Mario García-Zúñiga | University of the Basque Country, Euskal Herriko Unibertsitatea (original) (raw)
JOURNAL ARTICLES by Mario García-Zúñiga
Hispania Sacra, 74 (149), 131-141, 2022
En España, como en otros países católicos, domingos y fiestas de precepto no implicaban la total ... more En España, como en otros países católicos, domingos y fiestas de precepto no implicaban la total paralización de la actividad económica. Frente a la genérica prohibición de todo trabajo servil, las constituciones sinodales muestran el difícil equilibrio que trató de lograr la teología católica entre el cumplimiento del precepto del descanso dominical y el mantenimiento de algunas actividades económicas. El objetivo del artículo es el análisis de la casuística que hacía lícito el trabajo en los días festivos. La normativa respecto a las actividades agrarias y mercantiles es mucho más tolerante que la que atañe a las actividades artesanales.
Economic History Review, 74, no. 3, 691-720, 2021
Using a database of about 375,000 individual observations, which represent over two million days ... more Using a database of about 375,000 individual observations, which represent over two million days worked, this article studies building workers’ remunerations and how labour markets functioned in eighteenth-century Madrid. We present new wage series that correct and improve the evidence existing in the literature and provide an explanation for the long-run wage stickiness found in the city. Economic factors, rather than customs or guild regulations, explain why wage rates remained unaltered for about 100 years. The reconstruction of the working lives of 100 of the workers who took part in the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid provides the first evidence of wage profiles for pre-industrial times. They demonstrate that every wage rate was attached to a certain level of skill. Craftsmen’s wages increased as they gained abilities, as human capital theory predicts, while returns to age or experience were negligible in the case of unskilled workers. This points to the existence of segmented labour markets in the building sector in early modern Spain.
Revista de Historia Industrial, 51, 141-171, 2013
This paper addresses entrepreneurship in northern Spain between 1885 and 2010. We review first th... more This paper addresses entrepreneurship in northern Spain between 1885 and 2010. We review first the theoretical and empirical literature and their use by economic historians. Then, from a Schumpeterian perspective, we make a longitudinal study of business creation rates in the Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja, and Saragossa during this period. The aim is to make a comparative analysis with the Spanish rate to observe provincial differences in business creation. Finally, the role of regional and provincial governments as a source of incentives and opportunities for business is considered. The economic success of Álava and Navarre lay partly in their special economic and administrative systems —quite different from the rest of Spain— which offered tax incentives for business to locate there and therefore stimulated greater entrepreneurship.
Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research, 9, 43-53, 2013
This paper assesses the mid-to-long-term impact of regional development policies during Franco's ... more This paper assesses the mid-to-long-term impact of regional development policies during Franco's dictatorship, particularly the growth poles between 1964 to 1975. Criticized by economists, most of the arguments against relied on a short-term perspective, when the first oil crisis hit the Spanish economy. We first examine the Spanish experience set against the background of Western European dynamics; we then summarize the nature and main consequences of the industrial policies and their regional impact; and finally, we evaluate the effect of growth poles on the industrial growth of those provinces where this instrument of economic policy was applied.
Revista de Historia Industrial, 41, 91-124, 2009
Alava is an excellent case study of industrialization during the Francoits era. All growth indica... more Alava is an excellent case study of industrialization during the Francoits era. All growth indicators show that the province had one of the best performances in the Spanish economy during this period. From the perspective of regional economic development, the initial aim of this paper is to reconstruct the chronology of the structural change, the sectorial specialization of Alava’s economy and the origins of invested capital. Following this, we will analyze the factors of location, emphasizing the role played by the institutions. Tax exemptions and a lower fiscal pressure were the main incentives in attracting capital investments early on. Later, these incentives were combined with an efficient offer of cheap industrial soil. Thanks to its privileged fiscal system, between 1950 and 1965 Alava launched its own development plan, even before any national action was considered to be taken.
Iura Vasconiae, 6, 425-460, 2009
One of unique fiscal characteristics of the Basque Country during the Ancien Régime was the coexi... more One of unique fiscal characteristics of the Basque Country during the Ancien Régime was the coexistence of a royal finance system and a parallel system for the Basque provinces, with geographical inequalities. The ordinary revenue collected by the monarchy varied from one area to another depending on the degree of exemption accorded to each of the provinces and their chronology. The taxes that fed the provincial coffers were also different. The purpose of this article is to analyse the structure and evolution of the royal and provincial finance systems and the economic and social repercussions on taxation.
