillusionment with socialist utopian thinking in practice... more We thought “isms” were dead after our disillusionment with socialist utopian thinking in practice. But in the last two decades, new “isms,” Islamism, feminism and postmodernism, each very distinct, have changed our lives as much as our conceptions of ourselves and our societies. Feminism redefined woman's identity and, by the same token, changed the relations between man and woman; Islamism brought Muslim actors to modern politics, in which the veiling of women blurs habitual distinctions between public and private, traditional and modern; and post-modernism-by pursuing the critique initiated by new social movements for egalitarian, progressive, emancipatory values of enlightened modernity-challenged the central and hierarchical place occupied by the West as standard-bearer of modernity. Despite their differences, each movement—feminism as a social movement, Islamism as an anti-systemic movement, and postmodernism as a movement of ideas—changed definitions and perceptions of woman, Islam and modernity.
Philosophy & Social Criticism, 2011
The public visibility of Islam reveals new political stakes in European democracies around issues... more The public visibility of Islam reveals new political stakes in European democracies around issues of immigration and citizenship. By focusing on the societal debates and the controversies around the construction of mosques and minarets, this article explores the ways in which Islamic difference is manifested, perceived and framed in public life. The ‘visibility’ of Islam in public is conceptualized as a form of agency, a manifestation of religious difference that cannot be thought independent of the materiality of culture, namely aesthetic forms, dress codes, or architectural genres. It is argued that the debates for or against the banning of the construction of mosques and/or minarets reveal the tumultuous transition of Muslims from the status of the invisible migrant-worker to that of visible Muslim citizenship. The public visibility is approached therefore as a radically disruptive, transgressive, provocative form of transformative agency that is intrinsically related to the poli...
Insight Turkey, 2013
The Occupy Gezi movement has been a staging ground for the creativity of micro-practices, and it ... more The Occupy Gezi movement has been a staging ground for the creativity of micro-practices, and it embodies the importance of the politics of everyday life. The claim to protect the park is not merely metaphorical. The park signifies the physicality of the public sphere. Ideally it is the concrete space, open space for citizens where they can manifest freely their presence and interact with each other. The public square Gezi movement represents a new threshold for democracy where old cleavages between authoritarian secularism and Islam are surpassed and new forms of citizenship are rehearsed. The Gezi Park movement opened up a new arena of creative experience and provided a home for democratic imaginaires growing and resonating from Istanbul, Turkey. COMMENTARY T the Occupy Gezi movement has been a staging ground for the creativity of micro-practices, and it embodies the importance of the politics of everyday life. As a public square movement, it opened up a new arena of experience and democratic opportunities growing and resonating from Istanbul, Turkey. The Occupation of Gezi Park started on May 28, 2013, in protest against the implementation of an urban management project. When the police brutally intervened and used aggressive force, the Gezi movement gained new momentum from the massive support of the middle class and the expansion from Istanbul to other urban cities. The public has not hesitated to take to the streets and block avenues, neighborhoods, and their city's central spaces. Others participate from their balconies, with whole families chiming in to the protestors' chorus, banging on pots and pans. They have found pacifistic means of protest that require no arms or political slogans to express their discontent and frustrations with the AK Party govern
New Perspectives Quarterly, 2008
Politica & Società, 2012
In this essay, I try to consider the appearance of Islam in European public debates in a new way.... more In this essay, I try to consider the appearance of Islam in European public debates in a new way. I focus especially on the visibility of Islamic practices and their effects on European public space. In order to do so, I prefer to use the concept of public space instead of that of public sphere so as to consider the encounters between Islamic immigrants and European citizens as a theatrical event. Drawing on Hannah Arendt's thought I develop both a concept of visibility as public action and a new concept of religious agency. Finally, referring to the conceptual tools elaborated by the literary theorist Mikhail Bakhtin, I propose to consider the appearance of Islamic actors, practices, and habitus into the European public space as something capable of transforming the experience of both time and space of citizenship.
N. Göle, Y, Cohen (dir.), La Démocratie de la place publique, Paris, Politika, 2018
Comment saisir la signification des mouvements de la place publique qui ont émergé dans les année... more Comment saisir la signification des mouvements de la place publique qui ont émergé dans les années 2010 en différentes parties du monde ? Participent-ils à la globalisation de la société civile ? Signalent-ils un changement paradigmatique dans la manière d’être en société, et dans la mise en relation entre l’expressivité esthétique et la protestation politique ? Il s’agit d’étudier la transformation de l’expérience personnelle dans et par le collectif, les dynamiques de visibilité et d’expressivité des acteurs sur la place publique. On s’attache à réfléchir sur la démocratie de la place publique et l’apparition de maidan comme nouveau protagoniste du politique. Les mouvements de la place font apparaître, à l’échelle plus proche du vécu et de l’intime, des formes singulières de la vie dans la production du commun. En partant de la personne et de son expressivité, en mettant en avant la « personne » dans les affaires du « public », ces mouvements inventent un mode d’engagement et d’agir public qui se distingue des formes précédentes d'action collective.
La Vanguardia Dossier, 2009
Las mujeres turcas son marcadores simbólicos, mediadoras culturales, agentes comprometidas, porta... more Las mujeres turcas son marcadores simbólicos, mediadoras culturales, agentes comprometidas, portavoces públicos y desempeñan un papel decisivo para determinar el rumbo de la democracia turca. Pero, al mismo tiempo, son víctimas de las divisiones religiosas, étnicas y culturales de la propia sociedad.
Critique internationale, 2004
La Turquie ne cesse de donner la preuve de sa détermination à faire partie de l’Union européenne.... more La Turquie ne cesse de donner la preuve de sa détermination à faire partie de l’Union européenne. Pourtant, alors qu’elle s’est engagée à adopter et à faire appliquer une série de réformes qui témoignent de son désir d’Europe, elle devient un sujet de controverse dans les débats sur l’ouverture des négociations. Si la Turquie a connu par le passé un processus d’occidentalisation sans être colonisée par les pays occidentaux, elle connaît aujourd’hui une dynamique d’européanisation sans être membre de l’Union européenne. Cette empreinte de la perspective européenne dans une société musulmane est loin d’être appréciée, toutefois, comme la réussite universelle du projet européen. Elle suscite au contraire le soupçon et la peur d’érosion identitaire d’une Europe qui n’aurait plus de limites. En révélant les tensions qui existent dans les rapports entre l’islam et l’Europe, entre les deux Occidents, mais également entre plusieurs islams, la Turquie dérange, et devient finalement une affaire interne aux pays européens.
