Pascal COLLOMB | EHESS-Ecole des hautes études en sciences sociales (original) (raw)
Books by Pascal COLLOMB
Papers by Pascal COLLOMB
Ephemerides liturgicae, 2023
The annual commemoration of the Faithful Departed on 2 November is commonly considered to have sp... more The annual commemoration of the Faithful Departed on 2 November is commonly considered to have spread to become practically universal in the Latin West by the close of the Middle Ages. However, as late as the fifteenth century, there are signs that in the important French city and diocese of Lyon this occurrence had still made little impact and that though a similar celebration was practised there, it took place on 14 January. This study investigates the evidence for this original Lyonese usage in the surviving local liturgical books, archeology and topography, identifying the liturgical texts employed and portraying in vivid detail the various ritual practices and the interraction with circumstances and their physical settings.
Nell’opinione commune la celebrazione annuale in suffragio dei defunti il 2 novembre si è estesa gradualmente nell’Occidente latino, fino a diventare pressoché universale alla fine del medioevo. Però, pare che ancora nel Cinquecento nell’importante città e diocesi francese di Lione tale occorrenza avesse poca incidenza. Vi esisteva una prassi simile, ma assegnata invece al giorno 14 gennaio. Questo studio indaga sugli indizi di questa prassi originale lionese attraverso i libri liturgici nonché gli elementi archeologici e topografici locali che sono sopravissuti fino ai tempi moderni, individuandone i testi liturgici e delineando in dettagli vividi le varie usanze rituali e l’interazione con le circostanze concrete e con gli spazi del loro svolgimento.
Revue Mabillon, 2021
Pierre TOUBERT, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
Pentecôtes médiévales. Fêter l'Esprit Saint dans l'Eglise latine (VIe-XVIe siècle), Rennes, PUR, 2021
Vouloir répondre à cette question de l'écriture de la performance processionnelle nécessite de po... more Vouloir répondre à cette question de l'écriture de la performance processionnelle nécessite de poser en préalable la distinction entre procession ordinaire et extraordinaire qui, à mon sens, est au coeur de la typologie des processions 1 . Cette typologie en est effectivement le coeur car elle scinde en deux des formes de processions, des parcours, des objets transportés, des attitudes rituelles, gestuelles, etc., bref, tout ce qui en fait la performance processionnelle elle-même, cette dernière étant consignée sur des supports codicologiques distincts 2 . 1 On ne reviendra pas ici sur les longues étapes historiographiques qui ont débattu de la typologie des processions. A.-G. Martimort avait déjà tenté une synthèse à ce sujet : Les processions, in : Bulletin du comité des études de la compagnie de Saint-Sulpice, 26 [t. III, 7] (juillet-septembre 1959), p. 660-674. H.A.J. Wegman : Procedere und Prozession -Eine Typologie, in : Liturgisches Jahrbuch, XXX, vol. 27 (1977), p. 28-41 en propose une autre. La Rivista liturgica, LXXIX (1992), a consacré plusieurs articles au problème des processions. On y lira principalement les articles de A.N. Terrin : La processione comme archetipo antropologico -Rifl essioni fenomenologiche e storico-religiose, p. 443-456, de R. Gré goire, Modelli processionali medievali e rinascimentali, p. 505-513 et de F. Rainoldi, Tipologia delle processioni nel quadro dell'anno liturgico, p. 514-546. 2
Medieval Sermon Studies, 2009
Approximately thirty years ago, Jacques le Goff focused medievalists' attention on the importance... more Approximately thirty years ago, Jacques le Goff focused medievalists' attention on the importance of an overlooked literary genre, the exemplum, and he gave the following definition to this genre, 'Un récit bref donné comme véridique et destine à être inséré dans un discours (en général un sermon) pour convaincre un auditoire par une leçon salutaire'. 1 Today, we would give a broader definition for an exemplum which would be that of a mode of persuasion based on various types of narratives for the purpose of teaching a lesson. In a pastoral context, exempla are inserted into sermons; these are called homiletic exempla with which our present investigation is concerned. 2 Until recently, scholars interested in locating exempla had to make use of what few printed resources existed, with all their inherent limitations; this is the reason why for over ten years, we have been working on the Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii Aevi, (ThEMA) a project to seek, locate and index exempla. The project is very simple. It is a new index, a new catalogue, built as a database. 3 For the contents, we have decided to prioritize the exempla collections which have not been indexed by Frederic C. Tubach in his famous catalogue, Index exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious Tales, published in 1969. 4 First, we worked with simple software, 1 Claude Brémond, Jacques Le Goff, Jean-Claude Schmitt, L'Exemplum, Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 40, second edition (Turnhout: Brepols, 1996), pp. 37-38. See Jean-Thiébault Welter, L'exemplum dans la littérature religieuse et didactique du Moyen Âge
Ephemerides liturgicae, 2023
The annual commemoration of the Faithful Departed on 2 November is commonly considered to have sp... more The annual commemoration of the Faithful Departed on 2 November is commonly considered to have spread to become practically universal in the Latin West by the close of the Middle Ages. However, as late as the fifteenth century, there are signs that in the important French city and diocese of Lyon this occurrence had still made little impact and that though a similar celebration was practised there, it took place on 14 January. This study investigates the evidence for this original Lyonese usage in the surviving local liturgical books, archeology and topography, identifying the liturgical texts employed and portraying in vivid detail the various ritual practices and the interraction with circumstances and their physical settings.
