収縮蛋白 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
Cleaning with a solution containing no ion shrinks the membrane and varies the membrane structure, thus the membrane facilitates exfoliation of adsorbed and accumulated protein to recover the deteriorated membrane performance. - 特許庁
及び得られた繊維布帛のJIS L1092に規定する抗菌性評価試験方法による静菌活性値が2.2以上であり、かつJIS L0217に規定する家庭洗濯における収縮率が1.5%以下である上記の獣毛蛋白質系繊維の防縮抗菌防臭加工方法。例文帳に追加
The obtained fiber fabric has ≥2.2 bacteriostatic activity value measured by a method for evaluating and testing antibacterial properties regulated by JIS L1092, and ≤1.5% shrinkage at home laundry regulated by JIS L0217. - 特許庁
A method for the treatment of heart failure is provided through the use of small peptide complexes and recombinant proteins which function to enhance contractility in failing heart and reduce blood pressure in individuals with hypertension by inhibiting the interaction between phospholamban with sarcoplasmic reticulum Ca^2+ ATP-ase (SERCA2a) within cardiomyocytes. - 特許庁
本発明は、高血圧、高血糖、又は、高脂血症を予防/治療する朝鮮人参の花の抽出物を開示し、これは朝鮮人参の花の組織培養生成物(Ginseng Flower Tissue Culture、GPTC)で、長白山産の野生朝鮮人参の花のつぼみから得られ、多種類のジンセノサイドを有し、インスリン放出の促進、血管平滑筋収縮の増強、及び、リポ蛋白リパーゼ活性の増加により高血圧、高血糖、又は、高脂血症を予防/治療する。例文帳に追加
This invention discloses an extract of a flower of Panax ginseng preventing/treating hypertension, hyperglycemia or hyperlipemia, which is a Ginseng Flower Tissue Culture (GPTC) product, is obtained from a flower bud of wild Panax ginseng produced at Changbaishan, has a wide variety of ginsenosides, and prevents/treats hypertension, hyperglycemia or hyperlipemia by virtue of insulin-release promotion, vascular smooth muscle contraction augmentation and lipoprotein lipase activity increase. - 特許庁