有頭骨 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)
the wrist bone between the trapezium and the capitate bones発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
nonvenomous tan and brown king snake with an arrow-shaped occipital spot発音を聞く - 日本語WordNet
Thereby, since separating operation is performed with the rotating drum 2 readily passing the forehead bone 13 having the maximum size in the residues, the forehead bone 13 which is conventionally difficult to separate can easily be separated. - 特許庁
The threaded portion 200 has an outer surface 208 having a plurality of threads 210 for engaging a hole formed in the patient's skull. - 特許庁
To provide an apparatus for removing a pig mandible, in the process of pig skull dissection, with which even those who do not have skilled technique can easily conduct the operation of removing a mandible, the operating efficiency is increased dramatically and the possibility of contaminating foreign matter is low. - 特許庁
A structural object having palate feeling peculiar to cartilage is obtained by subjecting the whole skeletal system of shark composed of axial skeleton (cranial bones and vertebra) and appendicular skeleton (e.g. skeleton of fin) each consisting of cartilage to softening treatment followed by leaving as it is or subjecting to crushing treatment. - 特許庁
A bidirectivity microphone element 3a is configured to have a front directive sensing region 5f and a rear directive sensing region 5r at the outside of a skull 1 wherein the directivity sensitivity characteristic in a direction of an earphone 4 and an external auditory meatus is lower than that in other directions. - 特許庁