Gerónimo de Uztariz, 2006
Journal of European Economic History, 2002
Este articulo analiza la influencia de la acción pública regional en el crecimiento y desarrollo ... more Este articulo analiza la influencia de la acción pública regional en el crecimiento y desarrollo económico de Navarra entre finales del siglo xix y 1970. A través de un sui generis federalismo fiscal, la hacienda navarra suministró bienes preferentes y gastó en infraestructuras por encima del nivel medio español. Estos estímulos y una menor presión fiscal no contribuyeron, sin embargo, a la industrialización regional hasta los años sesenta. El Programa de Promoción Industrial de 1964 favoreció una inversión empresarial que aceleró la transformación de esa economía regional. No obstante, la intervención pública estuvo precedida por las fuerzas del mercado que insertaron a Navarra en uno de los principales ejes de desarrollo económico español de finales de siglo xx.
The few statistics which we have at our disposal regarding the trade balance of Navarra, and the ... more The few statistics which we have at our disposal regarding the trade balance of Navarra, and the abundant qualified opinions give testimony to the structural deficit of its foreign trade. However, this is not operative except for the purpose of accounting, since the majority of the imported goods are not destined for such a narrow home market, but rather the wider Castilian one. Due to the geographical situation of the Kingdom of Navarra, it has benefited from being able to participate in the trade set up between France and Castile. The merchants of the Kingdom made use of the advantages which were provided by a privileged custom and excise system, which allowed any product to be introduced without payment of custom duties, to develop an active smuggling of textiles and colonial goods towards Castile. For a certain sector of the mercantile bourgeoisie of Navarra the legal importation of commodities and its fraudulent re-exportation was their usual economic activity and a lucrative one, too.
Dunmte los ligios xvi y xvn el sistema fiscal de la Monatquía hispana se había sustentado en los ... more Dunmte los ligios xvi y xvn el sistema fiscal de la Monatquía hispana se había sustentado en los lecursos que proporcionaba la corona de Castilla. En el xvm los Borbones emprendieron una serie de reCormas para integrar en este sistema a aquellos territorios que no contribuían. La mayor parte de los estudios se han centrado en los nuevos regímenes fiscales que se establecen en la corona de Aragón. Mucho menos conocido es su impacto en Vascongadas y Navarra, cuyas haciendas Corales tamUén se vieron modificadas, aunque siguieran disfrutando de una amplia exoneración tributaria. El objetivo de este artículo es aiulizar cómo se materializaron estos cambios en el reino de Navarra.
Una de las peculiaridades de la fiscalidad de la corona de Aragón hasta principios del Dieciocho ... more Una de las peculiaridades de la fiscalidad de la corona de Aragón hasta principios del Dieciocho y de Vascongadas y Navarra durante todo el feudalismo desarrollado es la coexistencia de una hacienda real y otra foral . Pero, mientras en los distintos reinos de Aragón esta última ya había surgido en la baja Edad Media, el establecimiento en Navarra de una fiscalidad distinta y paralela a la del monarca es un fenómeno del XVII, lo que la asemeja a las haciendas vascas .' Y al contrario que en aquellos, cuyas haciendas forales disponían de ingresos con los que hacer frente al mantenimiento del aparato administrativo de sus diputaciones y a la petición de subsidios por parte de la monarquía en tanto el fisco regio contaba con muy limitados recursos', en Navarra los fondos privativos de sus instituciones fueron cuantitativamente poco importantes frente a las más nutridas rentas que de allí extraía el real erario . 5
BOOK CHAPTERS by Mario García-Zúñiga
C. Maitte & D. Terrier (drs.), Les temps du travail. Normes, pratiques, évolutions (XIVe-XIXe siècles), Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 63-80, 2014
C. Grabas & A. Nützenadel (eds.), Industrial Policy in Europe After 1945: Wealth, Power and Economic Development in the Cold War, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 162-183, 2014
A. Galán Sánchez & J.M. Carretero Zamora (eds.), El alimento del estado y la salud de la res publica: Orígenes, estructura y desarrollo del gasto público en Europa, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 357-359, 2013
From the information provided by royal treasurer's accounts, we analyze the pattern of expenditur... more From the information provided by royal treasurer's accounts, we analyze the pattern of expenditure in Navarra and its evolution in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Our study reflects a feudal structure, both before and after the conquest of the kingdom, as the nobility was the main beneficiary of the surplus collected thorugh taxation. Amounting to around 40 percent of total expenses, “graces” (mercedes and acostamientos) were the principal budgetary item, serving to reward or buy loyalties and to reinforce the local nobility-monarchy alliance. This pattern would remain unchanged until the late seventeenth century, when financial problems forced a reduction in amounts paid to the elite, and, in the nineties, to suspend and/or reduce the payment of “graces”. So, belatedly, treasury expenditure began to modernize in the sense that it operated increasingly less in favor of the nobility.