En quête de l'islam européen, Editions Halfa, Perpignan , 2015
La mobilisation des musulmans dans la controverse sur l'arbitrage religieux au Canada : un islam ... more La mobilisation des musulmans dans la controverse sur l'arbitrage religieux au Canada : un islam fragmenté ..
n Elisabeth Longuenesse, ed., Bâtisseurs et bureaucrates, ingénieurs et société au Maghreb et au Moyen-Orient (Lyon: Maison de L'Orient, 1990), pp. 309-320
Turkey and The West: Changing Political and Cultural Identities, Metin Heper , Ayşe Öncü and Heinz Kramer (eds), I.B. Tauris, 1993, pp. 199-218
The decade of the 1980s in Turkey is marked by the emergence of a new technical ruling elite and ... more The decade of the 1980s in Turkey is marked by the emergence of a new technical ruling elite and a technocratic ideology. In the post-1983 period, the deputies with an engineering training constituted a majority in the Parliament and government. Since the 1987 general elections, 45 per cent of the parliamentarians have been engineers or architects. The Motherland Party (MP) governments since 1983 are considered as 'engineers' cabinets', not only because of the number of engineers among the ministers (more than half of them) but also because of their salient technocratic ideology and pragmatic approach.
The Global Left. Yesterday, Today and Tomorrow, ed. Immanuel Wallerstein, Routledge, 2021
Europa dezentrieren: Globale Verflechtungen neu denken,Jens Adam, Regina Römhild, Manuela Bojadzijev, Michi Knecht, Pawel Lewicki, Nurhak Polat, Rika Spiekermann, Campus Verlag,, 2019
Through a Glass, Darkly: Blurred Images of Cultural Tradition and Modernity over Distance and Time, Will Arts (dir.), Brill, Boston, 2000, pp. 40-55
Elise Voguet et Anne Troadec (eds.), Minorité en Islam, islam en minorité, Ed. Diacritiques, collection Les conférences de l’IISMM, Paris, 2021
L'idée centrale autour de laquelle je vais construire mon récit est la visibilité des musulmans. ... more L'idée centrale autour de laquelle je vais construire mon récit est la visibilité des musulmans. Le terme de visibilité est très souvent employé dans le langage courant aujourd'hui, mais, au fond, on ne sait pas exactement de quoi il s'agit. D'abord, cette visibilité dérange certains. Qui elle dérange ? Pendant l'enquête que j'ai menée dans plusieurs grandes villes européennes, les musulmans, à mon étonnement, se plaignaient de leur propre visibilité, c'est-à-dire de la manière dont ils étaient continuellement sollicités par les médias. Ils étaient souvent interpellés pour dire quelle était leur « position sur les attentats terroristes, sur le voile ou sur les normes islamiques ? » Et, pour les citoyens non musulmans, cette visibilité était plutôt également dérangeante : ils ne comprenaient pas pourquoi les musulmans cherchaient à affirmer leur différence au lieu d'être en conformité avec la société d'accueil. Donc, les uns vivaient cette visibilité comme une agressivité, une provocation, et les autres la vivaient comme une sollicitation ou comme une représentation un peu caricaturale, dans laquelle ils ne se reconnaissaient pas. La question de la visibilité est une clef intéressante parce qu'elle ouvre notre regard sur la présence des musulmans aujourd'hui dans les sociétés européennes : la présence des musulmans comme citoyens, parce qu'ils sont dans la vie de tous les jours, et aussi de l'islam comme religion dans la vie publique, alors que l'on pensait que la religion devait être dans la sphère privée. L'islam est ainsi devenu, par la visibilité des musulmans une affaire publique, une affaire de tous. Tout le monde est concerné par l'affaire du voile, la construction des mosquées, le marché halal, et pas uniquement les musulmans.
Agoras contemporaines. Design, démocratie et pratiques alternatives de l’espace public, Lambert Dousson (ed.), Loco, Paris, 2020, pp.71-81.
Difference and Democracy: Exploring Potentials in Europe and Beyond, Kolja Raube & Annika Sattler (dir.), Campus Verlag, Hamburg, 2011, pp. 159-181
Intellectuels et musulmans, Regards sur l’identité nationale, Robert Bistolfi (dir.), L’Harmattan, coll. Cahiers de confluences, 2010
Tout débat public porte en lui la promesse d'une ouverture, ouverture tant des esprits que des fr... more Tout débat public porte en lui la promesse d'une ouverture,
ouverture tant des esprits que des frontières sociales, culturelles
et nationales. Il invite les citoyens à jouer le jeu de la participation,
fait émerger de nouvelles voix, permet à de nouveaux acteurs qui
ne s'étaient jusque-là pas manifestés d'entrer en scène. Dans l'idéal
démocratique, un débat public rend plus audibles et plus visibles
les citoyens.
Comparative Secularisms in a Global Age, Linell E. Cady & Elizabeth Shakman Hurd (ed.), Palgrave Macmillan, 2010, pp. 41-56
Decolonising European Sociology. Transdisciplinary Approaches, Encarnación Gutiérrez-Rodríguez, Manuela Boatca & Sérgio Costa (eds.), Ashgate, 2010, pp. 102-115
Varieties of Secularism in a Secular Age, Michael Warner, Jonathan Vanantwerpen & Craig Calhoun (eds.), Harvard University Press, 2010, pp. 243-264
Varieties of World-Making Beyond Globalization, Nathalie Karagiannis & Peter Wagner (dir.), Liverpool University Press, Liverpool, 2007, pp.173-190
Ces deux dernières décennies ont vu les études islamiques se renouveler en profondeur et occuper ... more Ces deux dernières décennies ont vu les études islamiques se renouveler en profondeur et occuper une nouvelle place dans le champ des sciences sociales.
