索引「T」53ページ目 - Weblio英和和英 (original) (raw)
| 英和和英約497万語収録の英和辞典・和英辞典 | | | -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- | |
Weblio英和和英辞典 のさくいん |
- 絞込み
- T
- TA
- TB
- TC
- TD
- TE
- TF
- TG
- TH
- TI
- TJ
- TK
- TL
- TM
- TN
- TO
- TP
- TQ
- TR
- TS
- TT
- TU
- TV
- TW
- TX
- TY
- TZ
- T(50音)
- T(タイ文字)
- T(数字)
- T(記号)
- temperament
- temperamental
- temperamentality
- temperamentally
- temperaments
- temperamentum
- temperamentのミススペル
- temperance
- Temperance
- temperance crusade
- temperance in eating
- Temperance in eating
- Temperance is the best physic.
- temperance movement
- Temperance movement
- temperans
- temperantia
- temperantior
- temperantissimus
- temperare
- temperate
- temperate bacteriophage
- temperate climate
- Temperate climate
- temperate deciduous forest
- Temperate deciduous forest
- temperate forest
- temperate forests
- temperate glacier
- temperate grass
- temperate grasses
- temperate grassland
- temperate lake
- temperate man
- temperate phage
- temperate phase
- temperate rain forest
- temperate rainforest
- Temperate rainforest
- temperate virus
- temperate zone
- Temperate Zone
- temperate zones
- temperately
- temperateness
- temperatio
- temperatior
- temperatissimus
- temperative
- temperativus
- temperator
- temperatura
- temperature
- Temperature
- TEMPerature
- temperature 3 frequency analysis result
- temperature acclimation
- temperature actuated switch
- temperature adaptation
- temperature adjusting~
- temperature adjustment
- temperature affected by surrounding
- temperature air combustion
- temperature alarm
- temperature allowance
- temperature amplitude
- temperature analysis
- temperature analysis method
- temperature and humidity
- Temperature and Humidity Controlled Test
- Temperature and humidity testing chambers,rooms
- temperature and liquid level monitor
- Temperature and speed alarms
- temperature anomaly
- temperature average
- temperature behaviour
- temperature blanket
- temperature boundary
- temperature breakdown power
- temperature calculation
- temperature change
- temperature change experiment
- temperature change method
- temperature changes
- temperature characteristic
- temperature characteristic improvement
- temperature characteristics
- temperature characteristics measurement
- temperature coefficient
- Temperature coefficient
- Temperature Coefficient
- temperature coefficient at zeroth order of the resistance
- temperature coefficient of capacitance
- temperature coefficient of loss factor
- temperature coefficient of permeability
- temperature coefficient of quality factor
- temperature coefficient of reactivity
- temperature coefficient of resistance
- temperature coefficients
- temperature combustion
- Temperature Comparator
- temperature compenation
- temperature compensated crystal oscillator
- Temperature Compensated Crystal Oscillator
- temperature compensated vaporizer
- temperature compensating
- temperature compensating device
- temperature compensation
- temperature compensation crystal oscillator
- temperature compensation gate bias circuit
- temperature compensator
- temperature condition
- temperature conductivity
- temperature conformer
- temperature constant operation
- temperature control
- Temperature control
- temperature control lever
- temperature control system
- temperature control valve
- temperature controlled air cleaner
- temperature controller
- Temperature Controller
- Temperature controllers
- Temperature Controllers
- temperature controls
- temperature conversion
- temperature cooling~
- temperature correction
- temperature cracking
- temperature curve
- temperature cycle
- temperature cycles
- temperature cycling test
- temperature data
- temperature departure
- temperature dependability
- temperature dependence
- temperature dependence characteristic
- temperature dependence measurement
- temperature dependence of electrical conductivity
- temperature dependencies
- temperature dependency
- temperature detecting element
- temperature detector
- temperature deviation
- temperature deviation alarm
- temperature diagnostics
- temperature difference
- Temperature difference
- temperature difference between supply and return fluid
- temperature difference energy
- temperature difference of approach point
- temperature difference of pinch point
- temperature differences
- temperature differential
- temperature differential type ice sensor
- temperature distribution
- Temperature distribution
- temperature distribution analysis
- temperature distribution change pattern
- temperature distribution control
- temperature distribution map
- temperature distribution measurement
- Temperature Distribution of a Work
- Temperature Distribution of All Works
- temperature distribution prediction
- temperature distributions
- temperature drift
- temperature drop
- temperature effect
- temperature effectiveness
- temperature effects
- temperature efficiency ratio
- temperature elevation
- temperature environment
- temperature environment control system
- temperature environments
- temperature error
- temperature estimation
- temperature evaluation
- temperature extreme
- temperature factor
- temperature factor of permeability
- temperature factors
- temperature fall
- temperature field in a human body
- temperature fields
- temperature fixed point device
- temperature fluctuation
- temperature fluctuations
- temperature formation
- temperature gage
- temperature gauge
- temperature gradient
- Temperature gradient
- temperature gradient mode
- temperature gradient zone melting
- temperature gradients
- temperature hardness
- temperature high
- temperature history
- temperature humidity index
- temperature humidity infrared radiometer
- temperature hysteresis
- temperature increase
- temperature increase characteristic
- temperature increment quantity
- temperature indicating and recording controller
- temperature indicating controller
- temperature indicating~
- temperature indicator
- temperature indicators
- Temperature indicators
- temperature information
- temperature inversion
- temperature is low
- temperature jump method
- temperature lapse rate
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