J. De la Torre & M. García-Zúñiga (eds.), Entre el Mercado y el Estado: Los planes de desarrollo durante el franquismo, Pamplona: Universidad Pública de Navarra, 347-376, 2009
J. De la Torre & M. García-Zúñiga (eds.), Entre el Mercado y el Estado. Los planes de desarrollo durante el franquismo, Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, 9-24, 2009
Hispania Sacra, 74 (149), 131-141, 2022
En España, como en otros países católicos, domingos y fiestas de precepto no implicaban la total ... more En España, como en otros países católicos, domingos y fiestas de precepto no implicaban la total paralización de la actividad económica. Frente a la genérica prohibición de todo trabajo servil, las constituciones sinodales muestran el difícil equilibrio que trató de lograr la teología católica entre el cumplimiento del precepto del descanso dominical y el mantenimiento de algunas actividades económicas. El objetivo del artículo es el análisis de la casuística que hacía lícito el trabajo en los días festivos. La normativa respecto a las actividades agrarias y mercantiles es mucho más tolerante que la que atañe a las actividades artesanales.
Economic History Review, 74, no. 3, 691-720, 2021
Using a database of about 375,000 individual observations, which represent over two million days ... more Using a database of about 375,000 individual observations, which represent over two million days worked, this article studies building workers’ remunerations and how labour markets functioned in eighteenth-century Madrid. We present new wage series that correct and improve the evidence existing in the literature and provide an explanation for the long-run wage stickiness found in the city. Economic factors, rather than customs or guild regulations, explain why wage rates remained unaltered for about 100 years. The reconstruction of the working lives of 100 of the workers who took part in the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid provides the first evidence of wage profiles for pre-industrial times. They demonstrate that every wage rate was attached to a certain level of skill. Craftsmen’s wages increased as they gained abilities, as human capital theory predicts, while returns to age or experience were negligible in the case of unskilled workers. This points to the existence of segmented labour markets in the building sector in early modern Spain.
Revista de Historia Industrial, 51, 141-171, 2013
This paper addresses entrepreneurship in northern Spain between 1885 and 2010. We review first th... more This paper addresses entrepreneurship in northern Spain between 1885 and 2010. We review first the theoretical and empirical literature and their use by economic historians. Then, from a Schumpeterian perspective, we make a longitudinal study of business creation rates in the Basque Country, Navarre, La Rioja, and Saragossa during this period. The aim is to make a comparative analysis with the Spanish rate to observe provincial differences in business creation. Finally, the role of regional and provincial governments as a source of incentives and opportunities for business is considered. The economic success of Álava and Navarre lay partly in their special economic and administrative systems —quite different from the rest of Spain— which offered tax incentives for business to locate there and therefore stimulated greater entrepreneurship.
Investigaciones de Historia Económica-Economic History Research, 9, 43-53, 2013
This paper assesses the mid-to-long-term impact of regional development policies during Franco's ... more This paper assesses the mid-to-long-term impact of regional development policies during Franco's dictatorship, particularly the growth poles between 1964 to 1975. Criticized by economists, most of the arguments against relied on a short-term perspective, when the first oil crisis hit the Spanish economy. We first examine the Spanish experience set against the background of Western European dynamics; we then summarize the nature and main consequences of the industrial policies and their regional impact; and finally, we evaluate the effect of growth poles on the industrial growth of those provinces where this instrument of economic policy was applied.
Revista de Historia Industrial, 41, 91-124, 2009
Alava is an excellent case study of industrialization during the Francoits era. All growth indica... more Alava is an excellent case study of industrialization during the Francoits era. All growth indicators show that the province had one of the best performances in the Spanish economy during this period. From the perspective of regional economic development, the initial aim of this paper is to reconstruct the chronology of the structural change, the sectorial specialization of Alava’s economy and the origins of invested capital. Following this, we will analyze the factors of location, emphasizing the role played by the institutions. Tax exemptions and a lower fiscal pressure were the main incentives in attracting capital investments early on. Later, these incentives were combined with an efficient offer of cheap industrial soil. Thanks to its privileged fiscal system, between 1950 and 1965 Alava launched its own development plan, even before any national action was considered to be taken.
