常温茶 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
Since it is a dried product, it is possible to preserve it at room temperature, but it turns brown during summer, so it is desirable to preserve it in the refrigerator after spring.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス
This ultrafine ground tea is obtained by gradually grinding the secondarily or later plucked tea leaves with a dry method at a normal temperature so as to successively become small to grind to have 1-30 μm maximum particle diameter. - 特許庁
The obtained aqueous suspension is allowed to stand for 20 min at room temperature, filtered to remove unnecessary solids and added with sugar to adjust bitterness to be easily taken, and is provided as a liquid tea. - 特許庁
This extraction method for extracting amygdalin (vitamin B17) as an active component of a kernel as a plum fruit and an active component such as lyoniresinol as one kind of antioxidant, contained in the husk of seeds of the plum fruit comprises crushing the whole plum fruit, seeds and husk. - 特許庁
This method for preserving the green tea beverage packed in a transparent container comprises irradiating green tea beverage colored light or white light which contains wavelength component of 495-505 nm at an irradiance of ≥2 μW/mL in cold preservation and ≥15 μW/mL in a heating condition of ≥50°C at an integrated value of radiant flux of 495-505 nm. - 特許庁