てつみょうばん - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



a chemical compound called halotrichite発音を聞く - EDR日英対訳辞書


For example, cyclohexanone can be obtained by reacting cyclohexene with air in a mixed solvent of acetonitrile and water in the presence of (NH_4)_6[Mo_7O_24] of an ammonium salt of an isopolyacid and iron alum. - 特許庁


The amounts of the ingredients per 1 kg of the bean curd refuse are 200 g of Sake lees, 67 g of table salt, 10 g of ginger skin, 2 g of simple red pepper, a small amount of iron component, a small amount of alum and a small amount of tangle extract. - 特許庁


Following this revision, the 'Japanese-style boat building technique of Tsugaru-kaikyo Strait and surrounding areas' (Aomori Prefecture), 'kazusa-bori (traditional Japanese drilling) technique' (Chiba Prefecture), and 'technique for producing yunohana natural bath salts at Beppu Myoban-onsen Hot Spring' (Oita Prefecture) were designated as the first folk techniques.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


In a method for solidification in which a solidification accelerator is mixed in the drainage containing boron, a solidification auxiliary being at least one compound selected from the group consisting of alkali metals, alkali earth metals or iron-containing compounds and alum is added. - 特許庁



For dissolving and treating asbestos in the asbestos-containing-scrap-material, the fibrous needle crystal of asbestos can be cut and dissolved by adding sodium hypochlorite (antiformin) as an oxidizing agent, a vegetable-skin-juice-liquid-composition containing natural-component-mineral-ions, ultrafine particle titanium dioxide and potash alum into a mixed acid of a vegetable organic acid and orthophosphoric acid. - 特許庁
