Death ratio - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


an index used to compare the circumstances of death between areas called {"standardised death ratio"}発音を聞く 例文帳に追加

標準化死亡比という,地域間の死亡状況を比較するための指標 - EDR日英対訳辞書

(6) In case of the patent co-owner’s death or forfeiture without any legal successor, a share of such patent co-owner shall be assigned to the rest of the co-owners in an adequate ratio to their shares.例文帳に追加

(6) 特許共有者が法律上の権原承継人なしに死亡するか又は失権した場合は,その持分は,他の特許共有者にそれらの持分に相応する割合で移転される。 - 特許庁

To provide an alcoholic beverage having the flavor of a low-sugar beer and having high taste/flavor balance, while suppressing the death ratio of yeast in brewing and to provide a method for producing the beverage.例文帳に追加

醸造中の酵母の死滅率を抑制するとともに、味質・風味のバランスに優れた低糖質ビール風味アルコール飲料とその製造方法の提供。 - 特許庁

To provide a method for culturing tuna, which uses a fish preserve with a shape similar to the conventional one, reduces the death of juvenile fish in the growing stage, and increases the survival ratio to adult fish, and to provide the fish preserve therefor.例文帳に追加

従来と同様の形状の生け簀を用いて、稚魚が生育段階において死亡することを減らして成魚までの生存率を高くするマグロの養殖方法および養殖用生け簀を提供する。 - 特許庁

(4) In the case of a registered design co-owners or co-applicant’s death or forfeiture without any legal successor, a share of such design co-owner or co-applicant shall be assigned to the rest of the registered design co-owners or co-applicants in an adequate ratio to their shares.例文帳に追加

(4) 登録意匠共有者又は共同意匠出願人が法律上の権原承継人がないままに死亡し又は失権した場合は,その持分は,他の登録意匠共有者又は共同意匠出願人にそれぞれの持分の比率に応じて移転される。 - 特許庁


Asia’s working-age population rate that started declining Since the 1970s, Asian countries including Japan have been achieving sustainable growth benefited from “population bonus (the status that the ratio of working-age population increase exceeds the rate of total population expansion due to the fluctuation of population composition, birth rate and death rate)”.例文帳に追加

低下に転じるアジアの生産年齢人口比率我が国を含むアジア各国は1970年代以降「人口ボーナス」(人口構成、出生率、死亡率の変動に伴って労働力人口の増加率が人口増加率よりも高くなること)の恩恵を受け、持続的な経済成長を実現してきた。 - 経済産業省