In the last two decades, Islam has gained a spectacular presence in the public lives and debates ... more In the last two decades, Islam has gained a spectacular presence in the public lives and debates of both Muslim and Western societies. Contemporary Islamism, as it has emerged in Muslim homelands and European countries of immigration, seeks to make religious difference visible in public through micro-practices such as veiling at schools, the construction of mosques in Europe, gender segregation on public transport, food taboos (-helal‖ meat, alcohol prohibition) etc. Islam is carried to the forefront of public life by the new political claims and daily practices of Muslim migrants, urban youth, Islamic intellectuals and pious middle classes. Through such practices, Muslim actors distinguish themselves, elaborate collectively a religious self, and carve new public spaces of their own in conformity with the requirements of their faith and an Islamic lifestyle. This is a book about understanding the ways in which Islam acquires visibility and presence in three different public spheres, namely, secularist Turkey, post-revolutionary Iran, and pluralist Europe. We aim to understand the ways through which Islam moves into public life and attempts to redesign the borders between private and public, religious and secular domains, and thereby challenge the modern secular and democratic definitions of the public sphere. We also hope to contribute to the theoretical debate on the public sphere from the vantage point of Islam, bringing attention to the role of religion, women, body, and space in defining the borders between the private and public spheres. What we are searching for is a better understanding of the complexities of contemporary practices of Muslims as they unfold in public life. We therefore focus on the second phase of Islamism, whereby a cultural program of Islam becomes more apparent. The first phase, which reached its peak with the Iranian Revolution of 1979, created a model for Islamization throughout the 1980s. During this phase, Islamic public action was mostly defined by militant fundamentalists thinking in revolutionary terms. In contradistinction, in its second phase, it is new social groups such as Muslim intellectuals, cultural elites, entrepreneurs, and middle classes that more greatly define the public face of Islam, thinking and acting in reformist terms. Their social profiles are an outcome of both the Islamist movement and modern secular education, market values and political idioms. They are a hybrid and embody to the extreme the ambivalence between Islam and modernity; they make a claim for Islamic difference, and yet accept certain imperatives of modern life. They are disenchanted with the utopian fundamentalism that Islamist militants cherished two decades ago and seek to make a place for themselves in professional, political and public life. If the first wave of Islamism is defined by an anti-systemic stand and a rigid ideological corpus, in its second wave a new generation of Muslims makes its way into the world of shared publics, interacts with secular actors and modern spheres of life, and thereby changes the dynamics and orientation of the movement. This, however, does not mean the end of radicalism, which increasingly manifests itself in terrorist acts. The social integration and public visibility of these new Muslim groups is felt as betrayal and judged as a political failure by those who still hold on to the original fundamentalist project.
Les femmes entre violences et stratégies de liberté, Maghreb et Europe du Sud, C. Veauvy, M. Rollinde & M. Azzoug (dir.), Editions Bouchene, pp.213-222, 2004
Le voile islamique, symbole contemporain du renouveau piétiste de l'Islam dans les sociétés musul... more Le voile islamique, symbole contemporain du renouveau piétiste de l'Islam dans les sociétés musulmanes, depuis la fin des années 70, est apparu depuis les années 80 dans d'autres contextes, notamment chez les jeunes issues de l'immigration en Europe, et a lancé le débat sur les limites du multiculturalisme et de la reconnaissance du fait religieux. C'est en France, à partir de 2002, que ce débat a pris une ampleur à l'échelle nationale, invitant à se prononcer l'ensemble des intellectuels représentatifs de la classe politique et de la vie associative ainsi que les portes paroles du féminisme. L'irruption du voile à l'école et au sein d'une société où priment les valeurs de la laïcité (défendue avec fierté comme une exception française) et le respect de l'égalité des sexes, a provoqué la formation d'une opinion publique en faveur de son interdiction. Ceux qui ne s'étaient jamais côtoyés jusque-là se sont retrouvés pour défendre à la fois deux principes jusqu'alors dissociés, la laïcité et l'égalité des sexes, principes qui en sont venus à s'entrelacer et à s'ériger en remparts contre l'intégrisme religieux. Au cours de ce même débat, le terme de foulard s'est vu subitement remplacé par celui de « voile », terme qui renvoie ainsi plus explicitement à l'Islam. Malgré les réticences à réduire le débat sur la laïcité à la question du foulard (« à un bout de tissu » comme l'ont dit certains , voulant relativiser sa place) ou le souhait d'élargir la définition de la laïcité dans sa relation aux différentes religions, et non simplement à l'Islam (souhait formulé par le rapport de la commission Stasi 1), c'est pourtant le foulard qui a formé le ciment de ce débat, non sans déclencher les passions collectives, voire même une « hystérie politique ». 2 Au lieu d'être ouvert, à plusieurs voix, ce débat monocorde et consensuel, dont le son s'amplifiait à mesure que gagnait la « contagion » 3 , a réassuré la cohésion sociale et l'esprit républicain par la célébration de la laïcité et de l'égalité des sexes. Ce débat est néanmoins le témoin de la rencontre entre la République et l'Islam, une rencontre où le sujet féminin est central «entre violences, incertitudes et stratégies de liberté ».
Médiapart, Jun 20, 2013
Nilüfer Göle, La démocratie turque à l'épreuve de la place publique
Le Monde, Jun 7, 2013
Nilüfer Göle, Le jardin Gezi occupé voit refleurir la liberté LE MONDE | 07.06.2013 Depuis une se... more Nilüfer Göle, Le jardin Gezi occupé voit refleurir la liberté LE MONDE | 07.06.2013 Depuis une semaine, les mouvements de protestation se propagent dans toutes les grandes villes de Turquie, s'apparentant à une insurrection urbaine et généralisée. Malgré les interventions de la police, souvent très violentes, les gens n'hésitent pas à descendre dans les rues. D'autres habitants, sur leurs balcons, participent en famille au chorus de la protestation, en tapant sur des casseroles. Ils trouvent des moyens de protestation pacifique, sans slogans politiques pour exprimer leur "ras-le-bol" contre le règne du premier ministre Recep Tayyip Erdogan.
Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, 2009
Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, 2009
Reset-Dialogues on Civilizations, 2010
Covering and praying, two Islamic prescriptions ,bring religion into public life and debate in Eu... more Covering and praying, two Islamic prescriptions ,bring religion into public life and debate in Europe. Praying in Europe where Muslims are in minority becomes a public issue. From the perspective of the liberal discourse on religious freedom and the freedom to exercise one's faith requires a place for worship. The author selects three different practices of praying that have provoked a public debate to illustrate the specificity of contesting religious practices in a European context. Confrontation with Islam carries also European citizens and countries that were considered to be in the periphery of Europe to the Center. Switzerland, a non-EU member, becomes European, enters into the center of European debates by the Islamic door.
The Immanent Frame, 2010
Each time I cross the Galata bridge, I never tire of contemplating with wonder the panorama of Is... more Each time I cross the Galata bridge, I never tire of contemplating with wonder the panorama of Istanbul in which emerge, like drawings, the silhouettes of its longilineal minarets. Unlike the Eiffel Tower, the minarets, multiple and discreet, are not erected as symbols of the city of Istanbul. Nevertheless, Istanbul, without its slender minarets, which symbolize the spiritual elevation of man towards God, would lose a part of its soul. The minarets, in the eyes of the inhabitants-pious and secular, Muslim and non-Muslim-are part of the familiar landscape, of the common heritage. Certainly, many regret that the new mosques built in contemporary Turkey are far from equaling those of the great architect Mimar Sinan (d. 1588 CE), who worked during the glorious days of the Ottoman Empire. The contemporary mosques, for the most part, lack architectural innovation, fineness, and proportion between the dome and the minarets. Likewise, the calls to prayer, since the adoption of cassettes and loudspeakers, have become the source of an ongoing public debate over whether they constitute a nuisance to the sound environment. But public debate does not confine itself to these subjects. The projects of re-opening Hagia Sophia as a place of prayer for Muslims and of constructing a new mosque at Taksim Square in the heart of Istanbul have given rise for two decades to a lively and passionate controversy, a controversy which divides citizens who position themselves against signs of Islamization from those who would like to mark the social rise of Islam by making a religious imprint on Turkey's public spaces. The split between those who declare themselves, respectively, defenders of secularism and the religious, and who both claim to adhere to the freedom of conscience, runs through the current public life of Turkey. The confrontation became more intense when minarets were compared to bayonets and mosques to barracks in a poem recited in public by Recep Tayyip Erdoğan on the occasion of his electoral victory in 1997. Erdoğan, the current prime minister of Turkey, was sentenced and jailed for "incitement to religious hatred" for having recited these verses, which are attributed to one of the nationalist poets who wrote in the context of the war for national independence.
La haine ordinaire.Des vies percutées par le racisme, sous la direction de Mathilde Mathieu, Mediapart, Seuil, « enquête de sens », 2023, p. 181-185, propos recueilli par Lou Syrah
Interview with Engin Sustam, Toplumbilim Dergisi Postkolonyal Düşünce Özel Sayısı, 2010
Entretien avec Nilüfer Göle, Propos recueillis par Nathalie Sarthou-Lajus, Études 2016/1 (Janvier), pp 83 à 94
La sociologue a enquêté durant quatre années sur les pratiques des « musulmans ordinaires » en Eu... more La sociologue a enquêté durant quatre années sur les pratiques des « musulmans ordinaires » en Europe, ceux dont on parle peu dans les médias et qui conjuguent leur singularité musulmane et leur intégration dans un pays d’accueil où ils sont minoritaires. Son enquête, réalisée dans 21 villes européennes, se lit comme un roman qui donne enfin des visages à ces musulmans en quête de citoyenneté.
Le Monde, 28 octobre, 2019
La pratique de l'islam questionne la société européenne... C'est ce qu'on appelle la « visibilisa... more La pratique de l'islam questionne la société européenne... C'est ce qu'on appelle la « visibilisation » de l'islam dans l'espace public. Prenons les mosquées par exemple, il y a beaucoup de salles de prières dans l'espace européen. Ce sont les Etats qui l'ont voulu, pour éviter les prières dans les caves, entre autres. Mais cela pose plusieurs problèmes au niveau de l'espace public puisqu'on rend visible un lieu de culte. Quelle forme architecturale lui donner ? Est-ce qu'on peut faire une mosquée européenne, qui engage les architectes, qui ne soit pas la réplique d'une mosquée saoudienne ? Sur le territoire français ou allemand il y a parfois une mosquée à côté d'une cathédrale, comme à Cologne, ce qui peut poser problème d'un point de vue esthétique. Est-ce que ce sera la mosquée de tous les musulmans d'ethnies différentes ? Quelle langue pour le sermon ? En Turc, en arabe, en allemand ?
Esprit, 2004
Entretien avec Nilüfer Göle, Propos recueillis par Isabelle Albaret et Marc-Olivier Padis. Cet en... more Entretien avec Nilüfer Göle, Propos recueillis par Isabelle Albaret et Marc-Olivier Padis. Cet entretien est initialement paru dans un supplément de la revue Esprit d'octobre 2004. Nilüfer Göle est directrice d'études à l'Ehess. Elle a publié notamment Musulmanes et modernes. Voile et civilisation en Turquie (Paris, La Découverte, coll. «Poche», 2004), ainsi que de nombreux articles sur l'espace public, l'islam et les modernités multiples. La mixité est étroitement liée à l'histoire de la modernité. Elle représente en effet une conquête, un progrès vers une plus grande égalité entre les sexes. Cette association est pourtant contestée, au sein même des pays européens. Comment comprendre cette remise en cause de la mixité? Faut-il, au nom même de la modernité, s'interroger sur les revers de cette idée?
Polish Sociological Review, 2000
Totalitarianism, the threat of total annihilation, science in the service of crime, famine and po... more Totalitarianism, the threat of total annihilation, science in the service of crime, famine and poverty. But also intensive scientific and technological progress, spectacular advancements of the medical sciences, emerging global civilisation, the culture of information science. The 20th century. So difficult to evaluate unambiguously: fascinating and intriguing on the one hand, terrifying, tragic and casting serious doubt on the meaningfulness of human progress on the other hand. This, I think, is why the 1999 fin de siecle is so fraught with ambivalence. Why it evokes hope, optimism and curiosity of what the new times will bring and resounds with catastrophic, fatalistic and pessimistic tones, full of fear and apprehension. At such a time it is hard not to ask questions which may seem trivial and simple but which, after all, are the very quintessence of the human fears at the time of transition. With what heritage shall we enter the new era? With what burdens? Shall we be able to av...