Nell’opinione commune la celebrazione annuale in suffragio dei defunti il 2 novembre si è estesa gradualmente nell’Occidente latino, fino a diventare pressoché universale alla fine del medioevo. Però, pare che ancora nel Cinquecento nell’importante città e diocesi francese di Lione tale occorrenza avesse poca incidenza. Vi esisteva una prassi simile, ma assegnata invece al giorno 14 gennaio. Questo studio indaga sugli indizi di questa prassi originale lionese attraverso i libri liturgici nonché gli elementi archeologici e topografici locali che sono sopravissuti fino ai tempi moderni, individuandone i testi liturgici e delineando in dettagli vividi le varie usanze rituali e l’interazione con le circostanze concrete e con gli spazi del loro svolgimento.
Revue Mabillon, 2021
Pierre TOUBERT, Académie des inscriptions et belles-lettres.
Pentecôtes médiévales. Fêter l'Esprit Saint dans l'Eglise latine (VIe-XVIe siècle), Rennes, PUR, 2021
Vouloir répondre à cette question de l'écriture de la performance processionnelle nécessite de po... more Vouloir répondre à cette question de l'écriture de la performance processionnelle nécessite de poser en préalable la distinction entre procession ordinaire et extraordinaire qui, à mon sens, est au coeur de la typologie des processions 1 . Cette typologie en est effectivement le coeur car elle scinde en deux des formes de processions, des parcours, des objets transportés, des attitudes rituelles, gestuelles, etc., bref, tout ce qui en fait la performance processionnelle elle-même, cette dernière étant consignée sur des supports codicologiques distincts 2 . 1 On ne reviendra pas ici sur les longues étapes historiographiques qui ont débattu de la typologie des processions. A.-G. Martimort avait déjà tenté une synthèse à ce sujet : Les processions, in : Bulletin du comité des études de la compagnie de Saint-Sulpice, 26 [t. III, 7] (juillet-septembre 1959), p. 660-674. H.A.J. Wegman : Procedere und Prozession -Eine Typologie, in : Liturgisches Jahrbuch, XXX, vol. 27 (1977), p. 28-41 en propose une autre. La Rivista liturgica, LXXIX (1992), a consacré plusieurs articles au problème des processions. On y lira principalement les articles de A.N. Terrin : La processione comme archetipo antropologico -Rifl essioni fenomenologiche e storico-religiose, p. 443-456, de R. Gré goire, Modelli processionali medievali e rinascimentali, p. 505-513 et de F. Rainoldi, Tipologia delle processioni nel quadro dell'anno liturgico, p. 514-546. 2
Medieval Sermon Studies, 2009
Approximately thirty years ago, Jacques le Goff focused medievalists' attention on the importance... more Approximately thirty years ago, Jacques le Goff focused medievalists' attention on the importance of an overlooked literary genre, the exemplum, and he gave the following definition to this genre, 'Un récit bref donné comme véridique et destine à être inséré dans un discours (en général un sermon) pour convaincre un auditoire par une leçon salutaire'. 1 Today, we would give a broader definition for an exemplum which would be that of a mode of persuasion based on various types of narratives for the purpose of teaching a lesson. In a pastoral context, exempla are inserted into sermons; these are called homiletic exempla with which our present investigation is concerned. 2 Until recently, scholars interested in locating exempla had to make use of what few printed resources existed, with all their inherent limitations; this is the reason why for over ten years, we have been working on the Thesaurus Exemplorum Medii Aevi, (ThEMA) a project to seek, locate and index exempla. The project is very simple. It is a new index, a new catalogue, built as a database. 3 For the contents, we have decided to prioritize the exempla collections which have not been indexed by Frederic C. Tubach in his famous catalogue, Index exemplorum: A Handbook of Medieval Religious Tales, published in 1969. 4 First, we worked with simple software, 1 Claude Brémond, Jacques Le Goff, Jean-Claude Schmitt, L'Exemplum, Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental, 40, second edition (Turnhout: Brepols, 1996), pp. 37-38. See Jean-Thiébault Welter, L'exemplum dans la littérature religieuse et didactique du Moyen Âge
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2021
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2021
Revue d'Histoire ecclésiastique, 2018
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2018
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2018
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2018
Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique, 2018