ベンチマークの結果 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


表 2 にベンチマークテストの結果を示す例文帳に追加

Table 2 shows the benchmark results.発音を聞く - 研究社 英和コンピューター用語辞典


The calculated benchmark cost is compared with the trade cost and its comparison result is output by a comparison result output part 10. - 特許庁


Generating the benchmark file includes generating an object having a binary-tree data structure, preventing further reference of the object, allowing arbitrary generation of the garbage collection, enhancing a load of the garbage collection through reproduction of repetition of the object, and reporting a result of a benchmark. - 特許庁


On a development side of a self library, the quality of storage contents of the self library is decided without depending on a benchmark circuit, and the storage contents are optimized according to a decision result thereof. - 特許庁


The WWW server 3 compares the actual result information of the medical institutions with that of other medical institutions by taking the data analysis based on the benchmark technique and provides the comparison result as a report to the medical institutions. - 特許庁


A trance output part 14 continuously and cyclically executes the bench mark program 11, and selects and executes the trace statements based on the instruction, and outputs the result as trace data. - 特許庁



The WWW server 3 performs comparisons with the result information on the other medical institutions by performing the bench mark analysis according to the analytic conditions, prepares problematic item information to be improved on the basis of the compared result and provides this information to the relevant requesting medical institutions. - 特許庁
