危虞 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
The travel in the lane 103 is maintained without any risk by avoiding any contact with other vehicle or the like, and the risk of inducing the driver in a comfortable snoozing state is reduced. - 特許庁
To provide a net having abnormality sensing function, capable of surely sensing abnormal situations which have occurred at a certain place where the abnormal situation may occur, even if the place has a large area, is installable in a hazardous place or in places which cannot be seen and additionally advantageous in terms of cost. - 特許庁
To perform an opening/closing operation of a valve by easily rotating a handle installed at a high place by a work by a small number of persons on a floor surface without installing a scaffold, etc. requiring time and labor for installation, dismantling and removal, making an operation inconvenience and having a possibility of involving danger. - 特許庁
第三十五条の二 内閣総理大臣は、事件が公益事業に関するものであるため、又はその規模が大きいため若しくは特別の性質の事業に関するものであるために、争議行為により当該業務が停止されるときは国民経済の運行を著しく阻害し、又は国民の日常生活を著しく危くする虞があると認める事件について、その虞が現実に存するときに限り、緊急調整の決定をすることができる。例文帳に追加
Article 35-2 (1) The Prime Minister, where he finds that, because the case is related to public welfare undertaking, or is of a large scope or is related to work of a special nature, suspension of the operation thereof arising from an act of dispute would gravely imperil the operation of the national economy or the daily lives of the people, may decide on emergency adjustment, but only when such a risk actually exists.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム
該当する場合は,特に如何なる遅延も権利所有者に回復不能な害を生じる虞がある場合,又は証拠が廃棄される明白な危険性がある場合は,裁判所は,出願人が次のものを提出していることを条件として,暫定措置を命じることができる: (a) 出願人が権利所有者であること及び出願人の権利が侵害されつつあること又は当該侵害が切迫していることを裁判所に十分に納得させる合理的に入手可能な証拠,及び (b) 被告を保護し,かつ,濫用を防止するために要求された担保又は同等の保証。この要求された担保は,裁判所の判決に基づかなければならない。例文帳に追加
Where appropriate, in particular where any delay is likely to cause irreparable harm to the right holder or where there is a demonstrable risk of evidence being destroyed, the Court may order provisional measures provided that the applicant has furnished: a. any reasonably available evidence satisfying the Court with a sufficient degree that the applicant is the right holder and that the applicant’s rights are being infringed or that such infringement is imminent, and b. the required security or equivalent assurance sufficient to protect the defendant and to prevent abuse. This required security should be under the determination of the court.発音を聞く - 特許庁
侵害の場合に適用される民事救済に加え,所有者は,暫定措置に関する条件について,裁判所に次のことを請求することができる。 (a) 所有者が損害賠償又は侵害による利得の引渡に係る自己の請求の後日の実現を危うくする虞がある事情を証明する場合に,司法執行法の規定に従って予防措置を命じること (b) (a)に従って予防措置を命じる目的で,侵害者に,その銀行,財務又は商業関係の書類を伝達又は提示させること (c) 所有者が,商標侵害の停止を要求する代わりに,申し立てられている侵害行為の侵害者による継続に同意する場合は,保証金の供託を命じること例文帳に追加
In addition to civil remedies applicable in the case of infringement, the holder may request the court, on conditions relating to provisional measures, to: (a) order precautionary measures in accordance with the provisions of the Act on Judicial Execution, if he demonstrates circumstances likely to endanger the later satisfaction of his claim for damages or for the surrender of the gains obtained by infringement; (b) compel the infringer to communicate or present his banking, financial or commercial documents with a view to ordering the precautionary measures in accordance with point (a); (c) order the lodging of security, if in place of demanding discontinuance of the trademark infringement, the holder consents to the continuation, by the infringer, of the allegedly infringing activity. - 特許庁