Journal of the International Institute, 1995
I would like to approach this by reflecting upon the changing structural conditions that create m... more I would like to approach this by reflecting upon the changing structural conditions that create more vulnerability for academics and intellectuals in their participation in the affaires de la cité. This is a shared phenomenon; we observe this in India, in Russia, in Poland, in Hungary, and even in France. Social scientists in general and sociologists in particular are accused by political powers of developing excuses to terrorists; in some countries, they are stigmatized as external agents, as enemies of the nation. In the Turkish case, we are witnessing the penalization of academicians in the most ruthless and unjust way.
Retour sur le séminaire Agorakademi qui se concentre sur l’étude de construction du lien social a... more Retour sur le séminaire Agorakademi qui se concentre sur l’étude de construction du lien social au sein des sociétés multiculturelles. Une journée pour comprendre l’espace public au-delà des frontières urbaines et à repenser nos manières d’habiter la Terre. Un échange en compagnie de la sociologue Nilüfer Göle, pilote du séminaire.
Animé par François De Gasperi.
Radio anthropocène installe son studio pour la 6ème édition du festival « A l’école de l’anthropocène ».
Retour sur 4 jours de plateau radio, en public et en direct, à l’occasion de ce festival d’idées, unique en son genre en France, entièrement dédié au changement global au croisement des sciences, des arts et des sociétés.
Un moyen d’explorer, via de multiples formats, les enjeux à relever et les alternatives transformatrices et créatives nés de la crise de l’habitabilité que nous traversons.
The public space regains a vital function for democracy in the age of globalization and digital c... more The public space regains a vital function for democracy in the age of globalization and digital communication. PublicDemoS Project explores the ways in which Public Space allows the appearance of actors and manifestation of cultural differences. New forms of public agency and visibility extend politics to everyday life experiences, opening up avenues for artistic expressions and creative accommodations.
A transversal and intercultural approach opens up new ways of thinking politics, modes of empowerment of citizens and creation of commons. In multicultural settings, the democratic agendas are renewed by politics of performative citizenship and public making.
Project directed by Nilüfer Göle
EHESS/NOMIS Foundation
The Public Space Democracy Project: The reclamation of public spaces in the contemporary democrac... more The Public Space Democracy Project: The reclamation of public spaces in the contemporary democracy movement
In an increasingly digital age, citizens around the world are reclaiming their public spaces, known by many names, including public squares, agoras, maidans, and Euromaidans. Places of protest that are now part of the modern lexicon—Tahrir Square, Gezi Park, Tiananmen Square—have come to represent the emancipatory potential of public space in multicultural contexts.
This podcast explores the work of five contributors to the book Public Space Democracy: Performative, Visual and Normative Dimensions of Politics in a Global Age, which explores a historical turn in modern multicultural societies: the return of agoras, maidans, and of individuals reclaiming public space and experimenting together with new forms of plurality and collectivity.
Public Space Democracy is the embodiment of the Public Space Democracy (PublicDemoS) Project, an international and cross-cultural effort—supported by the NOMIS Foundation and led by Nilüfer Göle—to examine public space as a focus for the empowerment of this new movement. Through it, the participants hope to better understand the importance of public space democracy today, particularly in light of the rise of authoritarian populist regimes that limit the freedom of expression and freedom of assembly.
Listen in on this conversation with experts Nilüfer Göle, Boyan Znepolski, Nadia Fadil, Sarah Dornhof, and Gökçe Tuncel, moderated by Science/AAAS Director and Senior Editor for Custom publishing, Sean Sanders, as they discuss the subtleties of undertaking research into public spaces.
Nilufer Göle (EHESS), « Public Space Democracy, Assembly and Creativity » Moderated by Richard Re... more Nilufer Göle (EHESS), « Public Space Democracy, Assembly and Creativity » Moderated by Richard Rechtman (EHESS)
The occupation movements that emerged in different parts of the world since the 2010s (from Tahrir square, to EuroMaidan, Gezi Park, to Yellow Vests…), challenge our knowledge on society and politics. Do these movements participate in the globalization of civil society? What are the connections between aesthetic expressiveness and political protest? Do they signify a paradigmatic change regarding ways of being in society? The elaboration of these questions in my seminar at EHESS since 2014 contributed to renew the approaches of public space in the light of these contemporary challenges. In discussion with my colleagues from different disciplinary backgrounds, we opened up a new comprehension of the public space, in focusing on the spatial dimensions, the visibility of minorities and the expressivity of actors. Public place enables the transformation of the personal experience in assembly. By reclaiming the public space, actors experiment forms of social recognition, enact new forms of citizenship and reinvent public space democracy. Session in English —
Nilufer Göle (EHESS), « Démocratie de l’espace public, l’assemblée et la créativité » Discutant : Richard Rechtman (EHESS)
Les mouvements d’occupation qui ont émergé dans différentes parties du monde depuis les années 2010 (de la place Tahrir, à EuroMaidan, au parc Gezi, aux Gilets jaunes…), remettent en question nos connaissances sur la société et la politique. Ces mouvements participent-ils à la mondialisation de la société civile ? Quels sont les liens entre l’expressivité esthétique et la protestation politique ? Signifient-ils un changement paradigmatique dans les manières d’être en société ? L’élaboration de ces questions dans mon séminaire à l’EHESS depuis 2014 a contribué à renouveler les approches de l’espace public à la lumière de ces défis contemporains. En discutant avec mes collègues issus de différents horizons disciplinaires, nous avons ouvert une nouvelle compréhension de l’espace public, en nous focalisant sur les dimensions spatiales, la visibilité des minorités et l’expressivité des acteurs. L’espace public permet de transformer l’expérience personnelle en assemblée. En se réappropriant de l’espace public, les acteurs expérimentent des formes de reconnaissance sociale, édictent de nouvelles formes de citoyenneté et réinventent la démocratie dans l’espace public. Séance en anglais Learn more about EHESS Spring Talks
Islam and Western secular modernity, a conversation with Nilüfer Göle, August 6, 2020, Berkley Ce... more Islam and Western secular modernity, a conversation with Nilüfer Göle, August 6, 2020, Berkley Center
August 6, 2020 | Nilüfer Göle, a prominent Turkish-French sociologist, has dedicated her lifework to the study of the transforming relationship between Islam and Western secular modernity. Throughout her work, Gole has used public controversies as a privileged methodological tool to examine the transformations of the democratic public sphere in Turkey and other Muslim societies, as well as the impact of Islam on the European public sphere. This conversation, a part of the Global Religious and Secular Dynamics Discussion Series, will examine the way in which Gole’s work has served as a link between Muslim and secular discourses. Permeating all her major works are a series of recurring themes: rethinking the mutually constituted categories of religion and the secular; the public significance of gender and sexuality in Western secular discourses on Islam; the role of Islam in the very constitution of a European public sphere; and the importance of the ongoing processes of interaction, confrontation, and mutual transformation of immigrant Muslim communities and the receiving European societies. These themes will be examined in conversation with Berkley Center Senior Fellow José Casanova. Gole and Casanova’s discussion will conclude with reflections on the rise of populism and the crisis of democracy in Turkey, Europe, and the United States; the dynamics of recognition of pluralism and difference; and the ways in which the COVID-19 pandemic is affecting these dynamics.
