町村役場 - Weblio 英和・和英辞典 (original) (raw)



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町村役場 <町村>


該当件数 : 15

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該当件数 : 15


第三十四条の二 国又は都道府県、指定都市等若しくは事務処理市町村、都道府県、指定都市等若しくは事務処理市町村がその組織に加わつている一部事務組合、広域連合、全部事務組合、役場事務組合若しくは港務局若しくは都道府県、指定都市等若しくは事務処理市町村が設置団体である地方開発事業団(以下「都道府県等」という。)が行う都市計画区域若しくは準都市計画区域内における開発行為(第二十九条第一項各号に掲げる開発行為を除く。)又は都市計画区域及び準都市計画区域外の区域内における開発行為(同条第二項の政令で定める規模未満の開発行為及び同項各号に掲げる開発行為を除く。)については、当該国の機関又は都道府県等と都道府県知事との協議が成立することをもつて、開発許可があつたものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 34-2 (1) With respect to development activities executed by the State or prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities; partial affairs associations, wide area local public bodies, total affairs associations, office affairs associations in which prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities participate, or port authorities; or local development corporations for which prefectures, designated cities, etc. or administrative processing municipalities are establishing bodies (hereinafter referred to as "Prefectures, etc.") within city planning areas or quasi city planning areas (excluding development activities listed in respective items of Article 29 paragraph (1)) or within areas outside city planning areas or quasi city planning areas (excluding development activities whose scale is smaller than that specified by Cabinet Order under paragraph (2) of said Article and development activities listed in respective items of said paragraph), the development permission shall be deemed to have been granted when the consultation between the relevant State agencies or the Prefectures, etc. and prefectural governors is effected.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


第百八十九条 経済産業局長は、第二十一条第一項(第三十六条第二項、第四十五条第三項又は第五十条第三項において準用する場合を含む。)、第五十二条、第五十五条、第八十三条第一項若しくは第百八十四条の規定による処分の通知、第二十五条第一項、第四十条第二項、第四十七条第三項(第六十四条の二第二項又は第六十六条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)、第五十七条第一項、第九十一条第二項、第百一条第二項若しくは第百六条第三項の規定による通知、第三十七条第一項、第三十八条第一項、第三十九条第一項、第四十八条第一項、第四十九条第一項、第百八十二条若しくは第百八十三条の規定による命令又は第四十七条第五項(第六十四条の二第二項又は第六十六条第五項において準用する場合を含む。)若しくは第九十四条第二項の規定による決定書の謄本の交付をする場合において、相手方が知れないとき、又はその所在が不分明なときは、鉱業出願人、鉱業権者若しくは抵当権者にあつては願書若しくは鉱業原簿に記載された住所の所在地の、土地の所有者にあつては採掘出願地の所在地の市役所、**町村役場又はこれに準ずるものの掲示場に、その通知若しくは命令又は決定書の謄本の内容を掲示するとともに、その掲示をした旨及びその要旨を官報に掲載しなければならない。この場合においては、掲示を始めた日又は官報に掲載した日のいずれか遅い日から十四日を経過した日に、その通知若しくは命令又は決定書の謄本は、相手方に到達したものとみなす。例文帳に追加

Article 189 When the Director of Regional Bureau of Economy, Trade and Industry notifies a disposition pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 21 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) or Article 36, paragraph (3) of Article 45 or paragraph (3) of Article 50), Article 52, Article 55, paragraph (1) of Article 83 or Article 184, gives a notice pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 25, paragraph (2) of Article 40, paragraph (3) of Article 47 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) of Article 64-ii or paragraph (5) of Article 66), paragraph (1) of Article 57, paragraph (2) of Article 91, paragraph (2) of Article 101 or paragraph (3) of Article 106, gives an order pursuant to the provision of paragraph (1) of Article 37, paragraph (1) of Article 38, paragraph (1) of Article 39, paragraph (1) of Article 48, paragraph (1) of Article 49, Article 182 or Article 183, or delivers transcripts of the written decision pursuant to the provision of paragraph (5) of Article 47 (including the case where it applies mutatis mutandis to paragraph (2) of Article 64-ii or paragraph (5) of Article 66) or paragraph (2) of Article 94, he/she shall post the description of such notice, such order and the transcripts of such written decision at the posting area of the offices of municipality or any facility equivalent to the above in the location of the address mentioned in the written application or mining registry in the case of mining applicant, holder of mining right or mortgagee or at the posting area of the offices of municipality or any facility equivalent to the above in the location of the digging application area in the case of land owner, if the other party or the location thereof is unknown, and publish such posting and the gist thereof in an official gazette. In this case, such notice, such order and the transcripts of such written decision shall be deemed to have reached the other party on the day 14 days after the day of commencement of posting or the day of publication in an official gazette, whichever is later.発音を聞く - 日本法令外国語訳データベースシステム


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