幣害 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
To move fault paper money inside a paper money housing container from a fault generation position to a prescribed position and to take the paper money out of a machine. - 特許庁
This can accurately prevent the risk of incurring the problems such as the jamming of the paper notes or troubles in a paper note identifying part 4 by the forcible insertion of the paper notes. - 特許庁
To transfer a bill from a bill validator to a bill transfer device, even when an obstacle is present between the bill validator and a bill introduction portion. - 特許庁
Accordingly, the device 100 for assisting transfer of bill is configured to be disposed horizontally reversely, and even when the obstacle such as a column exists between the bill validator and the bill introduction portion, the device 100 is allowed to be disposed away from the obstacle, and the bill is transferred from the bill validator to the bill transfer device away from the obstacle. - 特許庁
To provide a money handling device that prevents miscalculation. - 特許庁
To provide a paper money processor which prevents paper money stored in a stacker from projecting in a paper money carrying path and blocking the processing of the next carried paper money as much as possible and also prevents the paper money in the stacker from falling as much as possible when paper money collected. - 特許庁
To provide a money processor allowing an operator to accurately perform return operation when extracting imperfect takeout money that is money just taken-out at the time of failure occurrence and returnin it to a money storage box after failure occurs when taking out the money. - 特許庁