Nilüfer Göle. Campus Condorcet. (2017, 16 janvier). Musulmans « ordinaires » d’Europe. [Vidéo]. C... more Nilüfer Göle. Campus Condorcet. (2017, 16 janvier). Musulmans « ordinaires » d’Europe. [Vidéo]. Canal-U.
La figure du migrant musulman en Europe est un sujet problématique, pris entre le djihadisme, l’échec d’intégration et l’incompatibilité des valeurs. Depuis les années 1980, indépendamment des différences nationales entre les modèles politiques d’intégration des migrants, notamment le modèle républicain et le multiculturalisme, l’islam pose problème et déclenche une série de controverses autour des signes du religieux. Ces débats attestent la présence des musulmans dans la vie quotidienne en Europe, leur intégration en cours et leur désir de participation aux affaires de la cité.
Qui sont ces musulmans au quotidien ? Comment vivent-ils les tensions entre leur visibilité islamique et leur citoyenneté ? C’est en interrogeant le processus en cours de transformation des migrants en musulmans « ordinaires », que nous examinerons le domaine de la contestation culturelle, des normes qui divisent, et débattrons des possibilités d’émergence d’une nouvelle culture publique en Europe.
Une conférence du cycle La Turquie, aujourd’hui demain, 15 octobre 2009
Sponsored by The New School for Social Research ( The Institute for Cr... more Sponsored by The New School for Social Research ( The Institute for Critical Social Inquiry will open part of its programming to the public – a series of lectures taught by this Summer’s faculty cohort of Richard J. Bernstein (NSSR), Nilüfer Göle (École des Hautes Études en Sciences Sociales), and Jean and John Comaroff (Harvard University).
The New School |
The rising visibility of Islam in public unsettles the narratives of Western secular modernity. The presence of Muslim politics in Europe provides proximity in time and space, disrupts the secular chronotope, and engenders transgressions, confrontations and mutual transformations. Islam as it is practiced and interpreted by Muslims in everyday life of European cities has a transformative effect on the established boundaries of religion and secularity. A micro-sociological approach will be adopted to study controversial Islamic practices, namely praying, mosque-building, women’s veiling, the visual representation of the sacred, and halal life styles. It will enable us to reflect upon the ways Euro-Islam permeate each other, engender a process of interpenetration, and how this plays out in new subjectivities, embodied practices, and aesthetic forms. This seminar interrogates Islam in its implications for the making and un-making of a public culture in a post-Western Europe. We will follow up the conceptual debates on the powers of the secular and the ways it is transformed in its confrontation with a religion other than Christianity, namely Islam. We’ll explore a theoretical reading of EuroIslam beyond post-colonial theories and critiques of orientalism. The notion of the public sphere will be revisited in light of the intercultural and transnational dynamics that shape the social cartography of EuroIslam. Nilüfer Göle is a Professor of Sociology at the Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales (EHESS) in Paris. She works on Islamic visibility, secularism and intercultural controversies in European public spheres. Her sociological approach aims to open up a new reading of modernity from a non-western perspective and a broader critique of Eurocentrism in the definitions of secular modernity. About the Institute: The Institute for Critical Social Inquiry (ICSI) is designed to provide advanced graduate students and junior faculty from around the world with the opportunity to spend one week at the New School’s campus in Greenwich Village working closely with some of the most distinguished thinkers shaping the course of contemporary social inquiry. Each of these scholars will teach a week-long seminar on a foundational thinker or topic of contemporary concern in a series of hands-on, intensive, and intimate sessions.
The Disruptive Visibility of Islam in European Publics: Political Issues, Theoretical Questions S... more The Disruptive Visibility of Islam in European Publics: Political Issues, Theoretical Questions September 12, 2011 Chair: Prof. Gabriel Motzkin, Director, The Van Leer Jerusalem Institute Lecture: Prof. Nilüfer Göle
En motiu del Debat « Imaginari democràtic i globalització », recuperem aquesta entrevista que Nil... more En motiu del Debat « Imaginari democràtic i globalització », recuperem aquesta entrevista que Nilüfer Göle va oferir al CCCB, en el marc de l’exposició « Occident vist des d’Orient » (2007). +info:
A l’occasion du débat « Imaginari democràtic i globalització », nous récupérons cette interview que Nilüfer Göle a donné au CCCB, dans le cadre de l’exposition « Occident vist des d’Orient ».
Dans le cadre des Mardis du MuCEM: « Voir l’islam, dans les sociétés européennes ». Sociologue, ... more Dans le cadre des Mardis du MuCEM: « Voir l’islam, dans les sociétés européennes ».
Sociologue, Nilufer Göle est actuellement directrice d’études à l’Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales ( EHESS). Elle a enseigné à l’Université de Bogazici, à Istanbul, et a été Fellow au Wissenschaftkolleg de Berlin. Son livre, Musulmanes et modernes ( La Découverte, 1993), a notamment été publié en cinq langues.