Iura Vasconiae, 6, 425-460, 2009
One of unique fiscal characteristics of the Basque Country during the Ancien Régime was the coexi... more One of unique fiscal characteristics of the Basque Country during the Ancien Régime was the coexistence of a royal finance system and a parallel system for the Basque provinces, with geographical inequalities. The ordinary revenue collected by the monarchy varied from one area to another depending on the degree of exemption accorded to each of the provinces and their chronology. The taxes that fed the provincial coffers were also different. The purpose of this article is to analyse the structure and evolution of the royal and provincial finance systems and the economic and social repercussions on taxation.
Gerónimo de Uztariz, 2006
Journal of European Economic History, 2002
Este articulo analiza la influencia de la acción pública regional en el crecimiento y desarrollo ... more Este articulo analiza la influencia de la acción pública regional en el crecimiento y desarrollo económico de Navarra entre finales del siglo xix y 1970. A través de un sui generis federalismo fiscal, la hacienda navarra suministró bienes preferentes y gastó en infraestructuras por encima del nivel medio español. Estos estímulos y una menor presión fiscal no contribuyeron, sin embargo, a la industrialización regional hasta los años sesenta. El Programa de Promoción Industrial de 1964 favoreció una inversión empresarial que aceleró la transformación de esa economía regional. No obstante, la intervención pública estuvo precedida por las fuerzas del mercado que insertaron a Navarra en uno de los principales ejes de desarrollo económico español de finales de siglo xx.
The few statistics which we have at our disposal regarding the trade balance of Navarra, and the ... more The few statistics which we have at our disposal regarding the trade balance of Navarra, and the abundant qualified opinions give testimony to the structural deficit of its foreign trade. However, this is not operative except for the purpose of accounting, since the majority of the imported goods are not destined for such a narrow home market, but rather the wider Castilian one. Due to the geographical situation of the Kingdom of Navarra, it has benefited from being able to participate in the trade set up between France and Castile. The merchants of the Kingdom made use of the advantages which were provided by a privileged custom and excise system, which allowed any product to be introduced without payment of custom duties, to develop an active smuggling of textiles and colonial goods towards Castile. For a certain sector of the mercantile bourgeoisie of Navarra the legal importation of commodities and its fraudulent re-exportation was their usual economic activity and a lucrative one, too.
Dunmte los ligios xvi y xvn el sistema fiscal de la Monatquía hispana se había sustentado en los ... more Dunmte los ligios xvi y xvn el sistema fiscal de la Monatquía hispana se había sustentado en los lecursos que proporcionaba la corona de Castilla. En el xvm los Borbones emprendieron una serie de reCormas para integrar en este sistema a aquellos territorios que no contribuían. La mayor parte de los estudios se han centrado en los nuevos regímenes fiscales que se establecen en la corona de Aragón. Mucho menos conocido es su impacto en Vascongadas y Navarra, cuyas haciendas Corales tamUén se vieron modificadas, aunque siguieran disfrutando de una amplia exoneración tributaria. El objetivo de este artículo es aiulizar cómo se materializaron estos cambios en el reino de Navarra.
