契約上の義務 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



In addition, the tribunal understood that the “umbrellaclause subjects disputes regarding the performance of contractual obligations to the protection provided in the BIT. - 経済産業省

一次サプライヤー(Tier 1)は、報告事業者との間で**契約上の義務を負い、GHG インベントリ・データを要求する有効な手段となる。例文帳に追加

Tier 1 suppliers have contractual obligations with the reporting company, providing the leverage needed to request GHG inventory data.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


16.6. The right to obtain a patent for an invention or industrial design or certificate for a utility model, which has been created in the course of execution of the official duties or contractual obligations, shall belong to the employer unless otherwise provided in the contract. - 特許庁


The right to apply for the registration and ownership of an industrial design created in the performance of duties of employment or contractual obligations is vested in the employer or the customer, unless the duties of employment or the contract prescribe otherwise.発音を聞く - 特許庁


Where there is a wide gap between the parties to a contract in terms of information or expertise, the superior party is obliged by the principle of good faith and mutual trust (Paragraph 2, Article 1 of the Civil Code) to provide the other party with information on the important matters material to the conclusion of the contract ("juyo-joko")(hereinafter called "Important Matters") during the process of conclusion.発音を聞く - 経済産業省


Though society is not founded on a contract, and though no good purpose is answered by inventing a contract in order to deduce social obligations from it, every one who receives the protection of society owes a return for the benefit, and the fact of living in society renders it indispensable that each should be bound to observe a certain line of conduct towards the rest.発音を聞く - John Stuart Mill『自由について』


If an invention is created in the performance of contractual obligations or duties of employment, the right to apply for the registration of a utility model and to become the owner of the utility model is vested in the author or another person pursuant to the contract or employment contract unless otherwise prescribed by the legislation of the country of the residence or seat of the applicant.発音を聞く - 特許庁



Judicial precedents finding liability for damages mostly concern cases where transactions were made in financial products or a long time has passed between the conclusion of the contract and the plaintiff's claim for damages. Judicial precedents in (ii) above are cases which ruled that a party had the right to terminate a contract, all concerning real estate transaction. These judicial precedents holds that a supplementary duty exists associated with the conclusion of a sales contract; which obligates the potential Vendor to inform the potential buyer of Important Matters, such as information about the surrounding environment, and as this is important information in deciding whether to conclude the sales contract, the buyer may terminate the sales contract where the Vendor has failed to perform his duty. In many cases where a buyer cannot use information property because no information about its operating environment was provided at the time the contract was concluded, the buyer may terminate the contract and demand a refund of the purchase price.発音を聞く - 経済産業省
