機仕掛用機械 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)


人が近づくと神楽が鳴り出して機械 仕掛けの獅子舞がはじまり、硬貨を投入しておみくじ(みくじ)の種類(英文、和英対訳、子供など6種類)を選ぶと、神楽に合わせて獅子が舞いながら御籤を届ける仕掛けが人気となっている。例文帳に追加

When you come near to the karakuri mikuji, kagura (the sacred music performed at shrines) and a mechanical Japanese lion dance automatically begin, and when you put coins into a box and select a fortune-telling slip from among the six kinds (including that in English, that in both Japanese and English, and that for a child), the mechanical lion brings you the slip, performing the Japanese lion dance in accord with kagura --- these comical devices have become popular.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス

人が近づくと神楽が鳴り出し機械 仕掛けの獅子舞がはじまり、硬貨を投入して御籤(みくじ)の種類(英文、和英対訳、子どもなど六種類)を選ぶと、神楽に合わせて獅子が舞いながら御籤を届ける仕掛けが人気となっている。例文帳に追加

When the popular machine is approached, kagura music plays and a mechanical lion begins dancing, and if a coin is inserted and the type of fortune-telling slip (six varieties including English, Japanese and English, children's, etc.) selected, the lion will dance to the kagura music while dispensing the fortune-telling slip.発音を聞く - Wikipedia日英京都関連文書対訳コーパス



To provide tea such as fresh green tea, nutrition powdered beverage and potable water at a low cost, since a machine using an existing production line and for manufacturing a powder mounted cap having mounted a special mechanism is not required to prepare the production line. - 特許庁
