索引 - 人口統計学英英辞書 - 辞書・百科事典 (original) (raw)
索引 - 人口統計学英英辞書 - 辞書・百科事典 - Weblio英和和英
| 英和和英約495万語収録の英和辞典・和英辞典 | |
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あ行 か行 さ行 た行 な行 は行 ま行 や行 ら行 わ行 が行 ざ行 だ行 ば行 ぱ行A-Z数字 タイ文字 記号
- Activity rate
- Adding machine
- Affinal relationship
- Age
- Age at nearest birthday
- Age at retirement
- Age period
- Ageing
- Ageing factor
- Agricultural labourer
- Agricultural population worker
- Annual rate of increase
- Ante-natal clinic
- Anti-natalist
- At term
- Attendance
- Average age of mother
- Bar chart
- Birth
- Births
- Breast
- Calculating machine
- Card
- Card summary
- Cause mortality
- Cause of death
- Cause-specific mortality rate
- Cell frequency
- Census population
- Central death rate
- Certificate marriage
- Change
- Chart
- Child at the breast
- Civil servant
- Classifying
- Cluster number
- Code
- Collated
- Collator
- Colour
- Coloured person
- Component
- Computation
- Computer
- Computing
- Consensual union n
- Crossing
- Crude rate of increase
- Cultivable area
- Current life table
- Current rate
- Death rate
- Death ratio
- Deaths
- Demographic revolution
- Density population per unit of cultivable area
- Dependant
- Desk machine
- Diseases of the new born
- Dissolution
- Démographie quantitative
- Education
- Electronic computer
- Electronic computing
- Employment
- Employment status
- Estimate
- Expansionist
- Expectation at birth
- Experienced labour force
- Experienced worker
- Factor
- Foetal death rate
- Gainful occupation
- Generation
- Genotypic
- Gross migration
- Group
- Grouping
- Growth
- Heaping
- Household
- Illegitimate
- Inactive population
- Inddustrial population
- Index
- Index of bunching
- Indirect measurement of migration
- Individual ageing
- Inexperienced worker
- Infant rate
- Institutional household
- Interpreter
- Interval between marriage and first birth
- Isolate
- Joint cause of death
- Labour force participation rate
- Labour migration
- Labour permit
- Last birthday
- Length
- Length of a generation
- Life
- Life table
- Lifetime
- Literacy statistics
- Machine
- Machinery
- Mark sensing
- Marriage licence
- Marriages
- Mean annual rate of increase
- Measurement of migration
- Mechanically
- Median of the household
- Migration
- Migration movement
- Migration volume
- Mortality
- Mortality rate
- Mortality table
- Movement
- Multiple cause of death
- Multiplier
- Natural growth
- Natural movement
- New worker
- New-born
- Newly-married couple
- Nomogram
- Nomographic method of computation
- Non-family household
- Number
- Number of remaining single
- Nuptial net reproduction rate
- Occupational guidance
- Official
- Old age people
- Optimum rate of change
- Over-population
- People old
- Peri-natal mortality
- Period
- Periodic fluctuations
- Person in receipt of public assistance
- Phenotypic
- Pivotal age
- Policy
- Population
- Population centre
- Population change
- Population development
- Population exponential
- Population movement
- Population study
- Population theory
- Preferred point
- Primary earner
- Pro-natalist
- Probability of marriage
- Proportionate mortality
- Punch
- Punch summary
- Punched card
- Punched machine
- Punching
- Pupil enrolled
- Quality
- Quantile
- Rate
- Real national income per head
- Record
- Redistribution
- Register
- Register of births
- Register of deaths
- Register of marriages
- Relative genetic
- Renewable resource
- Reproducer
- Resident
- Residual
- Restrictionist
- Revolution
- Schematic
- School age population
- Schoolchild
- Seasonal migration
- Select life table
- Semi-literate
- Sensing
- Servant
- Sex-age-specific death rate
- Slide-rule
- Social category
- Social group
- Socio-economic group
- Sorter
- Sperm
- Standardized
- State of population
- Statistics of population movement
- Statistics order
- Statistics technique
- Stillbirth rate
- Successive births
- Summary card
- Summary punch
- Table
- Tabulating error
- Tabulating machinery
- Tabulation
- Technique
- Total after lifetime
- Total growth
- Total lifetime
- Total number of years lived
- Totalling
- Transcript
- Transcription
- Under-developed
- Under-population
- Unknown area
- Unknown population
- Unpaid family worker
- Verification
- Verifier
- Vital revolution
- War
- Widowed
- Woman status
- Worker
- Years of schooling
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