段階的に作用する - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



To provide a two-stage filter using multiple motion models, for use in a global positioning system, which requires no update of equations and less calculation load for determining a dynamical quantity. - 特許庁


Spring pressure of the internal and external coil springs can be set up in stepped stages by making their relative natural lengths change, or the internal and external coil springs can be applicable to large load by making their relative natural lengths equal. - 特許庁

肥満または障害を改善するのに有効であるが、MTP阻害剤の投与に付随する作用を低減するのに十分な程度少ない初回量のMTP阻害剤を対象に投与するステップを含み、少なくとも1回段階 に漸増させた投薬量のMTP阻害剤を場合により投与し、かつ、続いて、体重維持/管理または再教育段階を場合により実施する。例文帳に追加

The method includes a step for administering to the subject an initial amount of an MTP inhibitor effective to ameliorate the obesity or disorder and low enough to reduce side effects associated with the administration of the MTP inhibitor, optionally, administering the MTP inhibitor at least one time with a stepwise escalating dosage and subsequently, performing body weight maintenance/management or a retraining step. - 特許庁

信号入力手段は、屈折率可変物質5に作用 する信号強度の実効値を連続に変化させることが可能で、これにより光出力強度を多段階に変化させることができ、中間調の出力が可能となる。例文帳に追加

The signal input means can continuously vary the effective value of signal intensity operating on the refractive index variable substance 5, and consequently the light output intensity can be varied in steps, so that halftones can be outputted. - 特許庁


The method for producing the glycoside comprises subjecting a maltose phosphorylase to an alcoholic hydroxy-containing compound and a saccharide donor in the presence of phosphoric acid to reversibly form β-glucose-1-phosphate at the 1st step followed by irreversibly α-anomer-selectively forming the objective α-glucoside. - 特許庁

この圧電能動装置の使用方法は、圧電素子(18)に接続されている電気回路に電力を供給するために、圧電能動装置(50)上に規則な機械 作用を付与して、圧電能動装置(50)を自由に共振させる段階を含む。例文帳に追加

The use of the piezoactive device includes, for supplying power to an electric circuit connected to the piezoelectric element (18), the step of exerting on the piezoactive device (50) punctual mechanical action and then allowing the piezoactive device (50) to resonate freely. - 特許庁

ニードルに閉弁方向の燃料圧力を作用させる2つの制御室を1つの制御弁で制御する構成において、制御弁の弁体を中間位置に安定して保持し、ニードルのリフトを段階 にかつ安定して制御する。例文帳に追加

To stably hold a valve element of a control valve at an intermediate position to gradually and stably control the lift of a needle, in a constitution for controlling, by one control valve, two control chambers where fuel pressure in a direction closing the valve acts on the needle. - 特許庁



To provide a cigarette stub recovering and decomposing device constituted so as to decompose cigarette stubs using microorganisms and/or enzyme and utilizable as an air cleaner by providing the deodorizing action of an offensive smell generated in a decomposition stage. - 特許庁
