個人攻撃をする - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



To make it difficult to specify a person at network auction to not only hardly allow attacks from third persons but also hardly allow persons to disturb a specific person in auction. - 特許庁


At a press conference after Osim signed a contract to be the national team coach, he said, "I'll make the most of the good points of the Japanese players. To be specific, they have precise movements, aggressiveness and high individual skills."発音を聞く - 浜島書店 Catch a Wave

一般に度を越した議論と言われるもの、つまり、侮辱や皮肉、個人 攻撃、およびその同類のものに関しては、双方に等しくこういう武器の禁止が提案されていれば、この武器への弾劾はもっと同意されるに値するでしょう。例文帳に追加

With regard to what is commonly meant by intemperate discussion, namely invective, sarcasm, personality, and the like, the denunciation of these weapons would deserve more sympathy if it were ever proposed to interdict them equally to both sides;発音を聞く - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


To prevent the barrage attacks to password character strings in such a manner that a side which randomly prepares data transmitted as a password among computers and performs authentication, performs enciphering the data with the public key of a side to be authenticated in the case of performing personal authentication by utilizing a computer network. - 特許庁


To solve the problem that a popularity value is simply added, a case which does not conform to the latest reliable data occurs, and personal attack and a group operation for intentionally making the popularity value of a specific member higher or lower can not be prevented even when they are caused in the conventional technology. - 特許庁


局長又は聴聞官の面前で又は程近くにおいて,これらの下での手続を妨害若しくは中断させる等の違反行為を犯した者は,局長又は聴聞官により侮辱罪の裁定を即決で受け,2,000 ペソ以下の罰金若しくは10 日以下の拘留又はその双方に処する。このような違反行為には,局長又は聴聞官に対する無礼,他人に対する侮辱的な個人 攻撃,又は証人として宣誓若しくは応答すること又は合法的に要求される場合に宣誓供述書若しくは証言録取書に署名することの拒否が含まれる。例文帳に追加

A person guilty of misbehavior in the presence of or so near the Director or Hearing Officer as to obstruct or interrupt the proceedings before him, including disrespect toward the Director or Hearing Officer, offensive personalities toward others, or refusal to be sworn to or answer as a witness, or to subscribe to an affidavit or deposition when lawfully required to do so, may be summarily adjudged in contempt by the Director or Hearing Officer and punished by fine not exceeding Two Thousand Pesos (P 2,000.00) or imprisonment not exceeding ten days, or both. - 特許庁