Les symboles de l’islam, comme le voile, les minarets et les mosquées, provoquent une série de controverses publiques tout en rendant visible la présence des musulmans dans les sociétés européennes. Quelle est la signification de cette manifestation publique de la religiosité des musulmans? Le rapport au corps, à la sexualité, à l’espace public et à la mémoire divisent les citoyens autochtones et les citoyens-immigres. Existe t-il une possibilité pour dépasser les confrontations, et les malentendus ? Quels chemins pour un meilleur échange entre les cultures ?
Les médias semblent avoir plutôt du mal à qualifier le mouvement de contestation qui secoue la Tu... more Les médias semblent avoir plutôt du mal à qualifier le mouvement de contestation qui secoue la Turquie depuis le 28 mai. Tantôt une révolte qui se donne des allures de « printemps arabes », tantôt une antenne des indignés, tantôt un « mai 68 » à la turque, une chose est sûre : il est spontané, massif et hétéroclite, et il réclame haut et fort le départ de celui qu’ils surnomment le « sultan » de l’AKP.
Pour la première fois depuis 2002, le mouvement islamo-conservateur est remis en cause, et principalement Erdogan : porteur d’une politique néolibérale accouplée d’un certain « autoritarisme » exécutif.
Comment fera-t-il face aux révoltes ? Et si l’on reprend les trois analogies des médias, quel sera le scénario final de la place Taksim : deviendra-t-elle une autre place Tahrir symbole d’une révolution à venir, ou bien une Puerta del Sol qui ne porte des Indignés que le souvenir ?
avec :
Nilüfer Göle , Sociologue, spécialiste de l’Islam européen
Directrice d’études à l’EHESS depuis 2001.
Didier Billion , Directeur adjoint de l’Institut de relations internationales et stratégiques (IRIS)
Docteur en Science politique et certifié d’Histoire et Géographie, Didier Billion est spécialiste de la Turquie et du Moyen-Orient.
Auteur d’ouvrages et de nombreux articles sur les problématiques régionales, il a en outre rédigé de multiples études et notes de consultance pour des institutions françaises (ministère de la Défense, ministère des Affaires étrangères) ainsi que pour des entreprises françaises agissant au Moyen-Orient.
Seyfettin Gürsel (au téléphone depuis Istanbul), Directeur du Centre de recherche économique de l’Université de Bahcesehir
Interview and editing: Nina zu Fürstenberg Filmmaker: Anna Fanuele
Entretien vidéo « En temps réel » #1 avec Nilüfer Göle. La série d’entretiens de l’EHESS « En t... more Entretien vidéo « En temps réel » #1 avec Nilüfer Göle.
La série d’entretiens de l’EHESS « En temps réel. L’actualité saisie par les sciences sociales » propose chaque mois un éclairage original sur un sujet d’actualité en contrepoint du traitement médiatique.
À partir de la situation en Turquie, Nilüfer Göle, sociologue, directrice d’études à l’EHESS, interroge ici la place des intellectuels et de la parole critique dans nos sociétés, entre nationalismes et globalisation.
The world’s biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War is bringing tens of thousands of mi... more The world’s biggest refugee crisis since the Second World War is bringing tens of thousands of migrants to Central Europe – former citizens of Syria, Afghanistan, Sudan or Somalia fleeing from war, dictatorship or religious extremism. The fact that most of the refugees are Muslims stirs new debate over the future of European society. From (formerly atheist) leaders calling to the defence of European Christianity to economists pointing to the necessity of migrants as part of the future workforce, Europe is in the process of renegotiating its cultural identity. Earlier in 2015, the terrorist attack on the Charlie Hebdo office in Paris caused intense moments of rupture on the one hand and solidarity on the other. While religious and political leaders and European citizens of all backgrounds stood together against jihadist terrorism and anti-Semitism, extremist movements like Pegida in Germany and Front National in France mobilised followers with messages directed against all Muslims. According to Nilüfer Göle, the Charlie Hebdo attacks could prove to be a turning point in the relationship between European Islam and Western Modernity. A Turkish sociologist and public intellectual working in Paris, Nilüfer Göle studies Muslim identities and the role of Islam in the European public sphere. Instead of giving in to a clash of civilisations, she proposes to build on the “collective will to live together”. New secular principles can help in creating a shared common space of law and conversation – a process that could finally lead to a new community in which Muslims will play an important role. At Falling Walls, Nilüfer speaks about the intellectual’s duty to reconcile oppositions and explains how fewer walls can lead to more bridges.
Discourses on Europe, seminar series organized by A Soul for Europe Project, 16-19 November 2009, Berlin, Germany
Un film documentaire de 60 minutes, coproduit en partenariat avec la Direction de l’audiovisuel d... more Un film documentaire de 60 minutes, coproduit en partenariat avec la Direction de l’audiovisuel de l’EHESS, a été réalisé entre mai 2009 et juin 2010. Intitulé « Itinéraire d’une recherche européenne», ce documentaire propose de suivre le déroulement de la recherche, de ses phases d’analyse et du processus d‘investigation. Il apporte un outil méthodologique nouveau et innovant où les pages écrites ont laissé la place aux gestes, aux sons et aux images. Le choix d’utiliser l’outil documentaire en tant que moyen de narration d’un projet de recherche a été une volonté exprimée dès le début par Nilüfer Göle, directrice de cette recherche. Ce film a été réalisé par Francesca de Micheli, Alejandra Magnasco et Brian Chauvel. Les sous-titres français et anglais ont été réalisés par Pierre Guenoun.