Una de las peculiaridades de la fiscalidad de la corona de Aragón hasta principios del Dieciocho ... more Una de las peculiaridades de la fiscalidad de la corona de Aragón hasta principios del Dieciocho y de Vascongadas y Navarra durante todo el feudalismo desarrollado es la coexistencia de una hacienda real y otra foral . Pero, mientras en los distintos reinos de Aragón esta última ya había surgido en la baja Edad Media, el establecimiento en Navarra de una fiscalidad distinta y paralela a la del monarca es un fenómeno del XVII, lo que la asemeja a las haciendas vascas .' Y al contrario que en aquellos, cuyas haciendas forales disponían de ingresos con los que hacer frente al mantenimiento del aparato administrativo de sus diputaciones y a la petición de subsidios por parte de la monarquía en tanto el fisco regio contaba con muy limitados recursos', en Navarra los fondos privativos de sus instituciones fueron cuantitativamente poco importantes frente a las más nutridas rentas que de allí extraía el real erario . 5
C. Maitte & D. Terrier (drs.), Les temps du travail. Normes, pratiques, évolutions (XIVe-XIXe siècles), Rennes: Presses Universitaires de Rennes, 63-80, 2014
C. Grabas & A. Nützenadel (eds.), Industrial Policy in Europe After 1945: Wealth, Power and Economic Development in the Cold War, Basingstoke: Palgrave Macmillan, 162-183, 2014
A. Galán Sánchez & J.M. Carretero Zamora (eds.), El alimento del estado y la salud de la res publica: Orígenes, estructura y desarrollo del gasto público en Europa, Madrid: Instituto de Estudios Fiscales, 357-359, 2013
From the information provided by royal treasurer's accounts, we analyze the pattern of expenditur... more From the information provided by royal treasurer's accounts, we analyze the pattern of expenditure in Navarra and its evolution in the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries. Our study reflects a feudal structure, both before and after the conquest of the kingdom, as the nobility was the main beneficiary of the surplus collected thorugh taxation. Amounting to around 40 percent of total expenses, “graces” (mercedes and acostamientos) were the principal budgetary item, serving to reward or buy loyalties and to reinforce the local nobility-monarchy alliance. This pattern would remain unchanged until the late seventeenth century, when financial problems forced a reduction in amounts paid to the elite, and, in the nineties, to suspend and/or reduce the payment of “graces”. So, belatedly, treasury expenditure began to modernize in the sense that it operated increasingly less in favor of the nobility.
J. De la Torre & M. García-Zúñiga (eds.), Entre el Mercado y el Estado: Los planes de desarrollo durante el franquismo, Pamplona: Universidad Pública de Navarra, 347-376, 2009
J. De la Torre & M. García-Zúñiga (eds.), Entre el Mercado y el Estado. Los planes de desarrollo durante el franquismo, Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, 9-24, 2009
J.M. Lana Berasain (coord.), En torno a la Navarra del siglo XX: Veintiún reflexiones acerca de sociedad, economía e historia, Pamplona: Universidad Pública de Navarra, 213-236, 2002
José Yanguas y Miranda, Diccionario de Antigüedades del Reino de Navarra.Tomo I: A-J. Pamplona: Gobierno de Navarra, III-XXIV, 2000
J. De la Torre & M. García-Zúñiga (eds.), Hacienda y crecimiento económico. La reforma de Mon, 150 años después. Madrid: Marcial Pons/Gobierno de Navarra, 183-210, 1998
J.M. Donezar & M. Pérez de Ledesma (eds.), Antiguo Régimen y Liberalismo: Homenaje a Miguel Artola, 2. Economía y sociedad, Madrid: Alianza Editorial/UAM, 81-96, 1995
Durante el feudalismo desarrollado la hacienda de la monarquía no monopolizaba una fiscalidad car... more Durante el feudalismo desarrollado la hacienda de la monarquía no monopolizaba una fiscalidad caracterizada por el privilegio personal y la coexistencia de cuadros tributarios disímiles en la geografía hispana 2. Es sabido que la Corona de Aragón fue asimilada parcialmente al cuadro tributario de Castilla en el siglo dieciocho, en tanto las provincias Vascongadas y el reino de Navarra continuaron disfrutando de una amplia eiención fiscal a 1a hora de contribuir a las cargas generales del Estado absoiuto 3. La subsistencia de unos territorios que se consideraba pagaban menos que otros iba a resultar difícilmente compatible con las necesidades de aumentar los ingresos del Estado en la etapa final del Antiguo Régimen y con el proyecto de revolución burguesa, que pretendía establecer un modelo hacendístico común basado en la igualdad ante el impuesto 4. Sin embargo, las transformaciones flscales que impulsó el estado burgués se saldaron con un relativo fracaso al lograr conservar los territorios forales algunos de sus privilegios tributarios indemnes.
