主要工業 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


資料: ジェトロホームページ、ジェトロ・バンコクセンター「タイ国工業団地調査報告書」、newsclip 社「タイの**主要工業団地と賃貸工場・倉庫」から作成。例文帳に追加

Source: Created from the Survey Report on the Industrial Estates in Thailand (JETRO Bangkok Center, JETRO's website) and the Major Industrial Estates in Thailand and Rental Factories and Storages , (Newsclip). - 経済産業省

さらに、主要工業製品の競争力を計るため、主要な機械類(HS84、85、87、90 に属する品目。以下、機械類という。)に絞って、詳細に2010 年*79 のタイの主要な輸出品目(HS コード6 桁ベースでの上位30品目)の輸出額及びRCA を示し、あわせて産業別・生産段階別の分類も記してみた(第2-3-4-3 表参照)。例文帳に追加

Furthermore, in addition to industry-wise/production phase-wise classification, this paper provides detailed export amount and RCA values for major export items of Thailand in 2010*79 with the purpose of measuring the competitiveness of major industrial products (the top 30 items based on the 6-digitHS code), focusing on major machinery (items in HS84, 85, 87, and 90, hereinafter referred to as "machinery") (Table 2-3-4-3). - 経済産業省


In addition, many industrial danchi are constructed near highways or major roads in order to make it possible to transport raw materials and products efficiently.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス


To provide a high molecular weight polyamide resin which contains pentamethylene diamine and an aliphatic dicarboxylic acid as main constitutive components, is produced industrially, and has little content of piperidine. - 特許庁

ここでは、HDD やピックアップトラックといったタイの主要工業輸出品をはじめとした輸出品目の構成とその変容を分析し、あわせて品目別にタイからの輸出の比較優位性を検討する。例文帳に追加

This section analyzes the composition and change of export items of Thailand, including major industrial export goods like HDDs and pickup trucks, and Thailand's comparative advantages of exports by items. - 経済産業省

発給件数は増加しており、5 月20 日までで、主要19 商工会議所の発給件数は2754 件であり、そのうち、鉱工業製品関係の件数は全体の65.2%となっている(日本商工会議所調べ)。例文帳に追加

"These certificates were provided as "written oaths of non-contamination." The number of such certificates issued increased, and by May 20, 19 major chambers of commerce and industry issued 2,754 certificates of which the industrial product-related certificates accounted for 65.2%of the total (based on the data from Japan Chamber of Commerce and Industry). - 経済産業省


Furthermore, the export profitability index for total average of manufacturing products has leveled off during the recent appreciation of the yen. It is found that major items show neither a substantial decline nor a substantial increase. - 経済産業省


また、主要先進国と比較すると、中国の工業製品のエネルギー消費原単位は25~60%、電力、鉄、非鉄金属、化学、繊維といったエネルギー多消費産業では40% 高いとの指摘もある。例文帳に追加

It is also pointed out that compared with major developed countries, specific energy consumption is high at 25% to 60% in manufacturing industries and 40% in energy-intensive industries such as electricity, iron, nonferrous metals, chemicals, and textiles in China. - 経済産業省