L'Humanité, 25-27 septembre 2015
DECOUVERTE3 3857135400505 Tous droits réservés à l'éditeur Table ronde De quoi l'islam est-il dev... more DECOUVERTE3 3857135400505 Tous droits réservés à l'éditeur Table ronde De quoi l'islam est-il devenu le nom ? LES FAITS À l'agora de la Fête de l'Humanité, samedi 12 septembre, trois intellectuels (une sociologue, un psychanalyste, un théologien) ont éclairé, à distance des idées reçues, les dynamiques du présent et les horizons du possible de l'islam. Extraits. LE CONTEXTE À rebours de la confusion commode et paresseuse entre islam et islamisme, un refus commun du déni, des amalgames ravageurs et des confiscations autoritaires du dogme s'exprime chez ces penseurs. Niliifer Gole Sociologue, directrice d'études à l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales (I). Fethi Benslama Psychanalyste et professeur de psychopathologie à l'université Paris-Diderot (2). Date : 25/27 SEPT 15
HAL (Le Centre pour la Communication Scientifique Directe), 2012
Routledge eBooks, May 13, 2016
HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific re... more HAL is a multidisciplinary open access archive for the deposit and dissemination of scientific research documents, whether they are published or not. The documents may come from teaching and research institutions in France or abroad, or from public or private research centers. L'archive ouverte pluridisciplinaire HAL, est destinée au dépôt et à la diffusion de documents scientifiques de niveau recherche, publiés ou non, émanant des établissements d'enseignement et de recherche français ou étrangers, des laboratoires publics ou privés.
Lynne Rienner Publishers eBooks, Dec 31, 1995
Duke University Press eBooks, Dec 2, 2015
La Lettre de l'École des hautes études en sciences sociales, 2011
Le projet de recherche Islam in the Making of a European Public Sphere – EuroPublicIslam de Niluf... more Le projet de recherche Islam in the Making of a European Public Sphere – EuroPublicIslam de Nilufer Gole, a ete laureat du « ERC Advanced Grant » en septembre 2008. Ce projet de recherche beneficie du soutien financier du Conseil Europeen de la Recherche (European Research Council) au titre du septieme programme-cadre de la communaute europeenne (7ePC/2007-2013) et en vertu de la convention de subvention ERC -2008-AdG-230244. Nilufer Gole, directrice du projet EuroPublicIslam et directrice d'e (...)
Duke University Press eBooks, Sep 25, 2020
Edinburgh University Press eBooks, Nov 30, 2011
Public Space Democracy, 2022
Das Phantom »Rasse«, 2018
Index on Censorship, 2004
IVJLy aim in this paper is to privilege the realm of the personal and the emotional subcontinent ... more IVJLy aim in this paper is to privilege the realm of the personal and the emotional subcontinent of Islamic collective identity formation and the ways in which Islamic identity occurs through verbal communication and is transcribed in bodily practices and management of public space. I use the concept of stigma to the extent that it articulates the private corporeal realm to the public domain of perception, social interaction, and communication. Of course, reflection on definitions of private and public spheres from the vantage point of an Islamic self inevitably leads to a critical reading of the hegemonic narratives of secular modernity and liberal definitions of self. Islamic stigma appears as a puzzling notion; one is more accustomed to speak of the stigmatization of persons or social groups. Indeed, one can speak more easily, for example, about the stigmatization of Muslim girl students who claim the right to wear a headscarf and who have faced exclusion from schools and universities during the last two decades because of the actions of secularist politicians in France, a country undergoing Muslim immigration, and also in Turkey, a Muslim-majority country. But one can also speak of stigmatization of secular women by compulsory veiling in a hegemonic Islamic public sphere, such as Iran since the 1979 revolution. Today the term stigma is applied more to the feelings of humiliation provoked by social exclusion and social oppression; it is applied more to the disgrace itself rather than the bodily evidence of it. This is why it is easier to speak of the ways in which Muslims are stigmatized or the ways in which
Globaler lokaler Islam, 2004
Das »Coming-out« der Muslime im öffentlichen Raum, das ungewohnte Sichtbarwerden von Religion im ... more Das »Coming-out« der Muslime im öffentlichen Raum, das ungewohnte Sichtbarwerden von Religion im säkularen Staat erregt Aufsehen. »Islam in Sicht« erhellt anhand von Fallstudien junger Forscher aus der Türkei, Iran und Europa, wie heutige islamische Bewegungen mit eigenen Cafés und Romanen, Filmen und Wanderpredigern an die Öffentlichkeit treten, Frauen mit Kopftüchern Alltagspolitik betreiben und die iranische Jugend auf der Straße gegen die Tugenddiktatur aufbegehrt. Einführende Essays der Herausgeber streiten mit Hannah Arendt für eine über Habermas hinausgehende Theorie der Öffentlichkeit und Privatheit, die auch islamischen Verhältnissen gerecht wird, Beiträge von Shmuel N. Eisenstadt und Charles Taylor runden den Band ab.
La sociologue a enquete durant quatre annees sur les pratiques des « musulmans ordinaires » en Eu... more La sociologue a enquete durant quatre annees sur les pratiques des « musulmans ordinaires » en Europe, ceux dont on parle peu dans les medias et qui conjuguent leur singularite musulmane et leur integration dans un pays d’accueil ou ils sont minoritaires. Son enquete, realisee dans 21 villes europeennes, se lit comme un roman qui donne enfin des visages a ces musulmans en quete de citoyennete.
Verlag Klaus Wagenbach, 2016
Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den... more Moscheebau? Kopftuch? Scharia? Die letzten Jahre waren geprägt von kontroversen Debatten über den Islam. Nilüfer Göle geht ihnen auf den Grund, indem sie mit den Menschen spricht, die diese Fragen angehen – von Köln bis Sarajevo, von Istanbul bis Paris. Über den Islam wird viel gesprochen und publiziert, aber die anerkannte Soziologin Nilüfer Göle hat in diesem Buch erstmals das Thema aus einer gesamteuropäischen Perspektive und mit Fokus auf den Alltag der Menschen beleuchtet. Sie hat vier Jahre lang in Deutschland, Frankreich, England und anderen Ländern zahlreiche Menschen befragt, was den Islam in Europa ausmacht. Gerade in Zeiten von Terror scheinen die Konfrontationslinien zwischen dem Islam und der europäischen Welt härter zu werden, aber dieser Eindruck trügt. Wie Nilüfer Göle zeigt, ist der Islam längst selbstverständlicher Bestandteil unseres – gemeinsamen – modernen Alltagslebens geworden. Es entstehen neue Identitäten und Formen des Zusammenlebens und natürlich auch neue Konflikte, wie etwa im Karikaturenstreit, die aber durchaus kreativ gelöst werden. In diesem Prozess erfindet sich Europa neu, eine Entwicklung, die kein Fundamentalist aufhalten kann.