大枠 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


原告の主張を真正面から受け止め、90 年に及ぶハンセン病政策の歴史的事実の**大枠を見事に掴み取った判決といえよう。例文帳に追加

This is the court decision that took seriously the plaintiff's case head-on, and admirably grasped the framework of the historical facts on the policy on Hansen's disease during 90 years. - 厚生労働省


A detail preparing part 120 detects a description part about each item of the outline calculation data 24, from the employment rule text data 21, extracts a calculation condition and a calculation method therefor, based on a condition part master 23, builds a calculation expression combined therewith into the outline calculation data 24, and a payroll calculation expression data 25 is thereby prepared to be output to the external storage device 1. - 特許庁


A first subsystem 20 displays specification data on past design business stored in a master database 10, refers to the displayed specification data to decide rough design specifications of new design business, and creates a component list about the decided rough design specifications to generate a design process flow. - 特許庁

彼は言った, 「細部について議論をする前に, まず計画の**大枠について決めておくべきだと思います. 『木を見て森を見ず』ということわざを忘れないようにしましょう.」例文帳に追加

We should decide on the overall plan before discussing the details," he said.Don't forget the proverb about not seeing the wood for the trees."発音を聞く - 研究社 新和英中辞典


I have a question regarding the issue of secondary losses of housing loan companies commonly referred to as “jusen.” Under the Liberal Democratic Party’s rule, the rough guide was to split the burden in half between the public sector and the private sector. What is the policy under the current administration?発音を聞く - 金融庁


A cylindrical resin member for mainly configuring the feed horn 10A comprises division members: an inner resin member 11a placed at an inner circumferential face side of the resin member and an outer resin member 11b placed at an outer circumferential face side. - 特許庁


To provide a business support system, a business support apparatus, a business support method and a business support program that can support a decision on rough specifications and a decision on detailed specifications separately for business. - 特許庁


分析対象とした8協定は、**大枠は共有されるも、発効時期および締約国の組み合わせ、締約国が既に有していたFTA の規定内容等により内容に相違がある。例文帳に追加

The eight agreements covered in this analysis share a common framework, but differ in substance, depending on when they entered into force, the contracting countries, the substance of the provisions already existing in the FTAs/EPAs between the contracting countries, etc. - 経済産業省