J. De la Torre, ed., Navarra, siglo XIX. Cien años de historia, Pamplona: Instituto Gerónimo de Uztáriz/Caja Laboral/Institución Príncipe de Viana, 73-102, 1994
J.I. Fortea Pérez & C.Mª Cremades Griñán, eds., Política y hacienda en el Antiguo Régimen, Murcia: Universidad de Murcia, 1993
E. Fernández de Pinedo (ed.), Haciendas forales y Hacienda Real: Homenaje a D. Miguel Artola y D. Felipe Ruiz Martín, Bilbao: Universidad del País Vasco, 195-206, 1990
Inéditos de Historia, 2019
El lector encontrará en estas páginas estudios que, desde diversos enfoques, están dedicados al l... more El lector encontrará en estas páginas estudios que, desde diversos enfoques, están dedicados al linaje que instituyó María de Mendoza, primogénita y heredera de un pequeño pero antiguo señorío jurisdiccional creado en 1342. Analizamos la formación, gestión y evolución de su dominio gracias a la excepcional conservación de la contabilidad señorial. La torre de Mártioda, solar del linaje y una de las residencias de María de Mendoza y luego de sus descendientes, es también objeto de estudio desde la perspectiva arqueológica. Finalmente, atendemos también las formas de protesta, resistencia, violencia y negociación en este enclave jurisdiccional, con el propósito de analizar la tensa relación social, económica y política que enfrentaba entre sí a los vecinos de las aldeas de los Huetos y, a estos con los herederos de María de Mendoza al fin al de la Edad Media. En la segunda parte del libro, el lector también descubrirá una cuidada edición de los documentos, en su mayoría inéditos, que hemos compilado y consultado para elaborar nuestro trabajo.
El resultado final es fruto del trabajo en equipo de un grupo de investigación de dilatada y contrastada trayectoria que, desde la Facultad de Letras de la Universidad del País Vasco en Vitoria, se propone avanzar en el conocimiento de las transformaciones económicas, sociales, políticas, ideológicas y culturales, que se desarrollaron en tierras alavesas, guipuzcoanas y vizcaínas entre los siglos XIV y XVI.
EHES Working Paper, No. 195, 2020
This paper provides the first estimates of the number of days worked per year in the construction... more This paper provides the first estimates of the number of days worked per year in the construction sector in Madrid between 1740 and 1810. Using a database of 389,000 observations with over 2.15 million paid days, we demonstrate how the length of the working year in the second half of eighteenth century was very close to the modern standard of 300 days, and that, by the end of the century, building workers—both skilled and unskilled— actually worked around 280 days, a far higher number than suggested by the current estimates for Spain or the figures proposed recently for northern Europe.
EHES Working Paper, No. 152, 2019
This paper provides new series of building wages for 18th-century Madrid. At an international lev... more This paper provides new series of building wages for 18th-century Madrid. At an international level, the usual point of reference for Spain during the 18th century is the wage series that Earl Hamilton compiled (and Robert Allen included in his database) using the payrolls from the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid. However, Hamilton did not fully exploit the rich information that those data provide about wage rates, skills and labour force participation. Contrary to the simplicity of the labour categories in Hamilton’s series, our results show the existence of a complex world of skills and, consequently, of wage rates that only come to the surface when we reconstruct the working lives of the thousands of workers who participated in the building of the new palace. The new data presented in this paper provide some new insights into the functioning of labour markets and the complexity of wage (and even human capital) formation in pre-industrial Madrid.
This paper provides new series of building wages for 18th-century Madrid. At international level,... more This paper provides new series of building wages for 18th-century Madrid. At international level, the common Spanish reference for the period are the wage series that Earl Hamilton elaborated (and that Robert Allen took as a reference in his database) using the payrolls of the construction of the Royal Palace of Madrid. However, he did not fully exploit the rich information they provide about wage rates, skills and the participation of labour in the building site. Contrary to the simplicity of the labour categories in Hamilton's series, our results show the existence of a complex world of skills and, consequently, of wage rates that only come to the surface when we reconstruct the working lives of the thousands of workers that participated in the works of the new Palace. The new data presented in this paper provide some new insights on the functioning of labour markets and on the complexity of wage (and even human capital) formation in preindustrial Madrid.
X Congreso Internacional de la AEHE. Carmona (Sevilla), 2011
Tanto las investigaciones sobre niveles de vida, como las realizadas sobre el producto interior b... more Tanto las investigaciones sobre niveles de vida, como las realizadas sobre el producto interior bruto per capita que utilizan como indicador los salarios reales o las reconstrucciones de las macromagnitudes económicas que incluyen esta variable están introduciendo en sus cálculos el número de días trabajados. Los escasos datos disponibles han llevado a proponer distintas cifras, todas las cuales adolecen del defecto de asumir una duración del año de trabajo invariable. Nuestro objetivo es aproximarnos a la evolución de los días de trabajo en España en el largo plazo, utilizando como indicador el número de fiestas de precepto que recogen las constituciones sinodales y los calendarios eclesiásticos.
IX Congreso internacional de la A.E.H.E. (Murcia, 9 a 12 de septiembre 2008).